Greenville, MI
age: 57
23 months...........his life has gone to the dogs !!!!

Marietta, GA
age: 41
I have to totally agree pretty sad all that talent gone to waste. Poor Falcons....I went to the Bucs/Falcons game and the fans were leaving before half time ever got there...hmmmmmm looks like they need !!!!

Greenville, MI
age: 57
Yeah, up until 02' I lived down there.

Marietta, GA
age: 41
I love GA!!! But I will never become a Falcons fan....

Murrayville, GA
age: 49
Michael Vick is disgusting and an absolute disgrace. Months ago he gave a "canned" apology for his poor choices. I know without a doubt his handlers told Vick what to say and that the only thing he truly regrets is that his butt is going to jail.
It's also pitiful that his defenders have tried to play the race card. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with race and EVERYTHING to do with be a sorry excuse of a human being.
I assist in both animal rescue and fostering. I hope that when he is released he NEVER plays ball again. I hope he is also banned from owning ANY kind of pet or livestock.

Ridgeville, SC
age: 33
you know i think what he did was wrong on many different levels but do you how many people every year are caught doing the same thing and no press..oh and some do far worse to thier animals and never even see the inside of a jail so again i ask was it justice or a witch hunt..i know your getting ready to say but he's a pro athlette and a role modle for the youth of american and should be help to a high standard right...well before you make that comment how many pro athlettes,actors,politicians and verious other public figures and "role models" have commeted far worse crime and not served a day in jail much less the possibility of ending thier career...oh and i know the animal activist say but he hurt poor dogs,, how many HUMANS have been hurt by people in his position and nothing happen, are you willing to say that the life of a dog or any animal for that matter is more important than the life of a human..before you answer that close your eye's and picture your child while you decide ..JMO