7/7/2009 5:00:33 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


San Simon, AZ
age: 68
Thought it might hide my toothless grin.

Scary EH?
[Edited 7/7/2009 5:01:51 PM PST]
7/7/2009 5:09:08 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Who the hell can tell..
7/7/2009 5:14:16 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Newtown Square, PA
age: 65
People will start calling you "Macho, Macho Man"  
7/7/2009 5:14:22 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Naperville, IL
age: 68
I did not know there were grizzlies in the desert. 
Great disguise! Still want to see the eyes.
7/7/2009 5:18:51 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
well, i don't think it will fool anyone, when are going to post one that we can see the eyes??? and don't just post eyes. We want to see your face, beard, eyes and all, yep even the toothless grin
nevermind kick, found one of ol tumble.

[Edited 7/7/2009 5:25:18 PM PST]
7/7/2009 5:27:02 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


San Simon, AZ
age: 68
Ok: I'll try to find a better picture taker. That fella today didn't know any more than I did.
Stupid camera/phone!
7/7/2009 5:28:21 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
On no--- we want to see the top of your head..down to your ears, and bright (?) eyes
twinkling in that suntanned face,, with the the thick eyebrows too .. .
It doesnt hurt to want , only hurts if we don't get !!
7/7/2009 5:33:13 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |
Bedford, IN
age: 67
Looking good. The beard makes you my man....
7/7/2009 5:37:22 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Whoops .!!!!! Steve get your A back here and amend this thing..lol
7/7/2009 6:40:11 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
Kick, I love a well groomed beard and you best stay in hiding. Your handsome looks will have all the women fighting over you worse than Mona and Cactus.    
7/7/2009 6:56:53 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


San Simon, AZ
age: 68
Ya'All ask for it. I just didn't want to scare everyone.

[Edited 7/7/2009 6:57:17 PM PST]
7/7/2009 7:09:29 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Haughton, LA
age: 62
Love the new pics Kick - looking GOOD......
7/7/2009 7:21:17 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

El Dorado, AR
age: 67
You are a fine looking cowboy feller. Are we all going to start fighting now, or wait until he finishes the stories. Jean
7/7/2009 7:22:56 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
**chuckles** and there in the background is th infamous red truck too..
7/7/2009 7:27:41 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Hey now gang,,just a cotton pickin minute here.. What about his top not?? Bald,, Hair,, Lets see ?? *smile*  
7/7/2009 7:34:19 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Nicholasville, KY
age: 59
Now why did you tell me you were waiting to post a photo? You don't look bad at all. An honest, hard working man looks good on you. So does the beard. Not scary at all.
7/7/2009 7:35:20 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
Kick,regarding your new look.........  
7/7/2009 7:36:25 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
I like the beard. 
7/7/2009 8:17:13 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Westfield, WI
age: 60
Like the beard. And the eyes look like they have been looking into the sun a lot of miles.
7/7/2009 9:13:59 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
I must say ,kick, that new photo is nice, and you look very handsome, I do like beards anyway. also I like this one much better than the one I posted of you.
7/8/2009 12:05:57 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kent, WA
age: 59
I love facial hair on men, although this may be a bit too much.

7/8/2009 4:41:13 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
But some need combing..
7/8/2009 5:11:26 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Wauseon, OH
age: 67
Kick-----Love the beard-----Love the laughing eyes-------
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back off girls!!!!Back, Back I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOLOLOL------Watch out for the stampede, KICK!!!!!!!!!  
7/8/2009 11:54:17 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Martinsville, VA
age: 63
Ya'All ask for it. I just didn't want to scare everyone.

Great pic.... 
7/8/2009 11:56:38 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Gilford, NH
age: 62
Not scary at all  
7/8/2009 12:44:15 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Naperville, IL
age: 68
Great picture! Like the beard and mustache ... love the cowboy hat ... and definitely like the eyes ... do I see a twinkle?
Do you see he got all but one request for profile pictures?  
7/8/2009 12:56:30 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Tucson, AZ
age: 78
Wow, sexy man. I sure like the beard.
Now if I could get him to be a few years older, or me a bit younger.

Oh well. I can dream 
7/8/2009 7:44:42 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
Ya'All ask for it. I just didn't want to scare everyone.

Anyone see a resemblance between the two,or is it just me.......
7/8/2009 7:47:04 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Gilford, NH
age: 62
Wow......I sure see the resemblance 
7/8/2009 7:50:25 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Beaverton, OR
age: 63
Bear ... that's an incredible resemblance!
Side ... all I can say about the beard is ... that's really hot! Love it! 
7/8/2009 7:54:53 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Medicine Hat, AB
age: 59
And that other fellow holding the star award would be????????who????????
Don't know why you are hiding out in the desert Kick, you look downright human, just like the rest of us. 
7/8/2009 7:57:22 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
And that other fellow holding the star award would be????????who????????
Don't know why you are hiding out in the desert Kick, you look downright human, just like the rest of us. 
Why,none other than John Huston,Film Director.......
7/8/2009 8:29:14 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Bangor, PA
age: 63
Finally, the face behind those wonderful words. Great beard and a great face.  Never go into hiding again, please.
7/9/2009 2:46:46 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
**smiles** no comment ..
7/9/2009 3:28:34 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
Knew I had seen him before...Never forget a face and I was thinking it was a movie! Okay...now you have done it Kick! Our famous good looking director that enjoys a great story and bringing it alive.    
7/9/2009 5:36:35 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Naperville, IL
age: 68
GentleBear has an amazing eye for photos and pictures ... good observance, Gentle.
Now, one more picture, Kick! We want a picture of you walking away from the camera .. but tuck that shirt in when you do. And be sure you have your Sunday go to meeting jeans on.  From your shameless hussy friend. 
[Edited 7/9/2009 5:37:01 AM PST]
7/9/2009 11:27:28 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Nicholasville, KY
age: 59
Okay,Gentlebear, showed us the pictures. There is a remarkable likeness. Now Side_Kick, are you hiding something from us? Hum? You are one mysterious guy.
7/9/2009 12:59:48 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
It appears he is hiding again..
7/9/2009 4:12:33 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
It appears he is hiding again.. 
I hope he's not pulling a Howard Hughes.......Disappearing from public,only to be seen sporadically here and there...... ... ...I'm anxiously awaiting another great story..... ...
7/9/2009 4:26:31 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Florence, SC
age: 58
cowboy   Nice picture!!!!
7/9/2009 6:06:08 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
I can see the likeness between Tumble and john huston
this is ole tumble

this is John

Good eye ,Bear....
[Edited 7/9/2009 6:07:40 PM PST]
7/9/2009 6:20:18 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Wooster, OH
age: 59
Sassy,maybe John Huston did'nt die after all,Hmmmmmm......... 
7/9/2009 6:24:55 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
well I think he was a lot older than tumble but must have been related ..
7/9/2009 6:41:38 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
ALRIGHT !! BACK OFF , you predatory females, while I read this man the riot act. CACTUS IS BACK, and BOY AM I STEAMED.
Here I been roamin' all through that danged sandy desert lookin' fer you, just everywhere and you claiming you "just missed me". What a crock. On top of that, I wound up in a part of Texas I ain't never seen before, being browbeat by that sweet-talkin' TB. She ain't near what you think she is.
I been thinkin' what a nice man that Kick person is, now he's done let the cat plumb out of the bag. Let it slip that HE'S my Tumble sweetie and that he's growed a beard. Big whoop !! Growin' a beard ain't no big deal, just a whole bunch of laziness or runnin' out of razors. You ain't foolin' me no more, Mr. Sidekick/Tumbleweed in disguise. That dog won't hunt, atall. I ain't forgot all the trouble you caused me, and I'm a keepin' all them sexy women things you had stashed in your trailer. What is all that, anyhow? I never took you for a pervert, but Darrell-the-crop-duster always did say there was somethin' strange about you. If anybody can recognize strange, it's gotta be Darrell-the-crop-duster.
Git yer runnin' shoes on, or fire up that big truck. I'm leavin' Texas tonight !!just as oon as I kin ketch a truck headed that way. There's hay haulers here, too you know. Ain't no use callin' that lyin', mealy mouthed TB neither. She's gone off somewhere and i'm sneakin' out while she's gone. I'll be expectin' an answer to all this.
Ps. I really do like the beard, honey.
[Edited 7/9/2009 6:49:44 PM PST]
7/9/2009 7:01:08 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


San Simon, AZ
age: 68

[Edited 7/9/2009 7:01:47 PM PST]
7/9/2009 7:12:49 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
You ain't gittin' around me with that stupid coyote, neither. I got the coyotes trained here and they ain't half as stupid as that one. If he's so hungry why don't he stop sending money to that mail order catalog and just, for Pete's sake, BUY some food. He can sure get better than vienna sausages and soda crackers with all that money.
Dang, honey, that beard is so cute, I might forgive you in a month or two.
7/9/2009 7:14:12 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
hot damn, she is madder than an old wet hen.. better watch out kick, she's a coming after ye..   .. I wonder when she gets her hands on him if there will be much left of the old tumble we used to know..
7/9/2009 7:17:20 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Naperville, IL
age: 68
When I stop laughing, I will sympathize with Tumble but I can't stop laughing.
7/9/2009 7:18:20 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
Pssst. Don't tell Tumble, but I wouldn't hurt him none. 'Specially now that he has that super sexy beard.
Y'all, I gotta go pack before TB gets back home. And I gotta go get some tequila before I ketch that truck driver. It's real lucky I live right close to the highway they use a going to El Paso.
[Edited 7/9/2009 7:20:07 PM PST]
7/9/2009 7:23:25 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Gilford, NH
age: 62

7/9/2009 7:30:31 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
Well if that don't tear the rag plumb offen the bush !! I cain't find my extension cord. Oh, yeah. Them mean women took it away from me. Guess I'll have to sweet talk that truck driver into stopping off so I can get another one. Gotta have my hairdryer, you know.
[Edited 7/9/2009 7:31:17 PM PST]
7/9/2009 7:31:28 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Beaverton, OR
age: 63
7/9/2009 7:31:55 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Greeley, CO
age: 62
Be careful with that tequila Cactus. You know what they say about that stuff.
7/9/2009 7:35:49 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Wooster, OH
age: 59

7/9/2009 7:38:27 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Gilford, NH
age: 62

7/9/2009 7:55:53 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Goldsboro, NC
age: 72
Cos Cactus reminds me of a Prickly pear..
But daym Mr T does look kinda cute..
7/10/2009 6:18:08 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |

Wauseon, OH
age: 67
OMG----ROFLMBO-----This has to be funnier than ANTHING we could watch on T.V.......
You may as well hang it up, Kick.....Me thinks you have met your match in the old Cactus Girl.......     
7/10/2009 7:43:28 AM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Kingston, TN
age: 67
Cactus , wanted me to post this because she couldn't get to the laptop that she borrowed from TB to send it.................
I'm finally on the road, y'all, desert bound. Just wish I didn't have to go thorugh El Paso to git there.
I said before that I always wanted to be a biker chick, and for a few months, I was one, even if it did have three wheels. Yeeeeehawww, ride 'em cowboy.
That ol' dude really was a cowboy. But it was so long ago, and so far away he ain't even able to tell a cow from a cow chip no more. Poor ol' soul. He has a whole lot more git up than go left in him. By the time he gits up, he's too tired to go.
I'll try to keep y'all posted as I go along, but if you want to help me, you'll keep that Tumble from sneakin' out in the middle of the night to hide out again. Y'all wouldn't believe the promises that man made. My Grammaw always said, Cactie,baby, (that's what she always called me) you cain't live on promises. I told her promises was what kept us from just givin' up on life, too much fun thinking about. See, Granny was a whole lot like me, rest her soul, and she was plumb full of advice she was more than willing to share. Sometimes she made her point with a clout to the head, but it mostly was good advice.
She was my mamma's mamma and poor mama prayed every day of her life that I wouldn't turn out like grammaw. I guess God needed some excitement, 'cause here I am. See, Mama wanted me to be like that proper, mealy mouthed, lying, overbearing TB.
I'm gonna tell you fellas here who might be wantin' to hook up with that woman, don't even think it. You'd be crazier than a sidewinder and just as mean after a month with her. I bet you didn't know she starches the piller cases. You ever sleep on a starched piller case? I think that's why the woman has so many lines on her face. That starch is rough stuff. Let me tell you the worst thing, though. She undresses and dresses, (get ready fellas) IN THE CLOSET !! I never believed God made anything to be ashamed of.
DANG !! we just nearly wiped out a deer. Stupid things. Speaking of which, sometime I'll tell you about the stupid Yankee woman who roped a deer. They ain't smart but they sure are fractious.
I think this driver is asleep. He ain't said a word in about forty miles. I've had to carry on the conversation all by myself. Fortunately, I've had a real excitin' life and I kin do that right well. He gets a funny look every now and then, so I know he's hearin' me. I heard once about somethin' called, sintillatin' conversation. I reckon that's why mine leaves him speechless.
Tumble, you mangy, cheatin, dog you. You better not be gone when I git to yer trailer. Tell my rattle snake I sure do appreciate what he done there. You didn't have to be afraid of him, though. He was after Mona, not you. He was helpin' you. But remember, dude, he's helpin' ME now. He's plumb loyal, that rattler, unlike some human rattlers I know.
It's gonna be a long night. That's the last thing the driver said, and I reckon he knows what he's talkin' about. He just asked me ain't I tired and don't I need a nap. It don't seem like he's just trying to lure me into that sleeper. I think he really is wantin' me to rest. BTW, T, you better clean out that sleeper of yours. That's the first thing I'm gonna look at. Wait, you don't have a sleeper, do you. Well just be sure there ain't NOTHIN' of that Mona's in that truck.
bye, y'all.
[Edited 7/10/2009 7:43:53 AM PST]
7/10/2009 12:56:50 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |
Fredonia, TX
age: 73
Be careful with that tequila Cactus. You know what they say about that stuff
Yeah, I know what they say, but I never NEEDED the old worm juice, people who are just wound too blamed tight use tequila as an excuse to do what they want to do and ain't got the courge for.
that stuff is plumb wonderful for sunburn. Inside and outside. If the outside don't work, the inside makes you too happy to care. Now, that is wonderful stuff in my mind. How do you think I keep my lovely complection, runnin around the desert so much ? TEQUILA. Soothes the skin and prevents wrinkles 'cause it's hard to frown when you got some tequila. Remember that's one of Catus's Beauty Hints.
Ol' Mona abuses the stuff and look where she landed. She'd a done better with some guts instead.
And that prissy TB don't even want that precious liquid in her house. She's too scared she'd be tempted and do something human for a change. Ain't that a shame?
[Edited 7/10/2009 12:58:58 PM PST]
7/10/2009 1:49:55 PM |
Ah Oh!! "Ole Tumbleweed" growed a beard. |


Gulfport, MS
age: 64
Well hello Catus...sounds if our Kick is in trouble with you. Just hope you do not let Mona catch up with you. Are you really headed to AZ? Give Kick a hug for all of us on DH.  