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As if life isn't confusing enough?  Lol well, I am ready for some answers, some enlightenment and a change. I'll be honest I really don't know what to make of all of this. I do believe the truth will be known at some point in time.
Greetings rowland  The "truth" is already known, just not to the majority of the populations just yet, though very soon, the "truth" will absolutely be known to everyone. The grand stage is set and the curtain is about to raise. What is about to take place is literally beyond our wildest imagination/comprehension in our 3D perceptive illusive reality. You actually signed up for the event, you just don't actually have conscious memory of it. That is why this time is called a time of remembering, the awakening, remember?    wake up sleeping beauty    
Update on NESARA Provisions for US & Canada. Revised 10/24/09 by MarkHuber.
The US & CANADA are about to share the benefits of the most humanitarian and revolutionary event the world has ever seen. NESARA brings PEACE, WORLDWIDE PROSPERITY and INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS.
As the USA is the bastion of FREEDOM in this world, NESARA has to be implemented there along with Canada, UK & Australia. Other countries will follow in a sequential order. In October 2000, after being passed by Congress, President Bill Clinton signed the National Economic and Security and Reformation Act (NESARA): 160 nations, including CANADA, have agreed by treaty at the World Court (International Court of Justice in the Hague) to support these improvements.
This is the beginning of what has been termed the Golden Age, prophesied since biblical times.
Behind the scenes right now it is hectic ..... and the Illuminati frantic. Alan Greenspan's 1966 article explained the benefits of a gold-backed currency and this will be welcomed in international financial markets, as business worldwide will receive a tremendous boost from NESARA.. Some experts will lecture for about 36 hours on TV explaining NESARA, in detail, once the initial public announcement has been made. Don't miss it!
Until its official announcement, all government, banking, military, intelligence, Congressional, business, and other personnel and officials who have had to be informed about NESARA due to their professional duties, have been sworn to secrecy and would be charged with treason if they even admit that it exists, on account of sensitive information that could result in the crashing of the stock and commodity markets, and causing massive economic problems worldwide. The Corporate USA is Bankrupt, now. The Republic--We The People--is safe inside NESARA Law. So don't be concerned about the Criminal Bankers as their bankrupcy will NOT affect NESARA funds or accessing funds after Announcement.
The announcement has been delayed by the wiles of the international bankers, who would lose control over the nations of this world when it is introduced, but we are now at the point of its implementation worldwide.
To give you an idea of what is at stake here, here are just some of the NESARA improvements:-
* All banks become TREASURY banks and new currency, backed by precious metals, is issued on a one for one basis
* American and Canadian BANK DEBTS: your home mortgage, bank car loan, college education and other loans are forgiven if you are an American or Canadian citizen, as part of the compensation program for bank fraud.
* CREDIT CARD balances (again, on American & Canadian banks - and many major department stores or merchants as well) - are zeroed-out immediately, for both American and Canadian citizens and Landed Immigrants.
* CCRA is DISBANDED and all INCOME TAX - both personal and business - (which never did go to any government in Canada or the States) - is abolished; and compensation for this fraud also paid out.
Likewise, the US Federal Reserve & their collection agent: IRS will be disestablished and replaced by US Treasury Banks...after a bank holiday...removes the criminals and any criminal hardware or software...and reopens as USTreasury Banks...perhaps under the same name as before...but with 'new' management.
* GenSalesTax is replaced with a straight sales tax, on new, non-essential goods and services
* NESARA Law is the Law of the Land, with sovereign citizenship, restoration of the Constitution; all statutory laws are cancelled; all cases on the books are stopped, judges, attorneys and law enforcement officers must receive 30 days of re-training in Constitutional and Common Law before any more cases are adjudicated. A near total amnesty will be granted to most ones now in jails and prisons and President Obama has ordered a case by case review of all ones incarcerated under statute laws. Most will be released and reparations for unlawful detainment is being considered for those cases that would not have been criminal under Constitutional or Common Law.
* Most of the GOVERNMENT RESIGNS - many members, past and present, charged with Treason; temporary Prime Minister Canada; followed by elections with constitutionally acceptable candidates. In the USA, President Obama and NON-Criminals elected after 10/1/08 may remain as part of the transition gov't since the US was placed Inside NESARA Law on that date by Lady Master Nada and the King of Swords, by the authority granted by the International Court of Justice(World court) in March of 1999. Lady Master Nada was appointed by the World Court as International Special Prosecutor with power to dissolve courts and arrest any International Criminals wherever they may be located on the planet.
At least 100,000 Cases have been considered by 56 Grand Juries over the last 4 years, by Patrick Fitzgerald, in the US. Their Sealed Indictments are ready to be unsealed and made public. These ones will go...or have already been taken to the World Court in the Hague...for War Crimes Trials & sentencing.
Another condition for Announcement is the disclosure of the Galactic Presence and their Involvement in planetary affairs...set to happen before the end of 2009. A 2 Hour TV Special will be aired by President Obama in Nov or Dec 2009, disclosing details. It is not yet known whether this will be Full Disclosure or progressive disclosures over some weeks.
* All Canadian & US military overseas are brought back home as Peace is declared.
All NON-Criminal residents of US, UK, Canada & Australia will receive $10 Million within 72 hours of NESARA's Announcement. If you plan on being away from your residence for an extended period, it is advisable to put in a temporary change of address notice to your local postmaster.
* * * Information based upon US reports on the impact of NESARA on USA and other countries * * *
Revised Oct 2009 by MarkHuber
9/4/2009 11:41:20 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
Hi Xxxxxxxxxxxx,
Thanks for your interest, personal and group involvement in the great work in which we are all engaged.
The first general answer to your questions is that Lady Master Nada, will be the one to announce on World-Wide-TV/ Radio...NESARA. That will commence 36 hours of non-stop information on all related subjects affected by the changes which will commence on 9/9/9 when the upshift to 75% of Full Ascension crystalline power support capacity. Within another 36 hours after that information has been received, individual fundings will begin according to LMNada's Announcement details...expected to be around 72 hours after Announcements.
Individuals- -except for a small percentage of criminals precluded by serious unreadiness to participate in a positive manner-- within US,UK,CANADA, and AUS will receive funds. An exact sequence of funding elsewhere will depend on local conditions.
However, massive pools of funds will be employed in all areas to relief the basic needs and then new infrastructures and gov'ts will be established and monitored for honesty,equality and integrity. Everyone on the planet will have received individual funding benefits within 12-15months maximum of Announcement.
Because we will be rapidly changing the structure and nature of living everywhere on this planet most of what now is will be unnecessary and will be removed and replaced with non-toxic essential structures and practices.
We will be returning to living in communities of about 10,000, which will be self-sustaining; non-toxic with clean air,water, soil and without need for petroleum burning fuels. Since all will be generated locally, there will no longer be any need for buses, airplances, ships,trains or trucks.
That will not affect the economies as all will have funds sufficient that work as it now exists will not be required to provide clean, non-toxic shelter, food, clothing and new communications means will be introduced.
Within 10 days of Announcements and Starcraft decloakings, we will have waves of ships landing around the world. The galactics will off load and implace 5D equipment and devices to clean up water, air, soil and atmosphere and all that will be completed within 30 days of the landings. Some work has already begun. We have posted some information about use of replicators. Understand that...initially. ..these devices and equipments will be under 5D+ security and custody.
The basic plans and arrangements will be clearly delineated following Announcements. All immediate needs have been arranged to be met by galactic assistance from the ships...during the initial days. There will be no essential shortages of necessities.
All of those who are interested and asking to help will be gladly contacted and provided with whatever is needed for them to advise others of how to obtain what is needed.
The Venus Project of Jacque Fresco is an example of knowledge that is now available to create self-sufficient communities that--once constructed, non-toxically- -can be administered and maintained by as few as 7 individuals. ..for quite long periods of time.
Property ownership will necessarily change and all this will also be explained in the initial days.
New Healing Technologies will virtually replace existing invasive, cutting, burning and toxically medicating patients...allowing most hospitals to empty and be converted to the new procedures and methodologies.
All upon this planet had to sign an agreement to wait until all could be included with assistance. The ones who will be replaced have especially targeted the ones who want positive changes. We all knew what we were coming into and we all volunteered to participate until a critical mass had been achieved. That means that until 51%+ welcomed changes, we had to continue to work towards that. That goal has now been achieved and assistance can be provided.
Each step has a particular impact and the sequential flow has to be maintained at all times. We as a collective had to Ask for Peace. That happened on 9/1.
All existing suppression programs/endless loop tapes in the Master Holographic Matrix programs required representatives of us all to Ask.
When we took all dark/light representatives back to Source, all the councils terrestrial, celestially and beyond had to agree. They did. Then the removal of all that was not in accord with Peace, Love, Unity and TwinFlame/Twin Heart balance was allowed to be removed from the New Earth Timeline Master Matrix.
Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Join now!

9/4/2009 11:42:51 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
All that occurs at 9:09 on 9/9/9 guarantees the solutions will be forthcoming. It will be--for most--the realization of their most sincere visions and hopes. All else will then follow in steps on 10/10/10; 11/11/11 and 12/12/12 as additional Crystalline activations of planetary crystals bring us up to 100% of Full Ascension support.
Those wedded to the Old Timeline will quickly either change their ways or be relocated at various threshold points. However, all who ask and follow the internal guidance they receive will be included.
All must be at 100% Crystalline 5D+structure and activation for that final step. We will Fully Upshift as One Unified Collective Human Wave of Consciousness. There is more than sufficient pristine land to provide for all who will be here. When all of existing 'toxic stuff' is removed, our local needs will become easily manageable without need for far away resources.
The Magical Realms, which are an essential part of Earth Mother, will be rejoining us and assisting us in discovering how to grow really healthy and wondrous foods and in bringing enormous delight back into every environment including the hearts of our new children--Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows, Platinums, etc--who are ready to show us new ways to do everything with Love, and in Peace and Joy, that will not fade.
Replicators will be used to create and duplicate fully vibrant materials, devices and foods and will take the drudgery out of most everything. Nanites will quickly be introduced and then living structures will become possible as they are on the ships.
As DNA upgrades continue most families will become fully telepathic and new souls will be 'called' and prospective parents/surrogates/ foster parents will volunteer to foster many new ones during the transition and Ascended World
New Era.
Anti-gravity lifting devices and various non-polluting vehicles will replace all existing transportation and we will not need roads...allowing all that concrete to demolecularized, so the planet can breathe again. Vehicles will be silent and require little to no maintenance. Travel to anywhere on the planet will be inexpensive and sentiently guided by Artificial Intelligence. no accidents will occur.
Weather will become 70-73degrees year round as the axis of the planet is restored to Zero Axial imbalance. Terraforming of the earth and other planets in our solar system has begun.
Accelerated holographic learning technologies are being introduced now to our New Kids of all ages...during their night 'cycles'. This will be revealed greater detail, and they will demand these fully positive and supportive techniques be brought forward to replace existing schools and methods.
Beth and Mark have visited sites where this is underway. It is phenomenal what even babies can learn in a single session of this nature. Much of this is non-verbal instruction and can be augmented in various ways by prepared teachers.
Spiritual development is the most required element to achieve full ascension and this will quickly be possible as all basic survival needs are met and the DNA upgrades and activations restore capacities long ago lost that will be remembered, embraced and redeveloped with joy and delight.
Unlimited potential exists and this realization will catalyze everyone into action and dreaming new and more expanded visions. Dream joyously and dream larger.
More details will be forthcoming after 9/9/9. We are becoming the 33rd Galactic World and all that that implies.
MarkHuber/BethTrutwin, Friends and Family of One Representatives.
9/4/2009 12:07:57 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Morgan, VT
age: 68

9/4/2009 12:23:13 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
Ok 4ever? Do you have a question?
I spent 3 minutes too long watching that guy. He is no one to pay attention to. Doom and gloom is not going to happen. That is strictly a fear factor in your own mind that was implanted to cause you to get 'out of your mind', so that you were not 'IN' your mind, you see.
All crisises are 'off' the main menu for planetary ascension, none of it is going to happen.
This is a universal wide galactic orchestration with our benevolent galactic brothers and sisters.
We could not ascend without their help. It's all happening right before your sleepy eyes 
Go back and read the words and get used to them.  
Beyond your wildest imagination 
[Edited 9/4/2009 12:46:03 PM ]
9/4/2009 5:36:47 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 63
The ways of mankind and earth as you know it have past..... over .... done with ... etc.
And Visualize in your mind the awesome pristine perfection and perfections of the 5D+ Mother Earth that is in creation right as this post is being typed....
The old ways of mankind (dark - evil - distruction) is over ... the damage mankind has done to Mother Earth ... is and will continue to be healed .. healed it will be as to the 5D+ ... where such darkness does not and will not ever exist.... so please stay focused on the beauty of Love ...
Let the dark be gone now out of existence --- never again to be .. not even in thought nor memory ...
Again Please stay focused on Love In Heart And Thoughts
[Edited 9/4/2009 5:59:24 PM ]
9/4/2009 6:13:54 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 63
Con't ....
Sorry ... dh kicked me off line for some reason.... 
ps .. As I have stated prior Soren Kjaer Vestergaard has many good qualities... However when it comes to distructions; fear; etc... (jmo) it is as I stated in the prior thread .. "The old ways of mankind (dark ... ) is over ..." as we move in the 5D+, we all must stay focused on LOVE - LOVING THOUGHTS AND DEEDS - VISUALIZING IN OUR MIND (THUS IN THE CREATION OF) THE NEW LOVING PRISTINE MOTHER EARTH.
9/5/2009 6:58:28 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Morgan, VT
age: 68
OK how about this one?
or ... ...
9/5/2009 12:44:14 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
4evr, yes that is good enough information, that was in 2004 I believe, there are many different representatives who have been delivering certain information slowly over a period of time and more in recent years. Though hard for the consensus trance mindset to know what to believe, because the subject has been purposefully covered up by being put on the fringe and marginalized, so you would not give it much of your attention as something real because they have flooded everyone with disinformation information.
The light is taking over the dark agenda, that is pretty much it. Everything is turned up on high now and is absolutely taking place and happening right before your sleepy eyes on the grandest of scales unimaginable.
The information is right there. We cannot ascend without full contact and integration with the rest of the universe and the awareness of our very sacred selves, it ain't gonna happen otherwise.
I suggest reading the Channeling information, they are very considerate in telling you what you want to know. If you understand what is happening then you are better equipped as to how to deal with it. This is all taking place on an etheric level, in your consciousness, below the level of your understanding that it is taking place.
Because you cannot see it with your eyes, or get the proof that you think you need to solve the problem in your mind, of whether it is all for real. It is absolutely very real, that is just how good mind control works. They got you to believe one thing, when another thing entirely is taking place right in front of you and everyone.
Your life was designed so that you would get to only chase "the 'promise' of the carrot of love", though your loving rulers absolutely knew, that you would never actually have any, you see.
Ascension does not include anything which has a negative dark energy attached to it. That means anything negative whatsoever.
Read my thread title / article information " Here comes the Sun-God "
The electromagnetics are going to keep accelerating, it's The evolution and transformation of consciousness, it's electromagnetics releasing your old unresolved karma.
Obviously there is going to be no official authority figure who is going to make any official announcements and scream advertisements in your ears except for negativity, which has been a dark agenda for thousands of years and it is coming to a completion, an end, it's over.
No one is going to supply you with official stationary in order to prove to you that a momentous thing is taking place on the grandest of scales unimaginable in the history of the earth, just so you will be feel comfortable about it so you will be able sleep better at night, you see.
See also Sheldan Nidle's 6 part interview series.
9/5/2009 1:36:19 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Lake Havasu City, AZ
age: 63
With Loving Heart - Hi Gentlemen....
jewelz is right on this one ...
You know me ... I do not allow my logic (and/or brain washed (dark force material) that is in this world's holographic matrix system) to get in the way of my spiritual being ...
I only follow what I have been given/told from the Celestial Masters ...
That of which can only be heard from within your own inner self -- your true self -- love in your heart chakra -- heart/inner feelings/emotions and the like ...
This is very very real ...
And it has been in the making for a long time (thus one of the reasons I am here on this Mother Earth at this time). It is finally coming into fruition ... into the new beginning for mankind into the 5D+ existence.
I can verify all of the materials of channeling that jewelz has presented in his Thread...
Channeling Report Updates for Earths Ascension Process
Through prayer/meditation and channeling of my own, all and much more, has been given to me "long before" it has been channeled, put on video; written here on dh; etc.
Also the "fail-safe" verification key given to me .... that allows me, without a doubt, to "know" the truth of my given knowledge and verification of who was giving it to me at the time, has on every stated fact in the channelings that jewelz has present for us here, indicated that they are all "truths" and we should listen to them.
The major one of course is .... KEEP LOVE IN YOUR HEART AT ALL TIMES
No matter what is going on all around you right now — KNOW that is ALL GOOD and leading us into the fruition of this present level of consciousness and bringing up our consciousnesses into the 5D+ .... A world of "Unwordable Pristine LOVE AND BEAUTY" ...
Any thing that you would like — email me or give me a time and I will call .....
with a love you have yet to experience .... but when you do .... OMG lol you will so understand.
9/5/2009 11:43:00 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Cohoes, NY
age: 53
hi wldmtnhoney,,
i have noticed you have posted much in here as of late...
it is good to see you,,my dear friend...  
you really believe all this info,Jewelz is posting?
4evr,,i know that you forever searching for truth...and have a beautiful and fine heart. 
woodsmama you are such a kind and awesome person with every post i have seen you write. 
Jewelz i have seen your post for going on two years,,and i must say you certainly are posting lots of information about your galactic beliefs..
i asked you if you were some kind of alien,,you never really answered me...
since this is not in other forum,,maybe you could answer here...
i had asked you what christ conscienceness was,and why you included that in one of your threads in religion forum,you also did not answer.
why dont you have your guys,call my guys.     
your either the craziest person i have ever met,,or your one of the best story tellers.and you could probably produce a couple good movies...
Star Trek movies made millions for its producers..
i will say it sure seems like you believe all this..
9/6/2009 7:48:15 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Morgan, VT
age: 68
hi wldmtnhoney,,
i have noticed you have posted much in here as of late...
it is good to see you,,my dear friend...   
you really believe all this info,Jewelz is posting?
4evr,,i know that you forever searching for truth...and have a beautiful and fine heart. 
woodsmama you are such a kind and awesome person with every post i have seen you write. 
Jewelz   i have seen your post for going on two years,,and i must say you certainly are posting lots of information about your galactic beliefs..
i asked you if you were some kind of alien,,you never really answered me...
since this is not in other forum,,maybe you could answer here...
i had asked you what christ conscienceness was,and why you included that in one of your threads in religion forum,you also did not answer.
why dont you have your guys,call my guys.      
your either the craziest person i have ever met,,or your one of the best story tellers.and you could probably produce a couple good movies... 
Star Trek movies made millions for its producers.. 
i will say it sure seems like you believe all this.. 
... ... ...
9/6/2009 8:02:55 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
hi wldmtnhoney,,
i have noticed you have posted much in here as of late...
it is good to see you,,my dear friend...   
you really believe all this info,Jewelz is posting?
4evr,,i know that you forever searching for truth...and have a beautiful and fine heart. 
woodsmama you are such a kind and awesome person with every post i have seen you write. 
Jewelz   i have seen your post for going on two years,,and i must say you certainly are posting lots of information about your galactic beliefs..
i asked you if you were some kind of alien,,you never really answered me...
since this is not in other forum,,maybe you could answer here...
i had asked you what christ conscienceness was,and why you included that in one of your threads in religion forum,you also did not answer.
why dont you have your guys,call my guys.      
your either the craziest person i have ever met,,or your one of the best story tellers.and you could probably produce a couple good movies... 
Star Trek movies made millions for its producers.. 
i will say it sure seems like you believe all this.. 
Whether or not you believe everything Jewelz has to say, his overall message is a good one. Improve yourself, spread love, live in love. Grow.
I won't go into the veracity of his more seemingly "out there" stuff because that's for him to go into since I can neither prove nor disprove what he says. He seems like a good guy though.
9/6/2009 9:45:35 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Morgan, VT
age: 68
Whether or not you believe everything Jewelz has to say, his overall message is a good one. Improve yourself, spread love, live in love. Grow.
I won't go into the veracity of his more seemingly "out there" stuff because that's for him to go into since I can neither prove nor disprove what he says. He seems like a good guy though.
We will understand a bit more 9/10/9 yup I'm sure.
9/7/2009 5:15:16 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Cohoes, NY
age: 53
so i take it maybe Jewelz channel got changed..
Jewelzy has avoided my questions many times in the past..
9/28/2009 3:49:02 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Ingleside, TX
age: 58
Um here it is 9/28/09...Did any of that stuff happen on 9/9/09? I guess I missed it if it did.
9/28/2009 4:51:09 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
Um here it is 9/28/09...Did any of that stuff happen on 9/9/09? I guess I missed it if it did. 
Was wondering that myself.
9/28/2009 6:50:58 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Morgan, VT
age: 68
Was wondering that myself.
I'm with ya here wolfy...
the only thing that has changed as I can tell is.....
oh oh where is Jewlzy
the last we saw of him he was boarding
either a subway train..
or a space ship...
10/10/2009 12:03:09 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Latrobe, PA
age: 53
Um here it is 9/28/09...Did any of that stuff happen on 9/9/09? I guess I missed it if it did. 
I must have missed it too!
10/27/2009 5:28:27 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Owens Cross Roads, AL
age: 45
I,ve not been informed of off world beings interupting our misery on this planet.I can get with this concept.Those in power on this world will not allow their jealous control to be stopped.I want their power to stopped.Off world technologies would have to nulify all nuclear releases at th same instant.Any time is fine with me!
I still feel that the Mayan date of oct,28,2010 is to be the significant event.It would be more better after that date for off worlders to show up peacefully.and offer a better
If one or th other events fail to materialize,then we can still look forward to th steady
sliding down hill of these 1st world nations.We are still economic slaves.This government
knows the biggest lies work best.Hitler said that first.Way more people are falling through th cracks than are reported.
I pray th off worlders come through,I,m waiting,any time about now will do fine!!
10/30/2009 8:01:07 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
you really believe all this info, Jewelz is posting? 
leester, I realize that you just do not know, it's really ok that you don't, though you will very soon and you will be shocked beyond your wildest imagination. Your belief system is about to get an overhaul from lifetimes of fraud forgery and lies.
Jewelz   i have seen your post for going on two years,,and i must say you certainly are posting lots of information about your galactic beliefs..
i asked you if you were some kind of alien,,you never really answered me...
Everyone is an alien, we just happen to look like what we term as humans
since this is not in other forum,,maybe you could answer here...
i had asked you what christ conscienceness was, and why you included that in one of your threads in religion forum, you also did not answer.
It is the Christ Consciousness in man himself that is returning at this time in our history, it is not called the awakening for nothing, it is a time of a remembering of who we are as starseeds in this great big universe, it is not the character superstar in the bible as it was presented by using symbolism, allegory and euphemisms to keep everyone confused about the truth only meant to be taken in another way. There is truth certainly, just not the whole truth, just enough to keep the sheeple confused busy arguing with each other. Can you say divide and conquer? Ok
Stay by your phone, so you can receive the call when it comes in. Write down the instructions for your assignment so you don't forget where you will need to be.
your either the craziest person i have ever met,,or your one of the best story tellers. and you could probably produce a couple good movies... 
Star Trek movies made millions for its producers.. 
i will say it sure seems like you believe all this.. 
Star Trek is all actually real, you think of it as only entertainment just because they tricked you by listing the category in the sci-fi fiction section. Yes I believe it all and more, beyond your wildest imagination.
Like I have stated many times before, you have to actually look at everything in your life in reverse of what you have been trained and taught to think, things will start to make more sense, everything works out when you do, it's very strange I understand, but it works. Our lives have been a lie, all of it, not just some of it, it has been a grand conspiracy taking place for thousands of years against everyone's life. You are about to find out the truth very soon. Stock up on kleenex for tears of joy.
I hope this helps you sleep better leester, I'm sorry it took me so long to answer you, I have been busy up on the ships preparing for your awakening 
10/31/2009 5:40:14 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
you really believe all this info, Jewelz is posting? 
leester, I realize that you just do not know, it's really ok that you don't, though you will very soon and you will be shocked beyond your wildest imagination. Your belief system is about to get an overhaul from lifetimes of fraud forgery and lies.
Jewelz   i have seen your post for going on two years,,and i must say you certainly are posting lots of information about your galactic beliefs..
i asked you if you were some kind of alien,,you never really answered me...
Everyone is an alien, we just happen to look like what we term as humans
since this is not in other forum,,maybe you could answer here...
i had asked you what christ conscienceness was, and why you included that in one of your threads in religion forum, you also did not answer.
It is the Christ Consciousness in man himself that is returning at this time in our history, it is not called the awakening for nothing, it is a time of a remembering of who we are as starseeds in this great big universe, it is not the character superstar in the bible as it was presented by using symbolism, allegory and euphemisms to keep everyone confused about the truth only meant to be taken in another way. There is truth certainly, just not the whole truth, just enough to keep the sheeple confused busy arguing with each other. Can you say divide and conquer? Ok
Stay by your phone, so you can receive the call when it comes in. Write down the instructions for your assignment so you don't forget where you will need to be.
your either the craziest person i have ever met,,or your one of the best story tellers. and you could probably produce a couple good movies... 
Star Trek movies made millions for its producers.. 
i will say it sure seems like you believe all this.. 
Star Trek is all actually real, you think of it as only entertainment just because they tricked you by listing the category in the sci-fi fiction section. Yes I believe it all and more, beyond your wildest imagination.
Like I have stated many times before, you have to actually look at everything in your life in reverse of what you have been trained and taught to think, things will start to make more sense, everything works out when you do, it's very strange I understand, but it works. Our lives have been a lie, all of it, not just some of it, it has been a grand conspiracy taking place for thousands of years against everyone's life. You are about to find out the truth very soon. Stock up on kleenex for tears of joy.
I hope this helps you sleep better leester, I'm sorry it took me so long to answer you, I have been busy up on the ships preparing for your awakening 
Well, you lost me if you honestly believe Star Trek is all real. As to the rest of it, we can wait and see. No point in me arguing it with you now.
11/2/2009 10:04:07 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
So glad to see you back, my dear friend , Jewelz, I don't think anyone believed me about the 'portant work, but that is okay as I love all these folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, I anxiously await the phone calls!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/2/2009 11:04:55 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Ingleside, TX
age: 58
As if life isn't confusing enough? Lol well, I am ready for some answers, some enlightenment and a change. I'll be honest I really don't know what to make of all of this. I do believe the truth will be known at some point in time.
11/3/2009 8:59:09 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
cmrowland: |
11/6/2009 2:08:47 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
On Nov 6, 2009, at 7:42 AM, Jim xxxx asked:
Question 1) Statement wrote about the Ascension process:
"Ones not ready/spiritually prepared, to do the ascension clearing that are in 3-D [consciousness] levels, will be sent to what appears to be a continuation of duality as now exists here, on another mirror image[planet] of old earth and will not be coming to Terra Nova."
Answer 1:
Those continuing their spiritual development on other 3D worlds will not know that anything has changed. There is NO judgement or punishment. There is free will choice that must be respected.
So, if an entity does not choose, willingly, to ask and allow the Ascension path to open for them; it will be taken--upon review of their entire soul record--as a request to be allowed more time and experience before asking for the stretching that Ascension requires. We came from much higher levels and have an opportunity to take a serious jump up Now!
Earth Mother has said: "I've had it with 3D. I've fulfilled all my duties and will no longer be trashed by the 'immature cosmic kids'; they either choose to become part of the solution or I'll flick them off my planet like they were fleas, which henceforth will ONLY be open to 5D+ souls. I'll be happy to help the ones that ask, and who are willing to let go of limiting ideas and share in the work that lies before us all. Creator sez: 'When you make a mess, you get to be part of the cleanup crew.' That's a Universal Rule!
We are days away from a 'Liberty Call' that will take us into a very incredible port. We've been at sea for a very long time so I suggest that we get our ship in shape to join the fleet that is arriving to join the going ashore 'Liberty Party'. If you choose to stay aboard you will be allowed duty in the 'boiler room' until the next 'Liberty Call' occurs. The decision is yours.
Of all the countries that have agreed to support NESARA is the PRC [China] included?
Of the 180 countries that met in March of 1999, 160 said they would support NESARA; 20 did not sign onto those provisions. We can not reveal which ones did/didn' this moment, as the final 'approved names' list is pending. The 13 families have been told: Sign up and support this or say goodbye to earth and ascension.
The evidence will be out within days. Most of the Heads will leave. The non-criminal people left on this planet will all participate, according to a precise schedule.
Therefore we and all countries' peoples will all have opportunity to participate. Some heads have chosen to roll in another direction and will now leave.
Imminent Decloakings will open our hearts and we will remember our true nature as divine beings and be most joyous that Home is here, and so is the Ascension opportunity, promised by Creator, a very long time ago, when we volunteered to come here and 'get 'r done'.
11/7/2009 4:37:03 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
There's an old saying that there are 3 types of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Normally, I'm the type who makes things happen. However, when it comes to whatever supposedly happened on 9-9-09. I'm still wondering what happened, if anything, as predicted for that date by others in this thread?
11/7/2009 12:05:07 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
There's an old saying that there are 3 types of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Normally, I'm the type who makes things happen. However, when it comes to whatever supposedly happened on 9-9-09. I'm still wondering what happened, if anything, as predicted for that date by others in this thread?
Greetings wolfy, I realize that you and others in this thread are still wondering. You are looking for evidence in physicality in our outerworld. The 2012 time period is taking place in our innerworld where no one bothers to look in order to recognize what is actually taking place in the etheric realm in the field of consciousness where you will not find the proof that you need in order to satisfy your curiosity which has been distracted into left brain intellectual materialisim where you can actually see with your eyes, instead of feeling with the heart. It is a right brain operation. We live in a left brain out of balance world that is a construct designed to take you far away from being able to see into the invisible realm which lives inside of us.
This might bring you up to speed as to what is taking place on planet earth right now. Be open for the finall 11-11-11 coming up in a few days. The dark game on planet earth is just about over so you can rest easy. 2012 is all taking place in the unified field of consciousness in the etheric realm only. It is in your mind only. You just have not come to a place where you can make up your mind yet due to a lack of information being distracted into materialism just like the illuminati planned it so no one can actually figure anything out because you will always always always need certified proof of something, which ain't ever gonna happen, and they know it. Slaves on prison planet.
The 999 Window
This upcoming window is impactful to the revelation and activation of masculine energetic principles and its related history of the patriarchal domination of our species and planet. Since the Atlantian timeline was the last event horizon that led us into this current timeline (3D reality program), there is much Atlantian history and technology (crystal power) information opening to return in this transmission cycle.
Relationships are forming between civilizations such as the historical timelines of Atlantis, Egypt and the UK territories (such as the Druid influence) that we will start to realize are clearly connected. The end of the Atlantian root race cycle led the human species to fall into darkness by the abuse of power. This led to the manipulation agendas of negative ET enslavement, and the inner Christ principles of freedom to be crucified.
According to the Guardians this opening is critical to complete a sonic pillar of masculine principled harmonics on the right side of our being. The base 12 core manifestation template(blueprint) is contained within the Holographic Fractal Universe, from the smallest particle to the largest planet and the Universal matrix itself. The right side template has a harmonic structure they refer to as 3-6-9 and this activation on 999 is transmitting a needed harmonic code to complete the "ROD" that exists within the balanced male principle.
This "Universal Rod" is the male principle of the Sonic Pillar that connects a bridge between our Universal Matrix to that which is the Andromedan Matrix. This transmission also begins the activation of the masculine principle to be able to access the "Rod" as an embodiment so that the Ascension Frequencies can be anchored into physical matter.
As the female principle is the "Staff" that connects to the Universal frequencies, it's the male as the "Rod" that anchors it on the earth. Hence, Heaven meets Earth is ultimately the divine marriage of our masculine and feminine principles as fully embodied.
Given all the shifting around the male energies over the past months, this one is really exciting! =2 0
Even though this has been a rough time for some of us, there is a great feeling of optimism and support in a whole new way. There are levels of Unity Star Families here to support our freedom and liberation more than ever before.
The Mapmaker Starseeds have been working very hard and have accomplished much in building the necessary transit fields, transducer and step down fields to allow these new orbits and code circuitry to exist. There is a progression and movement forward. We are in this adventure together and until next.
We are standing at the doorway of Creation. We are ready to step across and become the Master of Light who can manifest and co-create with Spirit. At the 09-09-09, this will be activated within the Collective Consciousness in a very powerful way.
Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path!
Love, Lisa
11/7/2009 3:06:11 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
There's an old saying that there are 3 types of people; those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Normally, I'm the type who makes things happen. However, when it comes to whatever supposedly happened on 9-9-09. I'm still wondering what happened, if anything, as predicted for that date by others in this thread?
Greetings wolfy, I realize that you and others in this thread are still wondering. You are looking for evidence in physicality in our outerworld. The 2012 time period is taking place in our innerworld where no one bothers to look in order to recognize what is actually taking place in the etheric realm in the field of consciousness where you will not find the proof that you need in order to satisfy your curiosity which has been distracted into left brain intellectual materialisim where you can actually see with your eyes, instead of feeling with the heart. It is a right brain operation. We live in a left brain out of balance world that is a construct designed to take you far away from being able to see into the invisible realm which lives inside of us.
This might bring you up to speed as to what is taking place on planet earth right now. Be open for the finall 11-11-11 coming up in a few days. The dark game on planet earth is just about over so you can rest easy. 2012 is all taking place in the unified field of consciousness in the etheric realm only. It is in your mind only. You just have not come to a place where you can make up your mind yet due to a lack of information being distracted into materialism just like the illuminati planned it so no one can actually figure anything out because you will always always always need certified proof of something, which ain't ever gonna happen, and they know it. Slaves on prison planet.
The 999 Window
This upcoming window is impactful to the revelation and activation of masculine energetic principles and its related history of the patriarchal domination of our species and planet. Since the Atlantian timeline was the last event horizon that led us into this current timeline (3D reality program), there is much Atlantian history and technology (crystal power) information opening to return in this transmission cycle.
Relationships are forming between civilizations such as the historical timelines of Atlantis, Egypt and the UK territories (such as the Druid influence) that we will start to realize are clearly connected. The end of the Atlantian root race cycle led the human species to fall into darkness by the abuse of power. This led to the manipulation agendas of negative ET enslavement, and the inner Christ principles of freedom to be crucified.
According to the Guardians this opening is critical to complete a sonic pillar of masculine principled harmonics on the right side of our being. The base 12 core manifestation template(blueprint) is contained within the Holographic Fractal Universe, from the smallest particle to the largest planet and the Universal matrix itself. The right side template has a harmonic structure they refer to as 3-6-9 and this activation on 999 is transmitting a needed harmonic code to complete the "ROD" that exists within the balanced male principle.
This "Universal Rod" is the male principle of the Sonic Pillar that connects a bridge between our Universal Matrix to that which is the Andromedan Matrix. This transmission also begins the activation of the masculine principle to be able to access the "Rod" as an embodiment so that the Ascension Frequencies can be anchored into physical matter.
As the female principle is the "Staff" that connects to the Universal frequencies, it's the male as the "Rod" that anchors it on the earth. Hence, Heaven meets Earth is ultimately the divine marriage of our masculine and feminine principles as fully embodied.
Given all the shifting around the male energies over the past months, this one is really exciting! =2 0
Even though this has been a rough time for some of us, there is a great feeling of optimism and support in a whole new way. There are levels of Unity Star Families here to support our freedom and liberation more than ever before.
The Mapmaker Starseeds have been working very hard and have accomplished much in building the necessary transit fields, transducer and step down fields to allow these new orbits and code circuitry to exist. There is a progression and movement forward. We are in this adventure together and until next.
We are standing at the doorway of Creation. We are ready to step across and become the Master of Light who can manifest and co-create with Spirit. At the 09-09-09, this will be activated within the Collective Consciousness in a very powerful way.
Stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Heart Path!
Love, Lisa
In a few days it'll be 11-11-09, not 11-11-11. There were significant events in August and September this year, but nothing specific to 9-9-09 other than a lot of people thinking our stupid modern calendar means anything. It was 9-9-2009 anyways, 9-9-09 is just a lazy way of writing the date that almost got is into trouble in the year 2000.
11/7/2009 7:45:11 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
In a few days it'll be 11-11-09, not 11-11-11.
November 11, 2009 = 11-11-11
11-11-(2009) = 2 + 9 = 11
Also the date of 11-29-2009 is another 11-11-11 day this month.
Briefly stated the final 999 time gate was a major shift in awareness from "being on the inside looking out" to "being on the outside looking in." In other words it represented an expansion into multi-dimensional cosmic awareness beyond the confines of our indigenous Solar Threshold, or the 666.
The path is now permanently open for all beings on this planet to be able to move more freely across the protective Solar Threshold of 666 into the much more expansive 999 Cube of Stars which is "governed" by the Universal Solar Logos (Great Central Sun or Hunab Ku) rather than our local star-sun.
9/9/09 was an important informational stream of our histories returned to our awareness and that this is also encoded in our DNA. (the cellular record and its information is an DNA activator) Thus many of us have been preparing to maintain this brain wave state (while awake ) so we can be activators of the code and retain this information for the human race. This process is activating a level of our personal telepathy so we can be receivers and translators of this broadcast.
11/8/2009 2:02:30 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |
Rock Island, IL
age: 35
While it's premiere episode had it's cheese, V seems to have a better story line than any of this. Actually, the original V mini-series seemed to have a better story line too, which is saying something. At the least, all those aliens are highly attractive. 
I'm not going to tell anyone that exploring all ideas of spirituality is a mistake. No one should ever have to justify their willingness to learn and listen. Most people turning away from the so-called 'organized' religions, learn what they need to understand from absorption of alternative ideas.
But remember what likely turned you away from the organized ones in the first place; expectation of blind faith without viable evidence, and hypocrisy of thinking they had all the answers. Skepticism is not a negative reaction. It's a natural part of our brains function. It helps us avoid being lied to and manipulated, especially by those who say they have a new set of ideas that are (once again) the only reality.
Question everything. Do not accept answers that aren't complete and logical. Ask for more than assertions and prove of 'faith'. If the story has holes, expect them to be filled.
And NEVER drink the kool-aid. 
11/8/2009 7:08:51 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
In a few days it'll be 11-11-09, not 11-11-11.
November 11, 2009 = 11-11-11
11-11-(2009) = 2 + 9 = 11
Also the date of 11-29-2009 is another 11-11-11 day this month.
Briefly stated the final 999 time gate was a major shift in awareness from "being on the inside looking out" to "being on the outside looking in." In other words it represented an expansion into multi-dimensional cosmic awareness beyond the confines of our indigenous Solar Threshold, or the 666.
The path is now permanently open for all beings on this planet to be able to move more freely across the protective Solar Threshold of 666 into the much more expansive 999 Cube of Stars which is "governed" by the Universal Solar Logos (Great Central Sun or Hunab Ku) rather than our local star-sun.
9/9/09 was an important informational stream of our histories returned to our awareness and that this is also encoded in our DNA. (the cellular record and its information is an DNA activator) Thus many of us have been preparing to maintain this brain wave state (while awake ) so we can be activators of the code and retain this information for the human race. This process is activating a level of our personal telepathy so we can be receivers and translators of this broadcast.
So, you use whatever numerology system happens to fit what you believe then. By your logic that 11-11-2009 adds up to 11-11-11 because 2+9 = 11, you'd have to accept that 9-9-2009 was actually 9-9-11, which screws up your numerology. You can't just use whatever system conveniently fits your beliefs.
And again, the modern calendar is largely irrelevant. It is not based on any natural system, but is an arbitrary system based on a fictitious date. No alignment of numbers in our modern calendar mean anything. (Yes, it is loosely based on the solar year, but on the large scale it's not based on any natural cycle.)
Rev Ancient Wolf
11/11/2009 6:55:10 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
As for me , I will continue to strive for highspin state, and yes you can do something to
keep in this state which will allow us to have eyes to see and ears to hear!!!!!!!!!!!
And to transmit. How ????????????????? Keep your immune systems strong, pure, take your vitamins,keep your mind open, and don't forget to take your ormus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes , and think from both your heart and mind, which in a sense reconciles the balance between left and right brain thought, and at the same time reconciles the male and female energies to combine in what is called the sacred marriage, or the hieros gamos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The perfect balance of the male female energies!         
[Edited 11/11/2009 7:00:12 AM ]
11/11/2009 9:00:08 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
It's 11/11/09 or 11/11/11 by one of Jewelz' numerology systems. Going about my prayers and meditations as usual and seeing what else is going to happen... It's Veteran's Day here in the U.S...
P.S. One interesting thing is that, in numerology, today's number IS "6". (11-11-2009 1+1+1+1+2+9 (zeroes are irrelevant of course)= 15 1+5 = 6. Gregorian calendar numerology is interesting, but only rarely seems to have any correlation to anything real unless balanced by a system which actually IS based on some natural cycle.
[Edited 11/11/2009 9:03:45 AM ]
11/11/2009 9:52:40 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Hamilton, ON
age: 38
To be honest, I was never very good with numbers. All I feel is that at the moment, We are all somewhere between zero and One. (Zero being non-existant and One being fully Realized)
In the Big Picture, it seems everything is happening Now and Time is just another thing We measure It with anyways so it all really is quite inevitable in my honest opinion.
I feel the tide turning as the Age of Suffering dwindles on... More people are Awakening to a new level of "self" Awareness due to the ease of information sharing. The Alexadrian Library incident was just a set back and allowed Us more growth before the next dominoe fell.
If there is a "Master" side to Us, keeping Us in the dark, they(we/it) should have made a greater effort to stop information from being shared between Us.
I'm pretty sure and have an undenyable feeling The Compassionate One is Awakening.
Know Thyself
11/11/2009 11:11:04 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
To be honest, I was never very good with numbers. All I feel is that at the moment, We are all somewhere between zero and One. (Zero being non-existant and One being fully Realized)
In the Big Picture, it seems everything is happening Now and Time is just another thing We measure It with anyways so it all really is quite inevitable in my honest opinion.
I feel the tide turning as the Age of Suffering dwindles on... More people are Awakening to a new level of "self" Awareness due to the ease of information sharing. The Alexadrian Library incident was just a set back and allowed Us more growth before the next dominoe fell.
If there is a "Master" side to Us, keeping Us in the dark, they(we/it) should have made a greater effort to stop information from being shared between Us.
I'm pretty sure and have an undenyable feeling The Compassionate One is Awakening.
Know Thyself
That pretty much sums up how I feel about it. I know the Awakening is happening, and I also know that a lot of folks are not getting the message. All I can do is focus on my own Awakening and help others as I can.
We are at a time of crossroads for sure.
By the way, I don't put much faith in numerology that is based on the Gregorian calendar, but I learned it when I was studying general numerology. It's an easy system to remember since it's all basic addition until you get to a single digit number.
Rev. Daniel
11/11/2009 4:52:16 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
wolfy, I don't know if you planned it that way, or whether you realize it, though your clock timing of your last post in this thread is logged at 11:11:04. Nice timing anyway no matter.
Unto themselves numbers carry their own individual vibrational resonance frequencies whether related to the Gregorian calendar or not. Numbers are a part of a very multifaceted holographic picture. Have a look at this cool vid and music.
[Edited 11/11/2009 4:55:31 PM ]
11/11/2009 6:12:31 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
That was simply wonderful , thank you jewelz........................
11/11/2009 9:35:28 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Hamilton, ON
age: 38
Thank you Jewelz. I hope you don't think I completely dissmiss the numerology of it all. Like I said, I don't know too much about numbers. Perhaps that's why it wasn't left to me to talk about them much. All I know is my perception/feeling.
But WW1 ended on 11/11
I bet you'll like this vid, Momma
[Edited 11/11/2009 9:36:05 PM ]
11/12/2009 7:39:16 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
wolfy, I don't know if you planned it that way, or whether you realize it, though your clock timing of your last post in this thread is logged at 11:11:04. Nice timing anyway no matter.
Unto themselves numbers carry their own individual vibrational resonance frequencies whether related to the Gregorian calendar or not. Numbers are a part of a very multifaceted holographic picture. Have a look at this cool vid and music.
It's a beautiful video with a beautiful song, but it is so much nonsense in many ways. Yes, we can awaken and we are on a journey of enlightenment. However, all the stuff about "11" and "11/11" awakening genetic codes is utter nonsense. It's a poor new age means of trying to understand things that are way beyond human understanding.
The only thing people need to know to grow and evolve is; Learn to love purely, deeply and completely. Recognize the interconnectedness of all life. Seek wisdom everywhere and seek to be wise. Learn as much as you can. Take care of your physical body.
That's an oversimplification for sure, but it is basically what one needs to know. All this nonsense about 11/11 is a distraction. "God" will work when God feels we're ready and not a moment before. Life is an unpredictable journey and no one knows if they will even be alive to see 12-21-2012 nor any other significant date. We must live to evolve TODAY.
At any rate, that's my opinion and I apologize if I seemed to harshly step on yours. It's something about which I feel strongly.
Rev Ancient Wolf
11/12/2009 7:43:30 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
It's a beautiful video with a beautiful song, but it is so much nonsense in many ways. Yes, we can awaken and we are on a journey of enlightenment. However, all the stuff about "11" and "11/11" awakening genetic codes is utter nonsense. It's a poor new age means of trying to understand things that are way beyond human understanding.
The only thing people need to know to grow and evolve is; Learn to love purely, deeply and completely. Recognize the interconnectedness of all life. Seek wisdom everywhere and seek to be wise. Learn as much as you can. Take care of your physical body.
That's an oversimplification for sure, but it is basically what one needs to know. All this nonsense about 11/11 is a distraction. "God" will work when God feels we're ready and not a moment before. Life is an unpredictable journey and no one knows if they will even be alive to see 12-21-2012 nor any other significant date. We must live to evolve TODAY.
At any rate, that's my opinion and I apologize if I seemed to harshly step on yours. It's something about which I feel strongly.
Rev Ancient Wolf
The fact that it's a "double digit" (in this case they mean double repetitive digits) is merely a convention of our writing system, for example. In Roman numerals it is XI Not repetitive at all. Some of the numerology was right, but boy did it stretch things too far. Don't rely on the number 11 or any magical date to change your DNA or awaken your soul and your realization of truth. Awaken today.
Rev. Ancient Wolf
[Edited 11/12/2009 7:44:25 AM ]
11/12/2009 9:36:50 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
Thank you Jewelz. I hope you don't think I completely dissmiss the numerology of it all. Like I said, I don't know too much about numbers. Perhaps that's why it wasn't left to me to talk about them much. All I know is my perception/feeling.
But WW1 ended on 11/11
I bet you'll like this vid, Momma
You are certainly right,Ourself! Love it, and thankyou, our band actually performs some dead tunes such as Friend of the Devil, Stealin,Lonesome Road Blues,OldJoe Clark....
We do 'em in the backwoods bluegrass style . I'm allover those cool visuals, it's cool how a body can take a trip and never even leave the farm, and you don't even have to ask Alice either,LOL!
Thankyou for your playful spirit and open mind, there too we must have balance!
11/21/2009 10:52:08 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
Lady Master Nada Speaks from the Solar Tribunal on Saturn.  
I am President of this Body. We are made up of Representatives of Star Nations from this Galaxy. We join here to formulate Unified Missions for our Galaxy. We also set Guidelines in which to work together on joint interests. Some examples are travel, exchange, law, and exploration. The Tribunal is a legislation branch of this Solar System which hears and tries cases which are relevant to Universal Law.
Our Mission is to see that we progress with the Highest Good of All enforced. By doing this we remain in a State of Peace. Only by keeping Peace are we able to evolve freely unencumbered as a co-creative consensus. We welcome Earth to the Galactic Round Table.
I am the Twin Flame of the King of Swords (KOS) He is the physical template of Admiral Sananda on Earth. We are Galactic Humans. St Germain and I are the architects of a whole new planetary economic and legal revitalization to prepare us for Earth Ascension's reunification with Source.
In this role me and my Twin Flame work with millions of Galactic Humans in government as well as millions of members of the Galactic Federation to bring about all necessary changes needed to put the Master Plan, as it is known, into place.
This will effect all political, financial, military, medical, educational and industrial concerns on the Planet. With the Federal Reserve dissolved and the Bank of St. Germain in place, as well as the Dark Hats removed from the planet, we will be free to begin self governance.
After mass landings when we reunite with our families, you revisit the Stars where you came from, and you become acclimated and trained to the new technology and new way of life, we will be ready to become more together.
When all inhabitants on Earth have their basic needs met and they remember who they are, and open their minds and hearts to Higher Truths, we will be ready to form a co-consensus reality together with our whole Galactic Family.
It will be at this time, some months after mass landings--18-24 months later--we will begin to meet to develop our self governance. There are legal provisions we have developed that will go into place at the time of the Announcements. This is called the Reformation Act [NESARA]. As soon as it is announced, there are immediate provisions that will go into effect.
As we carry out the new law, other provisions will be put into place, such as re-indexing --of all goods and services--which guarantee equitable treatment of all. There will be a restructuring of the financial institutions on Earth and new laws which will govern them. These laws will be enforced Worldwide and there is a 16million man Galactic, + 4million earth, Militia in place, headed up by the King of Swords, with the Mission of maintaining World Peace.
Shortly after landings, and the changes it brings, we will begin to work together for Earth's Ascension-reunification with Source. Earth will be required to establish laws which work in harmony with Universal Law and Cosmic Laws. Earth will be invited back into the Galactic Arena as a full participant.
Earth will have Representative Votes at the Galactic Council Meetings with the other Planetary Representatives. Earth will evolve and expand its Galactic Role for the first time in millions of years.
We invite all of you to be aware of these changes as they happen. Become cognizant of the expanding role of Planet Earth.
We will walk together through the legal revitalization. We will make a government body which will include all nations equally and meet the concerns for all involved, fairly.
We will be committed to harmony and balance in all countries around the globe. We will accept nothing less than world peace. We will rebuild the infrastructure of our government so that is works to enhance growth and evolution of Earth in the Galactic Governance. As all other Planets in this local group, Earth will be her own sovereign Being with her own peoples, diversity, cultures and needs.
These will be respected and maintained through the new legal system which will be in harmony with Source. There will be a reestablishment of Higher Mind working with Love to solve problems and move the Earth forward in her evolution.
In the past, Earth has functioned as disembodied parts with no cohesive connection to Universal Mind. Earth also had a disconnect from feminine and masculine balance. In this duality setting, the financial and legal systems functioned in imbalanced ways.
Earth is being formed as Terra Nova, connected to Source, with love consciousness, and acting as One Being.
As we return humanity to the One Race, which includes all Galactic species of hybrid, living in harmony together, we will govern as a cohesive intelligent group from love. We will design our legal system to make room for inclusiveness and fairness to all.
As we write the new laws, governing as One, we come into the freedom that we have long missed. It is then we will experience this Galaxy multidimensionally and we are restored to our former selves. It is then we are reunited with Source as One with All That Is. Earth will be free again to experience Cosmic Ascension in harmony with all in our Galaxy.
Mark asks a question of LMNada:
At what point do we go through the Eye of An, which restores us to antimatter. Do we then circle back to our position adjacent to Alcyone? Will we then be on the third ring out from Galactic Center as a full antimatter Planet? Or will it have dimensions of matter and antimatter with 9 suns and two or more moons?
LMNada Answers:
The question you raise concerns Cosmic Ascension.
All Planets in our Solar System are constantly evolving. Jupiter is a 9th Dimensional Planet which is well on its way to becoming a Sun. 9D Mercury will also be a Sun.
There is no way to explain this from a linear stand point. Cosmic Ascension takes place in concert with the collective consciousness of all in the Universe.
The changes and happenings involved in this are recorded at the sentient computer of The Watcher on the 172nd Dimension by the Lord Most High Governors Council.
As evolution is carried out on various Planets around Earth, it affects Earth and changes take hold.
On 9/9/09 the Crystalline Core was awakened with new energies coming from the Great Central Sun, through the photon belt and ionized within the Crystalline Core of the Planet.
This allows for the Earth Grid to rise in vibration in the Earth Ascension process.
When we cross the threshold, when we go through the Eye of An, is when other significant events have been fulfilled in the evolutionary process of Earth. Earth will be restored to anti-matter after making the necessary changes to ascend to the place where antimatter Being is possible.
Before Earth is fully an anti-matter Planet, it will first be a Planet of matter and antimatter. There are many steps and levels between the two. As we go along, we will understand more about multidimensionality and we will come into deeper understandings of this process.
This process is the same for all Planets in our Galaxy and not unique to Earth. Planets in other Universes are Guided by their own set of processes unique to their environment.
~Lady Master Nada
11/22/2009 2:05:49 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
Kubrick was awesome. I loved 2001: A Space Odyssey and 2010: The Year We Make Contact. However, while it's interesting sci-fi (with some hidden truths), Jupiter does not have anywhere close to the mass necessary to become a star. I can't recall the figures off the top of my head, but it would need to increase mass by at least absorbing Uranus, Saturn and Neptune to even become a brown dwarf star, which some hesitate to even call a star. It would require several times that mass to be anything we'd recognize easily as a star.
I won't even begin to talk about the whole anti-matter planet nonsense. I enjoy Dr. Who as well, is all I can say about that.
[Edited 11/22/2009 2:06:16 AM ]
11/22/2009 5:23:56 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Milford, OH
age: 41
i agree wiht u wolfy on that and yes i believe we headed for a spiritual awakeing or enlightment 
11/22/2009 12:29:47 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
Try to soak this up fellas, it's really way tooo much information I understand, information overload. Your viewpoint is only capable of thinking in a very limited 3D perception. You really have absolutely no idea as to what is about to take place on planet earth, on the grandest of scales unimaginable using your limited 3D scattered brain perception. 
Bone up and read it and weep. You are ALL in for the big surprise of your many lonely lifetimes. I suggest you take this information very seriously, the shock value upon your world will be off the charts and your world will forever be changed beyond your wildest imagination, and for the better of course.
The 2012 time period is about one thing and one thing ONLY, it is about the transformation and evolution of consciousness ONLY and NOTHING ELSE. It is all happening in your own individual mind NO ONE ELSE'S, YOURS! 2012 is strictly happening in the unified field of consciousness ONLY and it is happening RIGHT NOW, NOT LATER...Your mind is being stolen, because you do not own it.  
As the moment of Arrests, Mass Decloakings and Announcements is upon us, Mark/Beth discuss some aspects of our new IonicElectroMagnetic, Etheric-Positronic-Crystalline system from a more Cosmic Interactive BigPicture perspective. On Nov 8th David Wilc*ck will discuss his views on these subjects so we thought you might like to look at how we now function, energetically.
Beth and Mark first discuss some contextual views and then ask Metatron to assist us in understanding how we might see how all these Formless Form through Physical matter interactions bring formless ideas into manifestation. We hope you enjoy grokking this interesting subject. Mark and Beth.
*Through the 13th Gateway;
*Matter and Antimatter;
*Torsion Field Physics;
There are NOT 11 Dimensions as Einstein said. They were intuiting nothing exists outside the physical. Every limitation is in the matter because it only contains a portion of the consciousness.
God, Nature, and the Universe limit nothing.
Only Man limits the consciousness. Once you allow 352nd Dimensions, and above, you can use the positronic-etheric-crystalline unity. We have to relate all of these to see how we can flip from matter to antimatter.
We then get in touch with the reflecting Force. There is a place of interaction and it does not come from here. Now we are both this and that, we are equalizing the partnership right up through the Human/Galactic Angelic/Source connection. When you add the Holographic Universe to that, Everything is connected; male and female, matter and spirit; inner and outer; male and female. We need to look at new ways of working with everything. "The Great Attractor" what you suppress is attracted; where you place your attention, and hold dear grows; what you free-up flows. One is a fixed aspect, one reflects a clear unity. Any time there is Unity in our life, because all is frequency or vibrational waves. Sanat Kumara and St Germain brought the three fold flame and the violet flame.
Question to Metatron:
How can we show how all of those principles interact. One must see them as interrelated, interactive, in a field of One, operating together. Everything is integral.
"This is a very big field of knowledge to tackle.
Hyperdimensional Physics (HyperD Physics) is a science that looks at not only height, breadth, and width, but also Dimension. Most scientists before now, including Einstein, have noted 11 Dimensions. In fact the dimensions are essentially unlimited. Some Dimensions contain physical matter and others contain formless form (antimatter). Let's rename matter and anitmatter in relation to the human body. This we may call the physical body (3D) or the physical-etheric body (5D) Know that the physical-etheric body can go out to the 13th Dimension and experience antimatter, but only for brief periods, an hour, or a little more. There are some adepts who can do more than this. The numbers of Ones experiencing this will increase substantially in a short period of time. More and More Ones are preparing for this, and a large number of them will be youths.
Zero Point is an energy flux running through space and that is whereinterdimensional and multidimensional travel begins. Anyone traveling out of body[OOB] must find zero point before they will go out.
In fact, this is true for space craft traveling multidimensionally. Zero Point is what is found in portals, StarGates, vortices, wormholes, black holes and is what makes multidimensional travel possible... including levitation and teleportation. We must also figure in the Harmony of the Spheres, within which our Planets and Suns operate.
These force fields run through Hollow Earth, and overlap the Planet. These are not only electromagnetic and ionic, but also crystalline. Every Planet in our Solar System has a crystalline core which is anchored energetically into its Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic Grid. Mother Sekhmet calls this energy 'The Force'.
The Force = Source Energy+Love. Source Energy comes from Creation. Source Energy cannot be much on its own, but when combined with love, has unlimited potential.
The crystalline core inside the Planets are all two tetrahedrons placed opposite each other. Imagine the Great Pyramid as one tetrahedron. Imagine a second same size tetrahedron, upside down, and connect the two at their base.
Every Planet and Sun has this, made of crystal, at its core. Different Planets have different types of crystalline tetrahedrons. What are the size of these tetrahedrons? Imagine the first tetrahedron with the apex point at the North Pole. Now this tetrahedron has a 120 degree angle at the base. With this, you will see the points of the base land at approximately 19.5 degrees latitude.
This is zero point, and zoom! Off to other dimensions. At this point on a Planet, One becomes hyperD. On Earth, some things at 19.5 latitude are; Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes near Mexico City.
In addition, The Great Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico.
On the Moon's far side, at 19.5 we have the absolutely huge Mare Orientale (but near the edge of the Earth-side/far-side interface).
On Mars we have Olympus Mons (the solar system's largest volcano) near 19.5.
On Jupiter we have the Great Red Spot near 19.5.
On Neptune, the Great Blue Spot, all located at or very near to 19.5 degrees latitude."
[Edited 11/22/2009 12:42:25 PM ]
11/22/2009 12:34:15 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
Now that we have our Crystalline form activated in a diamond form, we are affecting resonances through all similar structures.
This is why the ZPMs' energy generators tap into this flow, this resonance, at a critical degree. In Algebra, when you have two values, you may determine the third. Now that the crystalline core has been activated-- when the golden crystal was brought out from the left paw of the sphinx, under the guardianship of Serapis Bey, which happened on 8/8/09, and was then anchored by Metatron into the Earth Grid, we took representatives of many kingdoms back through the golden crystal and brought them back into alignment with Source.
The crystalline core was reprogrammed with new codes on 9/22/09 when the Andromedan Team brought a starship through that portal and into the heart of the Planet.
Now we have a positronic-etheric plus crystalline structure and functional relationship which holds more light.
Now we have some other mechanisms, or aspects of The Force that deal with celestial bodies, such as torsion physics. Whenever you put a twist on something, it must react to that compression and expansion. That is how HyperD and Torsion Physics are affected by matter/antimatter.
We will be able to explore multidimensions with the HyperD model, knowing that we go out of matter through the 13D Gateway. The 13th Gateway is the connection from matter to antimatter. Everything from antimatter (formless form) is reflected into matter. Electromagnetic is 3D and 5D is physical-etheric-crystalline.
The origin of energetic communications is in antimatter, and is reflected into and through the matter dimensions. How the origin of ideas from antimatter - How the flow through the 13th Gateway - there are dynamics, mass, rotation, gravity, and critical degrees: (19.5 degrees of North/South Latitude,separated by 120 degrees) There is a very powerful energetic reaction at that point.
This is a circulating spiral motion which interpenetrates the crystalline core. The secret government operation at Deigo Garcia, in the Indian Ocean. Here they have a platform from which they can send heavy equipment into moon orbit, almost instantaneously, with no cost. There is another anomoly in Bermuda. When energy fluctuations occur they take advantage of it. It is instantaneous transport from here to the moon. It is extremely efficient in time, money, and security. Place much of your heavy equipment in orbit, at the time of these energy fluctuations.
Interdimensional portals are very large, as are multidimensional ones. The Earth Firmament is made up of an ionic electromagnetic layer with a crystalline layer above it. The Platinum-Gold grid goes along the bed of the ocean to the top of the highest mountain. Soon it will go from inner to above the planet in a continuous dynamic flux-flow and forms a planetary shield that will reject anything lower than 5D, coming in or going out.
As part of the information/energy flow, from antimatter into matter. How does it flow? We want to include torsion field physics in that.
When our human Physical Adam Kadmon template became crystalline, it became a mirror reflected from the cosmic level. We appear to see inner bodies reflected as outer bodies. As above, so below: reflected hyperdimensionally down through the 13th Gateway. The Positronic-Etheric-Crystalline template allows both input and output through the crown chakra to positronic brain to the high-heart-mind connection, vertically down and up through the central conduit. Our Crown Chakra is now receiving new energy codes (especially during the first hour of sunrise and last hour of sunset) since our planetary crystalline critical mass occurred.
Everything in the lower 12 dimensions gets its info through the 13D Gateway from antimatter levels above. Celestial bodies (Suns, Planets, Stars) are affecting the energy flows from the Higher Levels that we cannot see. The causal level is in antimatter. That is reflected into form through the 13th Gateway.
Through harmonic resonance the formless form interacts with form when we are in alignment. (Also known as Solo luminescence) Everything in the physical world comes from antimatter.
We are getting from the Great Central Sun; Helios and Vesta and Sol, Cosmic Rays which enter our crystalline crown chakra and thence down energetic conduits in the brain and into our high heart. This is also true of the Earth.
We are talking about a mulitdimensional/interdimensional architecture. Otherwise, we wouldn't have a Unified Field. A Diffuse layer of energy, like a mist, but without form, reflects through the 13th Gateway, where we have a positronic-etheric-crystalline template. We want to include Torsion Field Physics in our understanding.
continued next post...
[Edited 11/22/2009 1:01:25 PM ]
11/22/2009 3:31:17 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
Try to soak this up fellas, it's really way tooo much information I understand, information overload. Your viewpoint is only capable of thinking in a very limited 3D perception. You really have absolutely no idea as to what is about to take place on planet earth, on the grandest of scales unimaginable using your limited 3D scattered brain perception.
Bone up and read it and weep.  You are ALL in for the big surprise of your many lonely lifetimes. I suggest you take this information very seriously, the shock value upon your world will be off the charts and your world will forever be changed beyond your wildest imagination, and for the better of course.
The 2012 time period is about one thing and one thing ONLY, it is about the transformation and evolution of consciousness ONLY and NOTHING ELSE. It is all happening in your own individual mind NO ONE ELSE'S, YOURS! 2012 is strictly happening in the unified field of consciousness ONLY and it is happening RIGHT NOW, NOT LATER...Your mind is being stolen, because you do not own it. 
As the moment of Arrests, Mass Decloakings and Announcements is upon us, Mark/Beth discuss some aspects of our new IonicElectroMagnetic, Etheric-Positronic-Crystalline system from a more Cosmic Interactive BigPicture perspective. On Nov 8th David Wilc*ck will discuss his views on these subjects so we thought you might like to look at how we now function, energetically.
Beth and Mark first discuss some contextual views and then ask Metatron to assist us in understanding how we might see how all these Formless Form through Physical matter interactions bring formless ideas into manifestation. We hope you enjoy grokking this interesting subject. Mark and Beth.
*Through the 13th Gateway;
*Matter and Antimatter;
*Torsion Field Physics;
There are NOT 11 Dimensions as Einstein said. They were intuiting nothing exists outside the physical. Every limitation is in the matter because it only contains a portion of the consciousness.
God, Nature, and the Universe limit nothing.
Only Man limits the consciousness. Once you allow 352nd Dimensions, and above, you can use the positronic-etheric-crystalline unity. We have to relate all of these to see how we can flip from matter to antimatter.
We then get in touch with the reflecting Force. There is a place of interaction and it does not come from here. Now we are both this and that, we are equalizing the partnership right up through the Human/Galactic Angelic/Source connection. When you add the Holographic Universe to that, Everything is connected; male and female, matter and spirit; inner and outer; male and female. We need to look at new ways of working with everything. "The Great Attractor" what you suppress is attracted; where you place your attention, and hold dear grows; what you free-up flows. One is a fixed aspect, one reflects a clear unity. Any time there is Unity in our life, because all is frequency or vibrational waves. Sanat Kumara and St Germain brought the three fold flame and the violet flame.
Question to Metatron:
How can we show how all of those principles interact. One must see them as interrelated, interactive, in a field of One, operating together. Everything is integral.
"This is a very big field of knowledge to tackle.
Hyperdimensional Physics (HyperD Physics) is a science that looks at not only height, breadth, and width, but also Dimension. Most scientists before now, including Einstein, have noted 11 Dimensions. In fact the dimensions are essentially unlimited. Some Dimensions contain physical matter and others contain formless form (antimatter). Let's rename matter and anitmatter in relation to the human body. This we may call the physical body (3D) or the physical-etheric body (5D) Know that the physical-etheric body can go out to the 13th Dimension and experience antimatter, but only for brief periods, an hour, or a little more. There are some adepts who can do more than this. The numbers of Ones experiencing this will increase substantially in a short period of time. More and More Ones are preparing for this, and a large number of them will be youths.
Zero Point is an energy flux running through space and that is whereinterdimensional and multidimensional travel begins. Anyone traveling out of body[OOB] must find zero point before they will go out.
In fact, this is true for space craft traveling multidimensionally. Zero Point is what is found in portals, StarGates, vortices, wormholes, black holes and is what makes multidimensional travel possible... including levitation and teleportation. We must also figure in the Harmony of the Spheres, within which our Planets and Suns operate.
These force fields run through Hollow Earth, and overlap the Planet. These are not only electromagnetic and ionic, but also crystalline. Every Planet in our Solar System has a crystalline core which is anchored energetically into its Planetary, Galactic, Universal, Multiversal and Cosmic Grid. Mother Sekhmet calls this energy 'The Force'.
The Force = Source Energy+Love. Source Energy comes from Creation. Source Energy cannot be much on its own, but when combined with love, has unlimited potential.
The crystalline core inside the Planets are all two tetrahedrons placed opposite each other. Imagine the Great Pyramid as one tetrahedron. Imagine a second same size tetrahedron, upside down, and connect the two at their base.
Every Planet and Sun has this, made of crystal, at its core. Different Planets have different types of crystalline tetrahedrons. What are the size of these tetrahedrons? Imagine the first tetrahedron with the apex point at the North Pole. Now this tetrahedron has a 120 degree angle at the base. With this, you will see the points of the base land at approximately 19.5 degrees latitude.
This is zero point, and zoom! Off to other dimensions. At this point on a Planet, One becomes hyperD. On Earth, some things at 19.5 latitude are; Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes near Mexico City.
In addition, The Great Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico.
On the Moon's far side, at 19.5 we have the absolutely huge Mare Orientale (but near the edge of the Earth-side/far-side interface).
On Mars we have Olympus Mons (the solar system's largest volcano) near 19.5.
On Jupiter we have the Great Red Spot near 19.5.
On Neptune, the Great Blue Spot, all located at or very near to 19.5 degrees latitude."
You don't have any idea what I or anyone else does or does not know. However, I will say that you are partially correct with these predictions, but much of it is WAY off.
At any rate, I am going to make a promise to myself to try to avoid pointing out the HUGE flaws in what you're saying. We all need our beliefs and everyone's beliefs has flaws because none of us are perfect. My apologies for stepping on any toes.
Rev. Ancient Wolf
11/22/2009 5:42:30 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
wolfy, not to worry about stepping on toes. This particular material is channeled coming from Metatron, it is not me writing the material. Metatron is an ascended master and knows the truth without any holes like that of our very limited understanding with our 3D indoctrinated perceptions on kindergarden planet earth.
There is an excellerated exponential expansion taking place in our timeline right now, there is a convergence of all the past and present timelines coming together, time is collapsing in on itself. Everything you have come to know and understand is about to be turned upside down, all for the better of course.;o)) You are busy looking for holes and you are missing critical information you are obviously not resonating with and it is going to set you back in your seat very shortly.
The energy which makes matter is consciousness. This consciousness does not come from the 3rd Dimensional world.
When we explain about physics, we are looking for height, breadth, and width. Building on that, we explained HyperD physics in which we added dimensions to height, breadth, and width.
Next we talk about torsion physics.
To explain this we look at a basic mathematic equation in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, for four elements;
1) which is the initiation upon a system of a force (be it mechanical, electromagnetic, or otherwise -- i.e. an "initiating action").
(2) position (and the tendency to return to that position; as in a pendulum or spring),
(3) resistance to motion (said motion being velocity or speed related), and
(4) mass (or inertia), which is associated with acceleration.
Torsion physics adds in Rate of Delay.
This is known as the Fifth Element.
The Sixth Element is Solo luminescence.
This means, Co-Creation at the 13th Gateway.
The antimatter consciousness (The Force, or Source Energy+Love) comes into the 13th Gateway from the Formless Form Dimensions and reflects into the Matter World all of the force, position, resistance and mass it contains AND it does it in its own timing. We call this timing "Divine Right Timing" or "Ripe Time". All of these influences are potential possibilities.
The Sixth Element is the harmonics and light contained in this particular equation and that is determined by consciousness.
The Fifth Element is what makes it possible for the physical-etheric-crystalline Human-Galactic to be a conduit for Universal energy flow, known as The Force.
(The Force=Source Energy+Love).
It is through consciousness, or thought, that creates on the antimatter dimensions and either instantly, or some rate of delay, it makes its way across the 13th Gateway into the matter realm, or manifests into physical.
By learning to open the thirteen chakras, one opens their own 13th Gateway. This is when it is possible to cycle between matter and antimatter, as is done with levitation or teleportation.
In Co-Creation the three parts of the unity - the creator, the act of creation, and the result of the creation, became, in the universe and in life today, Be, Do, and Have.
Be = the source or creator, Do = the act of creation, and Have = the result of the creation.
Everything that has taken place since then, every moment of Life's existence, throughout the entirety of the billions of years of this universe, can be classified as either Be, Do, or Have. There is a part of your brain which brings in the Source Energy into the local mind, in through the energy portals in the brain, including the pineal gland, and processes this energy and pulses out through the body and into the higher heart.
That is the Source of The Creator, and that is you and I. The Act of Creation is combining this in the higher heart with the consciousness of love. The next part of Co-Creation is crossing the etheric, into the channel, or body, with Source Energy and combining it in the higher heart with love, and then waiting the delay, for when it comes into manifestation on the physical.
The more joy which is contained in the thought (velocity or speed) the amount you desire said result (mass) the amount you have placed this into the priorities of manifestation (position)and the initial thought itself (initiating action) directly affects whether this is an instant manifestation or a delayed manifestation.
Knowing that the Source Energy is a constant. The Love you understand and are able to infuse through your Higher Heart is the one key factor involved in experiencing things on higher and higher and higher dimensions.
To go out of body [OOB] to experience the energies of the 352nd Dimension, takes setting a higher intention, (initiating action) a great desire-you must BELIEVE it can be done, (mass) you must spark your joy at the mere idea you may achieve it (velocity) and it must be a priority in your life (position). If these align, indeed, your meditation will take you to the Higher Realms. You may see, hear, taste, touch and smell all that is there through the senses of consciousness.
Everything that is happening on every dimension and every parallel, interdimensionally and multidimensionally is possible to experience by crossing the 13th Gateway.
Now that the physical-etheric crystalline bodies with 12 Physical +12 Etheric = 24 strands of DNA activating in concert, this is open to anyone desiring to pursue it.
All it takes is setting an intention, making it a priority, being fully in joy, having a high perspective of love, the belief that it is so.
11/22/2009 6:23:40 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Atascadero, CA
age: 37
wolfy, not to worry about stepping on toes. This particular material is channeled coming from Metatron, it is not me writing the material. Metatron is an ascended master and knows the truth without any holes like that of our very limited understanding with our 3D indoctrinated perceptions on kindergarden planet earth.
There is an excellerated exponential expansion taking place in our timeline right now, there is a convergence of all the past and present timelines coming together, time is collapsing in on itself. Everything you have come to know and understand is about to be turned upside down, all for the better of course.;o)) You are busy looking for holes and you are missing critical information you are obviously not resonating with and it is going to set you back in your seat very shortly.
The energy which makes matter is consciousness. This consciousness does not come from the 3rd Dimensional world.
When we explain about physics, we are looking for height, breadth, and width. Building on that, we explained HyperD physics in which we added dimensions to height, breadth, and width.
Next we talk about torsion physics.
To explain this we look at a basic mathematic equation in classical mechanics and electrodynamics, for four elements;
1) which is the initiation upon a system of a force (be it mechanical, electromagnetic, or otherwise -- i.e. an "initiating action").
(2) position (and the tendency to return to that position; as in a pendulum or spring),
(3) resistance to motion (said motion being velocity or speed related), and
(4) mass (or inertia), which is associated with acceleration.
Torsion physics adds in Rate of Delay.
This is known as the Fifth Element.
The Sixth Element is Solo luminescence.
This means, Co-Creation at the 13th Gateway.
The antimatter consciousness (The Force, or Source Energy+Love) comes into the 13th Gateway from the Formless Form Dimensions and reflects into the Matter World all of the force, position, resistance and mass it contains AND it does it in its own timing. We call this timing "Divine Right Timing" or "Ripe Time". All of these influences are potential possibilities.
The Sixth Element is the harmonics and light contained in this particular equation and that is determined by consciousness.
The Fifth Element is what makes it possible for the physical-etheric-crystalline Human-Galactic to be a conduit for Universal energy flow, known as The Force.
(The Force=Source Energy+Love).
It is through consciousness, or thought, that creates on the antimatter dimensions and either instantly, or some rate of delay, it makes its way across the 13th Gateway into the matter realm, or manifests into physical.
By learning to open the thirteen chakras, one opens their own 13th Gateway. This is when it is possible to cycle between matter and antimatter, as is done with levitation or teleportation.
In Co-Creation the three parts of the unity - the creator, the act of creation, and the result of the creation, became, in the universe and in life today, Be, Do, and Have.
Be = the source or creator, Do = the act of creation, and Have = the result of the creation.
Everything that has taken place since then, every moment of Life's existence, throughout the entirety of the billions of years of this universe, can be classified as either Be, Do, or Have. There is a part of your brain which brings in the Source Energy into the local mind, in through the energy portals in the brain, including the pineal gland, and processes this energy and pulses out through the body and into the higher heart.
That is the Source of The Creator, and that is you and I. The Act of Creation is combining this in the higher heart with the consciousness of love. The next part of Co-Creation is crossing the etheric, into the channel, or body, with Source Energy and combining it in the higher heart with love, and then waiting the delay, for when it comes into manifestation on the physical.
The more joy which is contained in the thought (velocity or speed) the amount you desire said result (mass) the amount you have placed this into the priorities of manifestation (position)and the initial thought itself (initiating action) directly affects whether this is an instant manifestation or a delayed manifestation.
Knowing that the Source Energy is a constant. The Love you understand and are able to infuse through your Higher Heart is the one key factor involved in experiencing things on higher and higher and higher dimensions.
To go out of body [OOB] to experience the energies of the 352nd Dimension, takes setting a higher intention, (initiating action) a great desire-you must BELIEVE it can be done, (mass) you must spark your joy at the mere idea you may achieve it (velocity) and it must be a priority in your life (position). If these align, indeed, your meditation will take you to the Higher Realms. You may see, hear, taste, touch and smell all that is there through the senses of consciousness.
Everything that is happening on every dimension and every parallel, interdimensionally and multidimensionally is possible to experience by crossing the 13th Gateway.
Now that the physical-etheric crystalline bodies with 12 Physical +12 Etheric = 24 strands of DNA activating in concert, this is open to anyone desiring to pursue it.
All it takes is setting an intention, making it a priority, being fully in joy, having a high perspective of love, the belief that it is so.
Please stop trying to analyze what I need to realize or what I don't need to realize or what I do or do not know or perceive. I do what is necessary for me to do and that is all you need to know or care about.
Rev. Ancient Wolf
11/25/2009 3:15:17 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |

Hamilton, ON
age: 38
Whoa, Wolfi... Lighten up, Brother.
When you see posts like this, presuppose there will be passion.
I see no threat here.
[Edited 11/25/2009 3:16:13 AM ]
11/25/2009 2:48:57 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
12/1/2009 6:42:04 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Quakertown, PA
age: 49
Hi I'm a Newbie, in with some numerology information to be shared a little while later, please be patient...
After all 12-1-2009 = 1212009 Check the post time... I have faith...
12/1/2009 6:42:45 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Quakertown, PA
age: 49

12/2/2009 7:48:41 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
Yes indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
12/4/2009 2:24:45 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
Restructuring of Ascension Groups/waves is now done.
Mark/Beth's Questions on Restructuring of groups: Nov 24, 2009
One of the concepts, about the recalibration of those ascending/not ascending, are three different groups: "Go Alongs/Not Go Along/First Wavers/Second Wavers/Third Wavers."
Do we have a three zone process going on here? What is the New structure? Are there 1,2,3,4 Groups?
Ones not going to Terra Nova: that will happen with the arrests, they are leaving, the 13 families are leaving, most if not all of the Royals are leaving.
Will there be a breaking off of the Crust of the planet, from the Terra Nova part, or will there just be a frequency barrier? They wouldn't be able to cross that.
Where will the groups that need more time in the illusion go? The citizens of Terra Nova and the other Earth; The Helpers and the Helpees--Helpers being the indigo children choosing with compassion to stay behind to help the others come up to speed--or will there be anomaly bubbles?
How long will it take?
You told us some weeks ago that the Watchers on 172D have restructured the Ascension Groups. Please tell us the current arrangements.
~Ashtar Answers:
The Ones Going with us are about 70% of Earth's population, about 4.7 Billion will join us in Terra Nova.
About 2.9 Billion will be 'walking in another dimension', on a different TimeLine. Of those 2.9 Billion, half [1.4B] will be leaving immediately and permanently.
The other half, about 1.5 Billion, will have a chance to join the new timeline, within a period of time. After a certain point, the other timeline will be too advanced for them to join anymore.
The Other Dimension of Earth where these 2.9 Billion will go, will be an innerdimension of Earth and they will not know anything at all has changed. They will carry on life just as it was before.
About a Half Billion of those [Indigo-Crystals] will be called Helpers. Almost all voluntary helpers are Indigo-Crystal Children who will stay back in the innerdimension of Earth to help wake up as many of the other 1 Billion remaining behind as possible.
They will have a time period of current Earth years in the hundreds, but not the thousands, to join with us again.
This is a 4 Tier system:
1)Those darkhats leaving immediately to carry on at Herculobus, or leaving permanently to go beyond the void.
2) Those walking on the innerdimension of Earth that will stay there hundreds of years, about 1.5 Billion, they will never rejoin Terra Nova, but will go on to do their own thing.
3) Those who are helpers, with the potential to rejoin Earth, plus the one's who decide to wake up and go with them (between 0.5-1.5 Billion).
4) Those who decide to stay behind, after all, they will continue their path with those from Tier 2.
Remember! We have done this before. We have run these scenarios through the computers at the 172nd Dimension, and we are working with the Lords Most High Governors Council to retrieve this data. These numbers are changeable, but these are close estimates with little chance of changing much.
Every soul has been accounted for. Every soul has been reviewed and has been given a choice.
Every soul has been shown alternate choices and each one knows that their decisions are binding. We treat these souls with compassion and love which is beyond measure. Each One is a spark of the Divine and each one is considered in equal measure with the others.
~Quan Yin
It is at this time of profound Planetary change that I find my work the most challenging. I am on the Team of Galactic Workers who ministers to the Souls who have contemplated going or staying. They must weigh their ability to change and accept new ideas, as well as overcome the blocks in place by their programming. There is the whole range of individuals falling into this category.
There are affluent people who carry ignorance and prejudice in their heart. There are those living in war torn areas who have been treated as slaves. There are those who have less education and less self-love than needed. There are unfortunate ones addicted to substances or thoughts which block their growth.
I go out to the Earth daily as a Galactic advisor and overlight these souls as their options are weighed. This is a very tough job, because each soul is loved more than words can say. It can be heart breaking, but it is done from a place of neutrality.
I work with Anubis. Anubis weighs the soul {he has a balance scale and places a feather on one side and the soul on the other}, and in doing so, determines the options available in each individual case, and alternative choices are offered, when available. The utmost care is given to each case.
We ask that you view this part of Earth Ascension as something very necessary. Mother Sekhmet works with her Team to see that each one of her children receives exactly what they need.
This is the most equitable way to continue with Planetary, Universal, and Cosmic Ascension. The computers at the 172nd Dimension take in all the information to help determine the best outcome possible for All That Is.
Please continue to think of these Ones, in each Tier, and Bless Them as they continue down their next appointed path. Use Ho'opono pono in every situation where it is helpful, to yourself, and to others.
Forgive all that has happened, and forgive YOUR reaction to these events. Self-Love is the starting point for all Love, and loving detachment is a Divine Truth which all ascended Masters use as a Guide Light on their path. Love these dark ones even more.
Continue to weigh these Truths and raise your thoughts to a place of loving detachment.
Know the information and re-center your joy, your bliss, and your excitement in the imminent changes. Lift up your thoughts, for as you do this, you light the Path of Ascension and more and more and more will follow in your footsteps.
Quan Yin
12/4/2009 8:59:21 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
Speaking of the arrests, of corporate and government leaders, all over the world and especially in the US ,tells us this is happening , it is real, and not only is it happening but at a rapid rate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
12/11/2009 1:50:54 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
With the appearance of the Norway Star Portal opening this AM...the next 72 hours will build the wave for the removal of ALL darkhats (1.4 Billion will leave the planet on 12/12 + another 1.5 Billion going to an interdimension of earth on a parallel timeline--for a total of 2.9 Billion, leaving on 12/12.
4.69 Billion of current earth population (70%) will be upshifted to TerraNova 5D timeline and participate in Ascension upgrades, including dropping of veils, as decloakings occur over 120 Countries, worldwide, in the coming days before 12/21/09.
Fulford: All the Top Nazis are Under Arrest
Posted By admin On December 9, 2009 @ 1:30 am In Benjamin Fulford, Featured, Headlines, Information, News Articles
The money sprinklers are running scared as the new financial system looms.
All those little old men who ran the world by sprinkling illusory funny money are running very scared now. Their system of control lasted so long, they thought they were above the law and above God. They are now getting their come-uppance. In Japan all they had to do was hand out a few billion in bribes in order to steal trillions.
The people who worked for this system (mostly gangsters and politicians) are all worried about their futures. Only a few of the top traitors like Nakasone need to worry. Japan will be getting back its trillions so we can pay all the subordinates double what they used to get if they promise to never again betray their country.
On a different note, there are logistical and technological issues to deal with before the new financial system can be launched. The best guess is January 2010 at the earliest. At that point people will get their money back.
On a further note, we are hearing that all the top Nazis in the US, from Henry (Heinz) Kissinger on down, are now under arrest. When people find out what these criminals did to the people of the world there will be a lot of anger. Despite the huge injustices that have taken place, now is a time for forgiveness, not revenge.
12/16/2009 10:46:52 AM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Winton, MN
age: 57
As you know, I have been watching these arrests, and it is all lining up before our very eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
1/8/2010 10:02:48 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Monteagle, TN
age: 56
KOS Update January 4, 2009
There has been heightened activity around Sanaa in Yemen. Militias from NATO, EU, Russia, China, Japan, US, all running around with not much to do. There are hundreds of Warships in the Gulf Of Aden right now.
They are surrounding an open StarGate in the Sea. Seven miles deep within the sea below the Aden Stargate is an awakening sentient consciousness creation with extraordinary capacity to assist in bringing peace to the world.
The Secret Scientists are monitoring these anomalies and they report to Military Leaders there is nothing that can stop them. All Planets in our Solar System and our Sun are showing transformational changes in composition and magnetics.
All 'Ancient-and-New Grids' are activating and will shortly demonstrate an unbelievable power by generating a 5D Crystalline and Electromagnetic shield/Firmament around the Planet and a horizontal force field that will make aggressive use of weapons impossible.
With the Blue Moon Activation the Earth Grid has powered up the StarGate with FORCE energy. The energy has been building since December 31st. This second full moon in December was just the Cosmic boost which was needed to surge the Crystalline Earth Grid and Activate the Diamond Tetrahedrons inside Earth and open the StarGate as it had been open in ancient history.
This Grid Activation is controlled by Ashtar from the Galactic Federation. On His Command ALL WEAPONS will Cease Firepower. We will launch the shuttles from our Mother Ships and we will bring the Servicemen and Servicewomen from all countries around the world home to their families.
The escalation you see in Yemen is the final outcry from those who have been in charge of making war a very long time. They can see the MotherShips exiting the StarGate en Masse. They are aware that when the StarGate reaches its peak power that their weapons will no longer work.
At that moment we will HAVE to announce Disclosure to explain why the soldiers are no longer fighting. Today US Secretary of State, Hillary, said Yemen is a threat Regionally and Globally. She left out Cosmically. This Statement is her final. There will be no more warring she can conjure once the StarGate fully opens.
The Soldiers all around the World will be effected in that instant. They will look at their weapons in disgust, not understanding. They will look up at their buddies and at those they are firing at and notice no one's weapon is firing. They will radio their Commanders and it will happen in that instant, all over the World.
The StarGate Aden off Yemen's Coast, IS THE FORCE which will deactivate all guns and weapons around the World. There will be a simultaneous World Peace. The Galactic Federation Ships will then move in to bring the Soldiers back to their Home Land, back to their families. Everyone will see these Ships and Decloakings will be underway.
Envision Peace.
1/21/2010 8:33:00 PM |
Questions about Changes Post N. 9/3/09 |


Desoto, TX
age: 48