Marble Falls, TX
age: 58
Did anyone watch the republican Q&A session Saturday night? it was interesting.I felt they allowed too many stupid questions be asked , by some total morons. a few good & pertinent questions by sincere people.All I really want to know is which one is going to:1. allow the MILITARY to put an end to the iraq war,with whatever it takes to WIN it.
2.GET RID of the IRS. replace it with the flat tax .those working for the irs could be transfered to the homeland security dept.the field agents could be used to pick fruits and vegt.
3.Put up the fence and enough border patrol to patrol it effectivly.
4.Put in a system to cut the red tape and efficiently process the applications of those entering legally.AND THEN search out the illegals and send them home,except those with american born children.they should be dealt with by offering them citizenship after an immeadiate background check And learning to communicate in english.
5.Gun ownership should be be up to each state voted on only by the people of each state
6.abortion should be between the two people involved in creating the problem,and possibly one educated family judge.the government should run the gov.not peoples lives.
7.foriegn policy should be (medical,food,and humanitarian needs only)  UNLESS there is an imeadiate threat to our Country and way of life)in those cases we should respond in force wih force. 
8.Our military should be built up and equipt to handle any problem anywhere in the world.to include humanitarian missions and assisting to quell brutal Govts.
9.DO something about OIL companies raking us over the coals all we really have to do is uncap the wells we have capped all over this country .
I don't expect that any of this to happen from either side but we can dream!!!

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
It amazes me what people can sometimes come up with. About 12 years ago I had the opportunity to attend a Q&A session with an organization I belong to that is suppose to be made up of well informed men. For the most part it is but just like anthing else there are exceptions. Anyway, the local member of the House of Representatives was our guest at the Q&A. Some questions were good ones. The next thing that happens is this guy starts complaining about the way his neighbor is raking leaves. The next guy who was a government employee (worked for HUD) told the congressman that HUD should be disestablished and in a tone that made him appear like a total idiot. Anyone with half a brain knows your local congresman is not the person take a neighbohood leaf raking issue to. As far as the HUD thing, this congressman, a liberal Democrat, dressed the HUD basher down, and that ended the Q&A session. As a conservative I do not support this congressman's politics but at the same time I can't say that I blame him for reacting as he did. He clearly prevailed during this Q&A session simply because he rose above ingnorance.


Marble Falls, TX
age: 58
You are exactly right it is amazing the stupid and ignorant stuff people ask that has little or absolutly nothing to do with the performance of a Presidential job.remember the question asked of slick willie about his underwear!