Cookeville, TN
age: 22
post something about what you sis are work i will start.
at work today i had to run drills with the probys from 5pm to 11pm, up and down 40 ft ladders, clearing houses with full gear on, and did force able entry. after all that training i had to clean all my gear, take a nap, then go back to work at 5am the next day. we have fun but at times i see why a heart attack is the #1 killer of firefighters.
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Powell, TN
age: 45
I am in orientation for a new job...it's boring as hell. I'd rather do physical labor all day as to sit idle and listen to others talk.

Cookeville, TN
age: 22
i hear you, when i got a job at walmart it took 4 days of nothing but talking and filling out paper work. hell i just wanted a job puching carts, not work out a deal to buy the place.


Powell, TN
age: 45
I hear ya but all the rules and regs these days and they expect you to get it all down pat in a week. Right....I say.....    