8/22/2009 1:17:50 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Gents ~ Define Southern Belle ~
Ladies ~ Define Southern Gentlemen ~
**In my best Southern accent**
In another thread I saw a few comments about looking for the Southern opposite sex a Southern Belle shouldn’t say “sex” out loud, so I’ll whisper it. 
I’m curious how ya’ll would define these fine folks of this great South. To some it’s all in perspective.
Please don’t take to bashing one another, we'll have none of that, ya hear, but use this as help for the opposite ….. gender.
I’ll get back to my sweet tea and see what rolls around in these here post.
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8/22/2009 2:02:04 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Clover, SC
age: 57
Hi Sheza..I've always thought that a southern gent is just special from other men I had dated. Alot of it is the respect taught to them as youngsters by their Mothers. If you find a man who treats you and loves you like he does his mother..grab him Yes Ma'am and No Sir are spoken without even thinking about. They still open doors and put an arm on your back to guide you. And I'm a sucker for a deep southern drawl
8/22/2009 3:42:05 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Del, thanks for breaking the ice. If you saw him from across the room, what would distinguish him from others?
8/23/2009 5:32:16 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
Gents ~ Define Southern Belle ~
Many southerners are SO provincial that they act like racists refusing to tolerate others!
8/23/2009 6:49:56 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
JMO but I like a man to show me the respect that I deserve. Hence...opening doors, pulling out chairs, helping me on with my coat, lighting my cig.. I've met men from both the north and south that do these things but then there are those from both areas that don't do anything. Go figure. 
Hi Sheeza. 
8/23/2009 7:57:31 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
I like a man to show me the respect that I deserve ... lighting my cig..
Older women that smoke are at high risk for all sorts of disease. Smoking is far more common in the south ......
8/23/2009 8:46:09 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
Older women that smoke are at high risk for all sorts of disease. Smoking is far more common in the south ......
Is that all you got out of my prior post? I'm from the north. I wouldn't criticize your lifestyle so please be respectful of mine. 
[Edited 8/23/2009 8:47:16 AM ]
8/23/2009 10:57:09 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Clover, SC
age: 57
Del, thanks for breaking the ice. If you saw him from across the room, what would distinguish him from others?
Maybe that sunkissed glow we southeners have year round. Ofcourse the voice if I could hear him. His relaxed stance
8/23/2009 11:17:21 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Zengardens ~ this thread is to define the Southern Gentlemen or Lady in a “POSITIVE” manner. When people refer to wishing to date one of the above mentioned and leave it at that, it leaves a lot to the imagination. I thought it would be helpful to each gender to have some clarification.
I would like to bring to your attention to say a southerner is provincial, racist and intolerant is not my idea of “POSITIVE”. I ask that you comment on the positive aspects of the topic.
8/23/2009 11:29:48 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Joisey and Del ……. I think we have a good start on the idea of the Southern Gent but no guys have comments on the Southern Belle yet.
Del you hit on something. One aspect I view in a SG is that he is relaxed, that is because he is comfortable with himself, his value and worth, he doesn’t need the approval of others to define him as a person.
He isn’t argumentative because he’s firm on his beliefs, even so he can remain open and respectful of others opinions. When he disagrees (and he will) he is able to do so without resorting to childish behavior.
Just a few of my idea’s of a Southern Gentleman. 
8/23/2009 12:54:26 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Clover, SC
age: 57
Joisey and Del ……. I think we have a good start on the idea of the Southern Gent but no guys have comments on the Southern Belle yet.
Del you hit on something. One aspect I view in a SG is that he is relaxed, that is because he is comfortable with himself, his value and worth, he doesn’t need the approval of others to define him as a person.
He isn’t argumentative because he’s firm on his beliefs, even so he can remain open and respectful of others opinions. When he disagrees (and he will) he is able to do so without resorting to childish behavior.
Just a few of my idea’s of a Southern Gentleman. 
Sheza that's the big difference their relaxed attitude. All the those thangs you said above..Talk to me with a deep drawl and with respect...it's like catnip to a Cat 
8/23/2009 5:52:21 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Bryant, FL
age: 59
Del you hit on something. One aspect I view in a SG is that he is relaxed, that is because he is comfortable with himself, his value and worth, he doesn’t need the approval of others to define him as a person.
He isn’t argumentative because he’s firm on his beliefs, even so he can remain open and respectful of others opinions. When he disagrees (and he will) he is able to do so without resorting to childish behavior.
Just a few of my idea’s of a Southern Gentleman
..good advice for us northren boys too.. PS thanks for your imput on my threads.. I'm adding friends to my profile.. if you feel moved to send a req.. I didn't see any on your profile and held back, you may want to keep your page simple.. that's ok.. I just add 'em to follow their threads..
8/23/2009 6:35:05 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Badcatch ~ thanks for your comments. In all honesty I’m actually a native Texan and live in SC to be closer to my grandchildren. But I’ve lived in GA, AL at other times in my life, I lived in SC the time span between the first time and now was about 30 years. I don’t really have a true southern accent and I’ve lost some of my Texan accent because I’ve not lived there in a long time. So I’m a cross between them all.
I created the thread so that it might be clearer to the opposite sex what the other is looking for when they coin the terms “Southern Gent or Belle”.
Interesting non of the guys have told us what they think a So. Belle is to them. Maybe they will this coming week.
I have replied to your request via e-mail and I’m honored you ask. 
8/23/2009 6:40:48 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Bryant, FL
age: 59
..to me, with little time spent in the south.. it was the relaxed pace.. that I liked and the friendly way of southren belle's.. but the accent is what got me.. loved it.. yes shallow.. but 
8/23/2009 6:58:15 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Well I say I don't have a southern accent but when I went to Colorado last year for a womens conference they commented on it a number of times.
Funny story, was at the Ft. Worth stockyards with a friend from England. We were in a little wine shop and we were talking with the locals and when we walked out, he was rollin' in laughter, he said I got in the mix of them and my accent/dialect just jumped right in there with 'em. Of course I had not noticed but I guess I'm one that when listening I pick up some dialect. I do sound more southern when I read or I'm tired. I first noticed it when reading to my children. But it's not that deep south syrupy type.
8/25/2009 2:20:53 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
I ask that you comment on the positive aspects of the topic.
The topic is bogus. People are better understood by natural criteria such as ancestry, environmental, and astrological, as well as others. Artificial criteria such as religious affiliation or geographic region provide us zero or misleading information about people's characteristics.
You can only censure comments in the Christian forums.
8/25/2009 3:19:15 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
zen, if you think it is bogus, when why bother? I'm sure you have better things to do.
Why don’t you start your own thread and voice what you think and invite those that are interested to join you in your way of thinking.
And zen if I find your way of thinking a crock, I promise I’ll stay out of your space and not disrupt the positive flow of energy you might be trying to obtain. 
Your comment in regards to the Christian forum, I’ll not address, it’s your opinion, I’m not going to change it, so why should I bother. 
So start your own thread and enjoy.
8/26/2009 3:56:12 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
Intolerance raises its ugly head again! Evidently, you are the disrupting negative influence.
8/26/2009 4:30:05 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
Intolerance raises its ugly head again! Evidently, you are the disrupting negative influence.
Why shouldn't Sheeza be intolerant of you? YOU are the negative influence that is disrupting her thread. What part of didn't you pick up on? 
8/26/2009 3:05:03 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Why shouldn't Sheeza be intolerant of you? YOU are the negative influence that is disrupting her thread. What part of  didn't you pick up on? 
You know Jo, I think I could actually see you doing that "ttude". Thanks for hangin' with me. 
8/26/2009 3:09:51 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Intolerance raises its ugly head again! Evidently, you are the disrupting negative influence.
Zen, no seriously, why not start your own thread??? What could it hurt, there might be others that think the same as you.
No need to get testy about my suggestion. There was no "ugly" intent to it.
Peace out~ 
8/26/2009 7:13:27 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
My pleasure my friend. Yeah, guess I do get that "ttude" from time to time. 
8/28/2009 12:02:52 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
As part of the “Bible Belt”, SBs often practice intolerance, religious or otherwise. SBs often lie, whenever it suits them, such as their age. They typically misrepresent their body type as “average” instead of a few extra pounds, or as “a few extra pounds” when they are actually large. They will often play coy, just to get a free meal on the first date. They will often want you to do things that they could more easily do for themselves. Their careers are often based on affirmative action appointments, rather than any actual skills or qualification. They are often divorced & their ex-husbands are to blame. Many smoke cigarettes as single mothers with children at home, yet they believe they are good role models.
These generalizations are in no way absolute or exclusive to the region.
8/28/2009 12:38:48 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
zen, sounds like you have met some real losers in your time.
8/28/2009 12:51:02 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Even though I’ve lived in the south the greater part of my life I actually consider myself a Texan. That is where I was born and lived my early years. I tell people you can take the gal out of Texas but you can’t take Texas out of the gal.
So I don’t really consider myself a true “Southern Belle”. I however would like to think I have picked up a few of the characteristics that I think add to the charm, value and integrity of a woman.
Also I do not seek a true “Southern Gentlemen”. Oh sure there are some characteristics that I can appreciate, some I’ve already mentioned.
I really hoped that those that say that is what they are looking for would have defined that so the one’s that seem to fit the description might make a move to make a contact with someone.
Peace ~
8/29/2009 5:02:47 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
Almost forgot, SBs also have a tendency to be serious floozies!
8/29/2009 5:45:34 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Almost forgot, SBs also have a tendency to be serious floozies!
That would be "Mistress Floozie" to you zen. 
You crack me up.
Looks like a great day to do your zengardens, looks awesome outside, have a great day! 
[Edited 8/29/2009 5:47:00 AM ]
8/29/2009 9:43:10 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
Yeah, guess I do get that "ttude" from time to time.
And the world is "going to hell in a hand-basket"!
8/29/2009 10:34:38 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
And the world is "going to hell in a hand-basket"!
And what are you doing to make it a better place to live in? 
8/29/2009 3:05:41 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
I butt heads with the likes of you.
8/29/2009 3:23:06 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
I butt heads with the likes of you.
Now that sounds like a challenge. I just love a good challenge. Sure you're man enough to "butt heads with the likes of me?" Something tells me that you're brassy enough to try but not intelligent to succeed. Bring it on!
Sorry OP for going off topic. 
[Edited 8/29/2009 3:23:37 PM ]
8/30/2009 4:38:12 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
Taurus earth Ox (1949)
yin earth & yin earth
double yin earth
unbalanced, hence very snooty
8/30/2009 5:40:31 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Zen .......... I have a question for you. You seem to put a lot of weight in the signs and all of that ...... my question is, how is that working for you? I mean does it bring you peace? Do the discription and all of the sterotyping add up? When you read the stars ar lined up for you on a specific day and you will feel the positive energy or whatever you call it, I don't know the lingo, does it really work for you?
Reason I ask is that there seems to be a lot of cynical tension in your comments in women as a whole, does seem to be a lot of peace there. 
I'm just asking legit questions for what I've observed.
Jo mornin' Lady
8/30/2009 6:23:13 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
“Astrology for Dummies”
Second only to a photo, astrology is the most significant key to successful relationships. High divorce rates, up to 60%, need to be somehow explained! Basically, most Americans do not consider astrology before getting married. Therefore, short-term bliss turns into long-term incompatibility.
For me, astrology is an excellent ice-breaker. When some women respond negatively, I understand them as close-minded. It is truly mind-boggling that a person who knows nothing about astrology, would reject it based on propaganda.
The most basic aspect of compatibility is whether a person is an early bird versus night owl, which is astrologically based. Early birds are poor matches for night owls & visa versa.
Astrology is not absolute, and absolutely is not stereotyping!! A naïve person once asked me: “How can everyone born in 1956 (a year of the Monkey) be the same?” They are not the same. Monkeys are diverse, as are all other signs. Pisces Monkeys are very different from Aries Monkeys, although they share certain basic characteristics, such as intelligent & conniving.
For example, a Virgo wood Horse is a very good match for me, yet she is a night owl & therefore incompatible with an early bird like me. I am aware of my incompatible matches, & tend to avoid them, which is hard if they are attractive or wealthy.
8/30/2009 7:06:49 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
ME: unbalanced and snooty????? Looks like your charts are waaaaay off. 
Well thank God I'm a nightowl because I'm not attracted to shallow and materialistic men. Phew good thing I found out now because you're such a hottie! 
Hi Sheza 
[Edited 8/30/2009 7:09:18 AM ]
8/30/2009 3:21:11 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Columbia, SC
age: 55
I'm just asking legit questions for what I've observed.
You could not be further from the truth. I love women - just do not like you or what's her name, a pair of twisted sisters.
Misrepresentation seems to be your status quo.
[Edited 8/30/2009 3:30:42 PM ]
8/30/2009 3:46:11 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Columbia, SC
age: 61
You could not be further from the truth. I love women - just do not like you or what's her name, a pair of twisted sisters.
Misrepresentation seems to be your status quo.
Why...just because we don't happen to believe the way you do? WOW, how narrowminded is that? 
Bye the bye...not "what's her name." JOISEYGAL to you. 
[Edited 8/30/2009 3:48:25 PM ]
8/30/2009 4:21:58 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Zen, you have been disrespectful towards me from the get go.
In my opening post I ask that there be “no bashing” to use this opportunity to offer positive information for the other gender so they understand.
Your very first post ~ stating that SB’s are provincial, racists and intolerant of others is all NEGATIVE. You TOTALLY disrespected my request, yes TOTALLY.
I suggest that you start a thread of your own with a topic that is more suiting to YOU and you continue to poke a stick at me. Telling me that I am intolerant.
Threads are like someone’s living room. All are invited to my home, but under my roof I ask that people respect one another and even if I’m disrespected I offer suggestion to the offender to respect my wishes and take their discussion elsewhere.
You didn’t say one kind thing in my thread even after I ask that you remain positive.
You even poke negative comments towards my friend. 
No zen, you have represented yourself just fine without any help from me.
******** I see you have deleted your profile. I'm sure at some point you will come back and read this so I'm posting it anyway. **********
8/31/2009 8:01:07 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Camden, SC
age: 52
Zen, you have been disrespectful towards me from the get go.
In my opening post I ask that there be “no bashing” to use this opportunity to offer positive information for the other gender so they understand.
Your very first post ~ stating that SB’s are provincial, racists and intolerant of others is all NEGATIVE. You TOTALLY disrespected my request, yes TOTALLY.
I suggest that you start a thread of your own with a topic that is more suiting to YOU and you continue to poke a stick at me. Telling me that I am intolerant.
Threads are like someone’s living room. All are invited to my home, but under my roof I ask that people respect one another and even if I’m disrespected I offer suggestion to the offender to respect my wishes and take their discussion elsewhere.
You didn’t say one kind thing in my thread even after I ask that you remain positive.
You even poke negative comments towards my friend.
No zen, you have represented yourself just fine without any help from me.
******** I see you have deleted your profile. I'm sure at some point you will come back and read this so I'm posting it anyway. **********
9/14/2009 4:40:33 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Spartanburg, SC
age: 62
A southern lady is kind and gentle. She loves the good times she has with her man. She will listen to you, however she does have an opinion of her own. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to ask for it. She enjoys giving and sharing love. She may be slim or overweight, it doesn't matter. She has lots of love to give. To see her on a summer day in a dress is a thing of beauty. Her beauty shows through her smile. She is kind till you mess with her children, then heaven help you. You love her for who and what she is.
9/14/2009 9:21:02 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |
Aiken, SC
age: 32
I was raised to be southern gentlemen I think it means you open doors,when its cold you give her your jacket,you always help a women in distress(like car problems),always light her cigarette,and in general just be a nice guy.Try not to take life to seriously and be able to enjoy it.
9/15/2009 2:07:56 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Columbia, SC
age: 56
Idream2 ~ nice description of a woman. I think that speaks of women no matter where they come from as long as someone wants to see that side of her.
Fourleafclovers ~ Sounds like you have been raised to truly value a woman and appreciate her. I’m would hope that would be returned to you just as sweetly.
Thanks guys for the comments.
Peace ~ 
10/13/2009 8:14:29 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Fort Mill, SC
age: 70
A southern belle (derived from the French belle, 'beautiful') is an archetype for a white young woman of the American Old South's upper class.
During the period, Kentuckian Sallie Ward of Louisville was the most noted belle in the South, and her portrait, which hangs in the Speed Museum in Louisville, Kentucky, is often called "The Southern Belle." A Southern belle epitomized Southern hospitality, cultivation of beauty and a flirtatious yet chaste demeanor.
The archetype continues to have a powerful aspirational draw for many people, and books like We're Just Like You, Only Prettier, The Southern Belle Primer, and The Southern Belle Handbook are plentiful. Other current terms in popular culture related to "Southern belles" include "Ya Ya Sisters," "GRITS (Girls Raised In The South)," "Sweet Potato Queens," and "Bulldozers disguised as powder puffs." Today, a Southern Belle is also another name for a debutante from the southern United States.
To detractors, the southern belle stereotype is a symbol of repressed, "corseted" young
women nostalgic for a bygone era.
All that being said My Southern Belle would be like a Lady Soul
10/13/2009 6:43:12 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Henagar, AL
age: 48
I have been reading your thread. It is interesting!
Here is a pic taken of me at Murray State University in Murray, KY for Old Fashioned Day.
I call it my "Southern Belle" photo.

10/13/2009 6:57:19 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Henagar, AL
age: 48
A Southern Gentleman holds your hand before holding your heart.
He speaks kindly with respect. He watches his language around ladies.
He avoids confrontation and arguing. He uses his wisdom and knowledge instead of his fists.
He may kiss your hand, before kissing your lips.
He hugs like a grizzly bear and his hugs removes all your stress. He may pick you up with a hug.
His arms encompass you as if to say, "Nothing or no one will harm you as long as I am around."
He doesn't take kindly to others being disrespectful or rude to ladies.
He loves to rescue a damsel in distress. He considers it an honor and his duty as a man.
He knows that "In God We Trust" is a way of life, not just something written on our money.
He may have served in the military and has pride in serving his country for Our Freedom.
Jan, a true Southern Belle from Alabama
10/13/2009 7:01:36 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Fort Mill, SC
age: 70
I have been reading your thread. It is interesting!
Here is a pic taken of me at Murray State University in Murray, KY for Old Fashioned Day.
I call it my "Southern Belle" photo.

Joy you are a Sourthen Belle for sure Thanks for sharing the picture.
like the bright simile in your profile picture.
10/13/2009 7:09:14 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Henagar, AL
age: 48
Thank you, Taylor! I'm a very happy and blessed lady!
My motto is: Be blessed, not stressed!
10/13/2009 9:25:17 PM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Fort Mill, SC
age: 70
Joy.. did you listen to "lady soul" posted above. I have a Lady Soul Blog on my profile
page...I think you may enjoy.
10/15/2009 12:20:02 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |


Henagar, AL
age: 48
Yes I did listen to it. I love The Temptations! I commented on your blogs!
Have a blessed day! God is good! I'm blessed, not stressed!
Sippin Sweet Tea with ya, my friend! Great thread!
10/19/2009 12:46:27 AM |
Define Southern Gentlemen & Southern Belle’s |

Sumter, SC
age: 51