7/3/2009 5:37:06 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
MARY, is home, thank you Lord, we still lave a lot of praying to do folks ,he will listen
from Mary...........
Hi Judy,
I finally made it home today. I'm pretty pooped, so I'm only gonna send a few e-mails out and try to read some threads then I'm going to lay down for awhile. My daughter is here with me and is going to stay with me for awhile. It's really been a rough few weeks.
I love you guys.
7/3/2009 5:43:35 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Isn't that wonderful news......  
7/3/2009 5:43:49 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Naperville, IL
age: 68
 Glad Mary is home ... hope to hear more from her.
Mary, take good care of yourself and enjoy being taken care of.
7/3/2009 5:46:36 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


San Simon, AZ
age: 68
7/3/2009 5:49:45 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

El Dorado, AR
age: 67
7/3/2009 5:50:44 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
Thank you, Lord for this favor.
Mary,we love you and miss you.
7/3/2009 5:51:27 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Newtown Square, PA
age: 65
Good to here that she's home. Hopefully she'll get to make up for the sleep she didn't get in the hospital and continue to get better. 
7/3/2009 5:55:27 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Lancaster, PA
age: 69
This is good news.... ......& heres is another.. ..for the power of prayer.....continued improvement, shoe lady.....
7/3/2009 6:00:53 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
There is no place like your own bed to rest and find comfort. Glad you will enjoy home and daughter. May God continue to bless your health each day and my prayers are with you. 
7/3/2009 6:03:00 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Oak Harbor, WA
age: 64
So glad you are home. 
7/3/2009 6:06:23 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Barre, VT
age: 65
Mary very happy that your home and will be able to rest comfortably in your own
bed. May god continue to shine on you and complete your recovery. I'll keep you
in my prayers.
7/3/2009 6:14:10 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
HI,, no need to worry about notes to me-- conserve your energy for something
else,, like eating and recovering more.GB...**grin**
7/3/2009 7:08:22 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
I am so thankful that you have finaaly made it home Mary. You will be in good hands
with your daughter. Get plenty of rest and I hope we can see you checking in occasionally . HUGS
7/4/2009 5:44:42 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 59
Here are some flowers to cheer you on your homecoming, very happy to hear your are home and on the road to recovery.

Spicecomments.com - Flowers Comments
7/4/2009 5:47:30 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Good morning Mary - Prayers are still being sent to you.....
7/4/2009 1:06:30 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Knoxville, TN
age: 62

Welcome Home Mary.. Rest & take care of yourself. I`m sure you`re so glad to be home. 
7/4/2009 1:09:42 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Festus, MO
age: 62
7/4/2009 8:17:06 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Wauseon, OH
age: 67
 Love you, Mary, Rest, recuperate and let others help as much as possible, it "makes them Feel Better"...Healing prayers still going out for you..... 
7/4/2009 9:21:30 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Oak Ridge, TN
age: 62
OH Mary, so glad you are home.  Conserve your energy. Don't write....just read. WE love you  
7/4/2009 11:10:35 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67

7/5/2009 12:26:49 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


San Antonio, TX
age: 65
Glad to hear your home Mary....
..also glad your daughter is near...
....get your rest and listen to the Dr...
.......and things are going to be better in no time...
..........We sure have miss you and especially being one of the dominant warriors...
..............Hang in there girl..
..................A wounded soldier will come back fighting...
7/5/2009 2:09:30 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
I know you are happy to be home. .. Relax kiddo and enjoy building your strengh back up..
7/5/2009 4:21:13 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
I talked to Mary yesterday afternoon - She is at home and very glad to be home. Her Daughter is with her and will stay there with her mother. I also talked with Mary's daughter....Mary and I had a very open and honest conversation and she has asked that I post for her in the thread. This is the hardest post I have ever had to make here. She said she read the two threads that Sassy started for her and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. She is also asking that you keep saying those prayers.
The diagnoses is not good. She has adenoid carcinoma with "unknown origin" and as of now, it is untreatable. They said she is in stage 4 and probably has 3-6 months. But she said "I'll prove them wrong. I'll whip this yet".
I am asking that we please keep this thread going for Mary - she is showing her daughter how to get onto DH and will keep us informed about Mary if Mary is not feeling up to it.
Prayers are very powerful so please keep praying for Mary............

[Edited 7/5/2009 4:22:10 AM PST]
7/5/2009 4:33:14 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
OH Dear Lord.. I wasnt expecting this ..not just yet anyway..I'd had thought it may come later..
Vicky Thanks luv..
7/5/2009 4:45:14 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Newtown Square, PA
age: 65
Keep up the fight Mary.
7/5/2009 4:57:55 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
My heart is crying Mary. You have become such a dear friend to me. I know you are strong and I admire you so much for your strenght. Keep up the fight and remember that God hears our prayers. I love you my friend.
7/5/2009 5:23:19 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
I talked to Mary yesterday afternoon - She is at home and very glad to be home. Her Daughter is with her and will stay there with her mother. I also talked with Mary's daughter....Mary and I had a very open and honest conversation and she has asked that I post for her in the thread. This is the hardest post I have ever had to make here. She said she read the two threads that Sassy started for her and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. She is also asking that you keep saying those prayers.
The diagnoses is not good. She has adenoid carcinoma with "unknown origin" and as of now, it is untreatable. They said she is in stage 4 and probably has 3-6 months. But she said "I'll prove them wrong. I'll whip this yet".
I am asking that we please keep this thread going for Mary - she is showing her daughter how to get onto DH and will keep us informed about Mary if Mary is not feeling up to it.
Prayers are very powerful so please keep praying for Mary............
back to the top
Keep Mary in your prayers please .....OK mary - hope you feel well enough to come in and read these two threads - 
7/5/2009 6:22:51 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Please continue to send out prayers for this wonderful friend that we have all come to love, Mary, we all love you.
My prayers are with the family also.So thankful your daughter is there with you,

My Lord, the source of life and all healing, look upon me as I pray for your healing touch of one dear to me, my friend, MARY. Guide scientists and medical professionals to continue working to find cures this disease .
If what I ask is not in accordance with Your will, I pray that You will remain with Mary and those that love her through the difficult days ahead, guiding us and comforting us with Your strength and courage. Amen.
7/5/2009 6:41:25 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 59
May the good Lord guide you through this Mary, along with your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily.

Spicecomments.com - Messages Comments
7/5/2009 6:57:59 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Wauseon, OH
age: 67
Thank you for the update, Vicki, and thank you, Mary for allowing us to know.....Everything is in God's hands----Will not stop the prayers and the positive wishes...Thanking God now for a sweet daughter that is showing her love for her mother in this way.
7/5/2009 7:03:12 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
mary, I still believe in miracles as only God can give, we must never lose hope....

7/5/2009 8:06:27 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62

7/5/2009 9:38:21 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


San Antonio, TX
age: 65
Miracles do happen and Mary you are worthy of one....
........So hang in there and don't let yourself get defeated...
7/5/2009 12:23:10 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Oak Harbor, WA
age: 64
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

7/5/2009 2:21:57 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62

[Edited 7/5/2009 2:22:46 PM PST]
7/5/2009 2:38:22 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Mary - a special song for you - Love you
7/5/2009 3:15:49 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
So everyone sees this
I talked to Mary yesterday afternoon - She is at home and very glad to be home. Her Daughter is with her and will stay there with her mother. I also talked with Mary's daughter....Mary and I had a very open and honest conversation and she has asked that I post for her in the thread. This is the hardest post I have ever had to make here. She said she read the two threads that Sassy started for her and wants to thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes. She is also asking that you keep saying those prayers.
The diagnoses is not good. She has adenoid carcinoma with "unknown origin" and as of now, it is untreatable. They said she is in stage 4 and probably has 3-6 months. But she said "I'll prove them wrong. I'll whip this yet".
I am asking that we please keep this thread going for Mary - she is showing her daughter how to get onto DH and will keep us informed about Mary if Mary is not feeling up to it.
Prayers are very powerful so please keep praying for Mary............
7/5/2009 9:19:20 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Oak Ridge, TN
age: 62
God bless, Mary. Be strong and savor. I love you. Hugs  
7/6/2009 4:57:03 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Good morning and hope you have a good day today - love u my friend.
7/6/2009 5:16:37 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Mary, I wishI could give you strengh, I can and do have you in my precious thoughts a lot.. *hug* ..Yesterday I saw a friend I had wondered where she disapeard to- she had gone for major surgery , and didnt tell anyone but family..Yes a lot of cancer was removed from her small frame.. As she said , everyone should have the first thought of the day in prayer.
7/6/2009 7:53:11 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Lancaster, PA
age: 69
Continued prayers..... 
7/6/2009 8:06:57 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Fairfield, IL
age: 61
I love you Mary. Prayers remain with you. I don't post here much right now but you remain in my heart and prayers.
7/6/2009 8:10:13 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Crestview, FL
age: 61
Mary, I don't know you, but my thoughts and prayers are with you. My husband had this same diagnosis (folks, it's a rare type of cancer). They gave him 6 months. You keep that good attitude because he lived for 5 years after that. If you need someone to talk to when you feel up to it, you can write me at any time.
7/6/2009 8:46:02 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
Welcome, Glo. to the sixties.
I am so sorry for your loss. Hope the grief has lifted some. Grieving is the most alone thing we will ever do, but we are not lonely when there are friends waiting to hold us up if we need it.
How long ago did your husband die and was it long enough for there to have been discovered more things to do to control it?
7/6/2009 9:07:16 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Crestview, FL
age: 61
Thank you for the welcome Texasbelle.
It's been 6 years since he passed to answer your question. I don't want to go into details as I feel this is a thread to give support and comfort to Mary. I had to respond to let her know that there is someone that does know what she is going through.
7/6/2009 10:45:40 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Newtown Square, PA
age: 65
Hopefully Mary is feeling a little better today and continues to improve.
Glo, nice of you to be willing to share your experiences. Sorry that you lost your husband but your experience will certainly be useful I believe.
7/6/2009 1:02:22 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
mary. you are always in my thoughts and prayers.. I love you girl...
7/6/2009 4:04:40 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
"Mary, I have prayed to God to make this trial easy for you and I will continue to pray. May the faith and the love and the concern I have seen in this thread envelop you with comfort and joy. Take care my friend.................Love JW"

7/6/2009 5:20:59 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
your in my thoughts and prayers and heart....luv u my friend.
7/7/2009 4:09:51 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Good morning Mary - prayers are coming your way

7/7/2009 4:18:10 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Lancaster, PA
age: 69
continued prayers for you.........  
7/7/2009 5:47:49 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
Good morning Mary. I hope your daughter is reading this for you today. I am praying that today will be a better day for you and you will be free of sickness and pain. I miss you so much and wish we could talk and plan the parties we used to plan on here. Or perhaps that road trip we used to talk about that would be so much fun. Take care of yourself today and may the day bring you Peace.

7/7/2009 8:53:41 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
Just wanted to explain to Mary that the above card posted by me was done for JWP, who is Mary's friend and used to be a member here. I'm not always that dense, sometimes I'm denser. Anyway the card is from JWP, not me.
[Edited 7/7/2009 8:54:17 AM PST]
7/7/2009 9:33:16 AM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Mary has a new cell number ,no home line,vicki you may have Rhonda's number ,hers is still the same, I called her daughter's cell, last night but Mary was sleeping,, She was sick most of yesterday and throwing up her food and meds,so her daughter said.. She had a drs. appointment early this morning and I had planned on calling later to day. please everyone keep the prayers coming ,let's don't give up hope...Miracles still happens..
Dear Lord,
You know my friend,Mary,so much better than I do. You know her sickness and the burden she carries. You also know her heart. Lord, I ask you to be with Mary now, working in her life. Let your will be done in my friend's life. Lord, I pray for my friend because your Word says I should pray for her healing. I believe you hear this earnest prayer from my heart and that it is powerful because of your promise. I have faith in you to heal Mary, but I also trust in the plan you have for her life. Lord, I don't always understand your ways, and why my friend has to suffer, but I trust you. I ask that you look with mercy and grace toward my friend. Nourish her spirit and soul in this time of suffering and comfort her with your presence. Let my friend know you are there with her through this difficulty. this I pray in Jesus' name .
7/7/2009 12:51:19 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Newlady sent this email to me and said when she read it her first thought was of you Mary - I totally agree and am posting this for Newlady
Quilt of Holes
As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls.
Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles;
an angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life.
But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in every day life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.
I glanced around me. Nobody else had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened.
My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.
Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose; each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me, and nodded for me to rise.
My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the earthly fortunes. I had love in my life, and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness, and wealth, and false accusations that took from me my world, as I knew it. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life. I had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me.
And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.
I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light.
An awe-filled gasp filled the air.. I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes.
Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me. Light flooded the many holes, creating an image, the face of Christ. Then our Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, 'Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles.
Each point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you.'
May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to shine through!
God determines who walks into your life ...it's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.'
I need this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you......When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need.
Take 60 seconds and give this a shot! All you do is simply say the following small prayer for the person who sent you this.
Father, bless all my friends in whatever it is that you know they may need this day! And may their lives be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you. Amen.
7/7/2009 2:42:09 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
Mary I lift you up in prayer that God will give you strength to go through these difficult days, He will give you comfort, keep you free from pain. I wish I could be there, hold your hand, not feeling the need to say anything profound, unless God lays something specific on my heart. Peace be with you my friend.
7/7/2009 4:10:22 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Dear Lord ,hear our prayers......
7/7/2009 4:21:14 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Haughton, LA
age: 62

7/7/2009 4:38:33 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Please remember the family in your thoughts and prayers, they are going through a rough time and my heart goes out to them along with my prayer for them to find comfort and peace. such a hard thing to go through, Mary , we all love you.. may God bless and bring you comfort from the pain.
7/7/2009 4:51:27 PM |
woohoo.Mary's Home |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
Mary talks about her children all the time and she is so proud of each one of them. Also her grandchildren. to Mary's family, you have had the blessing of having a wonderful and loving mother. May you be comforted by Gods peace at this time.
[Edited 7/7/2009 4:51:58 PM PST]