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12/3/2007 7:15:42 PM |
What makes it all worthwhile for you? |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Being a single parent is tough! I've been the single parent to five children for the past 7 years and trust me, I've had my moments where a sound proof round padded room and a straight jacket seems the most logical choice. But then there are other moments where everything that I've been through, and will go through are just so totally worth it!
Tonight, my youngest son and I were alone in the livingroom snuggled together under a blanket just watching the lights blink on the Christmas tree in the darkened livingroom. He said to me, "I'm so glad you didn't stop having babies after (he named his sister who is closest in age to him) because then you wouldn't be my Mama!"
Awwww.... that just made it all worth while for me!!
What makes it worthwhile for you?
12/4/2007 7:17:38 AM |
What makes it all worthwhile for you? |

Montgomery, IL
age: 51
how can i answer u, i am 51 wwith kids at home 10,14,15 and oldest 29 on his own, and i am always with my kids which is my life, but 3 at one time like i am dealin with now, oh lord if i knew i was gonna be ssingle for life n hell from kids /stress/ worries and now men afraid to accept kids not their. oh lord in heaven. spare me the load, i mean its no peaceful moment for long.the 15 yr old kid had adhd and his mouth runs too much and his ways in talkin to me. if i hurt him bad enough he won't have words comin out his mouth, but i 'll be in jail and called an unfitted mother, why at this age has life went wrong, i love kids, men are so afraid it leaves me as a helpless, worthless, nobody. i had cried many times over my issues and want so much to find love. i want a husband, home, love, just remember ya're not alone.  
12/4/2007 8:41:12 AM |
What makes it all worthwhile for you? |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
You're so right it's the hardest job there is. At times I wonder if I'm a good mom or not. Then there will be those times when my daughter just says the sweetest things to me out of the blue and then I know it's worth every minute of it. I send a salute out to all the single parents here. 
12/4/2007 6:11:18 PM |
What makes it all worthwhile for you? |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Aren't you children old enough to be left alone at home once in a while so that you can do something by yourself? It sounds like you need to do something just for you once in a while. If there is a reason that they cannot be left home alone, and you don't have anyone to stay with them, then find something for yourself there at the house. When my children were too young to be left home alone, I took a minimum of a 1/2 hour long bubble bath, complete w/ candles and soft music almost every Friday night. It was my "sanity." You have to do something that is just for you. Email me anytime if you want to talk.
12/8/2007 4:28:34 PM |
What makes it all worthwhile for you? |

York, SC
age: 30
I have 3 boys, 13, 4, and 5 months. It can be really hard. My oldest has ADD and my 4 yr old is ADHD and they believe he is bipolar. But I wouldn't trade them or their personalities for anything. Each smile and I love you makes it all worth while. My kids tell me every day that they love me, as I do them. Watching them grow, mature, and become a little more independant is very special. Seeing their eyes glow with joy, and there is nothing like a child's laugh. They grow up so fast, sometimes I wish there were more hours in the day to spend with them.It is hard doing it alone, being both mother and father all the time, but the Lord pulls me through each and every day with a smile on my face. I am blessed, and appreciate what I do have.