6/28/2009 10:08:24 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
6/28/2009 10:17:42 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
Have to get my laughs  in here quick.....cause

6/28/2009 10:19:46 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
Water and Wine
To my friend who enjoys a glass of wine.. .. And those who don't.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom ,
In beer there is freedom ,
In water there is bacteria.
In a number of carefully controlled trials ,
Scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day ,
At the end of the year we would have absorbed more than
1 kilo of Escherichia coli ,
(E. Coli) - bacteria found in feces.
In other words , we are consuming
1 kilo of poop.
However , we do NOT run that risk when
Drinking wine & beer (or tequila , rum , whisky or other liquor) ,
Because alcohol has to go through a purification
Process of boiling , filtering and/or fermenting.
Water = Poop , Wine = Health .
Therefore , it's better to drink wine and talk stupid ,
Than to drink water and be full of shit.
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information:
I'm doing it as a public service.
6/28/2009 10:24:33 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I am thinking I am really wanting it to be Monday...this day is even weirder than usual!
6/28/2009 10:38:02 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
are you really sure you want it to be monday

6/28/2009 10:38:56 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
6/28/2009 10:48:19 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
this is just such a strange day...
6/28/2009 10:49:31 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69

6/28/2009 10:50:52 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
but yes...it is a lot of giggles....
6/28/2009 10:52:40 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
just keep an eye on susie...its about to get stranger
6/28/2009 11:15:45 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
as long as she has fun that is all that matters!
6/28/2009 11:16:05 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
6/28/2009 11:23:18 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
just saw the cutest cartoon....guy walks into house...mr destruction personafied..bumps and stumbles into everything..crash boom bang...tells his wife he just got a job with a demolition company...she asks ...in the office...he says no in the field...next shot is of finding a life insurance company...some commercials are just to darn cute...
several weeks ago they had julia louis dreyfus as spokes person for healthy choice..her commercial was so gross I made a decision to never buy that product again.....
so yes we can be influenced by what we see or dont want to see
6/28/2009 11:30:49 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I have seen that one...it is cute..and heavens I know people like that!
6/28/2009 11:33:54 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
6/28/2009 11:36:16 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
sus...are you bored????
6/28/2009 11:36:27 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
now susie you are just happy because you finally got recognition...admit it..go ahead, fess up.
6/28/2009 11:38:35 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
No, I am not bored.. just doing what I am best noticed for ...
6/28/2009 11:43:56 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
lol...guess I gotta cuss then...lol
6/28/2009 11:57:16 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63

All this for that poor ole man....
6/28/2009 12:18:38 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
Dancing Queen

or a

6/28/2009 3:57:31 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
I see a new picture has finally been posted with her in her new pink dancing out fit
donkey donkey donkey, what can I say. You really didnt pay attention did you. This isnt a picture of me, its a picture of a dancing queen and a stump...duh...get it now??? if not then leave me a note elsewhere and Ill try to explain again. Maybe you are just overcome with heat and cant think straight. Hope you feel better soon.
6/28/2009 4:14:53 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
Everyone must have taken an afternoon nap. It has been very quiet...       
6/28/2009 5:01:41 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
got a question for you...been thinking about his all day....if we were witches then wouldnt we have powers? If we did then we could conjur up all sorts of maladays right? Then wouldnt that be enough to scare the crap out of people? so if they think we are really witches then why do they try to mean, notice I said try, to us. Wouldnt they be afraid we could crash their harddrive or even worse, make them have to use dial up all over again.
6/28/2009 5:04:19 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
You would think, but they just aren't very creative. We need to feel some compassion for their limited imagination. 
6/28/2009 7:36:39 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I missed most of the afternoon giggles on here, but I do have to say I have laughed and laughed since I came back tonight. I am not sure if I am laughing at things being as much funny as being totally so pathetic they are funny. I think it is the latter actually.
So far I have discovered there are actually people who don't want people to offer prayers for someone facing a serious health situation, nope not funny..yes pathetic! Then I see where now we have a devil afoot here, and apparently it is believed..funny, nope...pathetic yes...
and I haven't even read all the threads, if I can stop laughing I will read the rest and add to this is it is worth it...but I really have enjoyed the laughs...thanks
6/28/2009 7:43:30 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
then sing a song with me...we can dance all nite long ...a little side step if you will
6/28/2009 7:57:10 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
and a one, and a two...shuffle slide shuffle....
might be more interesting that the chatter here..I don't know how but it seems to get dimber and dumber! I didn't think it could!
7/5/2009 7:31:34 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
It is Sunday again, what are your plans for the afternoon?
7/5/2009 8:28:12 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
have some drawers to rearrange and get straight...and that really is about it..oh water a few plants...how about anyone else...
and I hope we can get together at some point and launch our best ever plan!
7/5/2009 9:50:37 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
I am disposing a pile of pine needles and branches. One trip to the creek and on the way back bringing back some gravel for a project. This way I will get both things done. I'll keep you updated.
7/5/2009 9:58:19 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
when I was in NC I was surprized to see that man people used pine needles as a ground cover...I didn't get how it worked as it is m understanding that ticks love pines....
and do keep me updated as I will you ..wow...one set of drawers are done...next step is to put the drawer ser on freecycle..lol
[Edited 7/5/2009 9:59:31 AM PST]
7/5/2009 2:48:54 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
I am going back outside soon. I have been watching golf and it is almost over.
7/5/2009 2:52:40 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
I am going to watch the cd I have...or maybe I will find something good on tv....so maybe will catch you all later...TTFN
7/5/2009 2:54:09 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
I'm sure we will be here.
7/5/2009 5:36:13 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Tioga, PA
age: 68
I went to my gr-gr-son's birtday party today---3 yrs. old and such a cutie.......came home and was out the door before you could count to 5.......did about 2 and a half hours of yard work.....yukkkkkkk....... 
my 13 yr. old gr-daughter was taking all kinds of pics of me using many props...I told her the only pics I ever take that turn out good are when I'm only half dressed-----we'll see----lmbo-----ya gotta love these kids------fal 
7/19/2009 8:42:14 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
yoooo hooooo its sunday...got a good laugh 
7/21/2009 7:36:35 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
I can't post on this one, because it is Tuessday and not Sunday.
7/21/2009 7:41:36 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
How fo you know????? Maybe by the Myan Calander it is Sunday......and hey.....your retired......it can be any day you want it to be.  
7/21/2009 7:55:19 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66

7/21/2009 7:58:41 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66

See as I am retired..I will just act like it is Sunday Afternoon..   
7/22/2009 4:40:00 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
hey do we have one for Wednesday??? Can't find one!
7/22/2009 6:40:45 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
We just have to pretend every day is Sunday..

7/25/2009 8:52:20 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
in 3 minutes it will be sunday..does that count?
7/25/2009 8:56:18 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
7/25/2009 8:57:02 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66

7/25/2009 8:58:40 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66

7/25/2009 8:59:23 PM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
for the OP

7/26/2009 7:16:03 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62

and for the OP

7/26/2009 7:21:32 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
Sunday Comments  
[Edited 7/26/2009 7:23:07 AM PST]
7/26/2009 7:27:03 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62
oh yeah for you you ask for gentle rain, here, you give us torrential rain, yikes
7/26/2009 7:27:06 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
Sunday or any other day...

7/26/2009 7:28:19 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
oh yeah for you you ask for gentle rain, here, you give us torrential rain, yikes
BUT BUT BUT With those 2 who notices??? LOLL
7/26/2009 7:28:59 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Chattanooga, TN
age: 66
This is expected at my house today.

7/26/2009 10:03:53 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Seymour, TN
age: 62

7/27/2009 4:20:28 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
8/2/2009 5:37:05 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
This is the thread of the day. It is Sunday and there are things to laugh about.             
8/2/2009 5:39:46 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |


Bath, PA
age: 69
2 inches of rain in one day is not funny to the one experiencing it.....grrrrrrrrr......but if you insist I will laugh in spite of it......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
8/2/2009 5:44:51 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Wheeling, WV
age: 63
good for you... that much rain is not necessary. It is raining here today and moving northeast. That means it is coming to your house.
8/2/2009 5:53:46 AM |
Laughs for a Sunday afternoon |

Mohawk, NY
age: 66
the second full moon thread is gone too...first laugh for this Sunday