9/4/2009 11:56:25 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
It's funny how the western stores fill up with people the start day of the local rodeo weekend, who wanna buy a new hat, boots, and a new shirt and pants to wear, too represent a cowboy. How many actually own or work cattle, can ride a horse, or steer a calf? New hats glisten in the bright lights like relectors on a state highway. Concrete cowboys are easy to spot but i guess they would feel out of place in their knee knockers and flip-flops.
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9/5/2009 9:54:59 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |
Waxhaw, NC
age: 51
SOOO true & the same folks roll there eyes if you got to stop by the cafe for lunch with a "cow " on ya, sorta like going dancin in a country bar,, guy wants a $75,000 car & a $15.00 dollar hat!! I seen one fella with his new spurs on up side down, I'd hate for him to have to git me out of a storm if a colt come undone!!!!!
9/8/2009 7:15:34 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Rochester, WA
age: 59
There are so many of those types around that a person hates to show up with a new hat on for fear of being mistaken for one of them. You sure don't wear a new hat and new boots on the same day. I don't recall ever having both new on the same day but I sure wouldn't wear them together.
A friend and I started writing down things sort of like Jeff Foxworthy's "you may be a redneck" only it is you might not be a cowboy.
If you never had snot blown up your backside by a cow while trying to ear tag her new calf, you might not be a cowboy.
If you have never been bucked off twice in the same day, by different horses. You might not be a cowboy.
We came up with a lot of them. Cowboys would nod their head and relate to them. Most of them would go over the head of the urban cowboys.
9/8/2009 8:51:50 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Pittsfield, IL
age: 55
laughter is how i responded to this..no not a cowboy, got cows but we use the truck and 4 wheelers to round them there herefords up, yeeehaa...uncle lives out in the sand hills in nebraska, can remember going to the diner with him as a small guy..asked where were all the cowboys and he laughed and he said they are the ones wearing cat hats and john deere hats cause they are free!! god bless (been awhile since they were free)
9/8/2009 7:53:44 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
Thats why I felt compelled to post this comments. The stories that can be shared that we all know and have shared elsewhere before. The your not a cowboy quotes would make a good comedy hour somewhere im sure.
9/9/2009 7:10:37 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Rochester, WA
age: 59
A few years back I was sitting in one of those urban cowboy bars one afternoon talking to a guy I knew. He was raised in Western Montana on a 800 cow ranch. He was and still is darn sure a cowboy but at the time he was working for the federal land bank. Having just come from work he was wearing a suit and tie. Well up walks this other guy who worked for the bar running the mechanical bull. He sits down at our table. He dressed the part and all the girls in the bar called him "cowboy" but he darn sure wasn't one. "Cowboy" starts telling us stories. He keeps refering to his parents place as the ranch. Finally my friend in the suit asks, just how big is this ranch? The reply was 7 acres. My Montana friend very quietly says, "calving must be a b*tch." It went right over "cowboy's" head. He never did understand what I was laughing about. It still brings a smile to my face remembering that day.
9/9/2009 8:05:43 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Pittsfield, IL
age: 55
i personally like to look at the spurs they wear..i wear grandpa's when i ride and they resemble the old calvary style....if ya ran those wheels some of em got you would fillet the horse in about a minute....
9/9/2009 5:27:00 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
Yep, there is a big margine between having a cattle business and a hobby with cattle, But a fellar can make it all look good if he is in debt deep enough or in good standing at the bank. He can wear a $600.00 dollar hat or suit, and people can still easily tell by just listening to him talk where he stands.
9/9/2009 9:44:18 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Grady, AL
age: 50
I have never professed to be a "cowgirl", although I've been called one several times, not because of dress or cows (don't own any) cows, that is, but because of pure grit, determination and stubborness I reckon. I prefer to be a called a "horsewoman" instead. I own eleven of those hay burners. I live on my grandmother's old farm. Now, she didnt have a "ranch" either but she was one of the first women ever took cows to the stockyard in the back of a pickup truck. Ifin I had to sum her up, I'd call her a cowgirl for sure! Outta nothin but spirit! Not many cows around here anymore. Lots of pastures just growin up and vacant. Hundreds of acres but no place to ride a horse, it's all fenced and locked. Young folks have no interest in it any longer. They just wait to inheirit it and sell it. Cattle company up the road a piece, they are just a stop off place though. There is a horse ranch I go by everyday to work. Nothing but broodmares and babies...it's the best part of my drive to work each day.
PS..got a cowboy hat but don't wear it...don't care for hats, but now a man in one that's a different story..lol
9/9/2009 11:54:56 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
Here we go... Holywood made John Wayne and many others, a cowboy icon by production of its version of cowboy. Around the world and even today, if someone were to have "never" seen a true bronc bustin, cattle ropin, branding iron totin cowboy but would see an old movie on film. Most people may agree if only by reputation of behavior or personality on screen, John Wayne was a true cowboy.
I grew up watching the old westerns and the many gun battles, and loved them... Not many cowboys have gun battles these days over pride, fence, water, and petty disputes...
Thank Goodness!
9/10/2009 6:58:06 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Rochester, WA
age: 59
I truely like all those John Wanye westerns. But I have to say Hollywood sure doesn't know how to handle cattle. Old John would ride into the herd hooting and a hollaring. Maybe even firing off his six shooter. Not the way to get anything done with cattle. Every time there is someone new around here that thinks they should help handle cattle I have to go into an explain to them that John Wayne doesn't work here in real life.
9/10/2009 7:17:58 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
That's me three hat's and no cattle 
9/10/2009 9:35:37 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Pittsfield, IL
age: 55
but ya got to love the duke....
two famous quotes i have heard others use and live by:
Well this old comfortable man thought he would go down there and shot em....(ranger first sergeant in Iraq)
If ya cant respet your elders, respect your betters, old man samuels at the tavern circa a ;year ago..the youngster got the point fast
11/10/2009 7:51:31 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Tacoma, WA
age: 48
Come on peeps...Its not just the hats the the dimestore cowboys wear, but the belt buckles. Now don't get me wrong... I know that there are a few of you that "earned" those buckles...I'm not talking about you... I'm talking about the ones that walk into the western wear stores and pick out the biggest buckle they can find. Most of them have never been to a rodeo let alone get up on the back of a horse...Unless of course it was one of those wood ones at the merry go round....  
11/10/2009 10:44:39 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Coshocton, OH
age: 52
good thread op 
11/13/2009 10:18:25 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
Just seem kinda fittin in here, the opinion of people doesn't always matter, but i think people waist their money to procure an image.
11/13/2009 10:26:38 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
Just seem kinda fittin in here, the opinion of people doesn't always matter, but i think people waist their money to procure an image.
11/13/2009 11:32:44 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Rackerby, CA
age: 38
I found this thread quite amusing. 
I own 7 hats.
I keep some for dress = "clean", and some are for work = "what is that on your head?"
I don't own a pair of Cowboy boots. I hate wearing them. Work boots, dress shoes, or sneekers. All with laces. 
The important thing is, Be true to yourself, and don't be who you are not.
11/13/2009 7:27:58 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Sayre, OK
age: 46
$20.00 dollar work hat i wear for fun everyday, and to keep the sun off my face on a sunny day. I own 3 pairs of pull-ons western boots which all have a function, a pair for dress and church, a pair i wear to work in everyday in the poo, brush and grassburs, and a pair i just dont wear anywhere. I own several felt hats and a few straws i have bought over the last twenty years.
11/17/2009 3:04:39 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Poplar Bluff, MO
age: 53
I think they just want to be part of a group with alot of history behind it
11/18/2009 11:31:58 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Guess that answers my Mountain man caps & civilwar & revolution hats along with my cowboy hats, No I don't have a disco hat & boots  
11/18/2009 7:39:08 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


San Antonio, TX
age: 66
That's me three hat's and no cattle 
I am like you Star...
...I did my time with cattle and horses....
....... I still like my Hats and Wranglers and Boots...but no cattle or horses to feed...
11/21/2009 11:41:20 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Montgomery, TX
age: 50
It's funny how the western stores fill up with people the start day of the local rodeo weekend, who wanna buy a new hat, boots, and a new shirt and pants to wear, too represent a cowboy. How many actually own or work cattle, can ride a horse, or steer a calf? New hats glisten in the bright lights like relectors on a state highway. Concrete cowboys are easy to spot but i guess they would feel out of place in their knee knockers and flip-flops.
Its even funnier that people wear baseball hats talking about people wearing cowboy hats
11/21/2009 7:59:48 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Grady, AL
age: 50
All them hats just give me a headache!
My ex WAS a cowboy, but he wore a baseball cap wayyy more than he ever wore a cowboy hat. About the only time he did wear a cowboy hat was to go out. In other words when he got "dressed" up.
11/28/2009 10:57:12 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Indianapolis, IN
age: 49
Personally, I hate "cowboy" boots. I have 2 pair for one simple reason..... my work boots won't fit into the stirrups!
11/28/2009 11:16:28 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Plow boys arn't knowen to need stirrups on their mule, Your liveing pretty high there vet with two pairs of boots & stirrups!! 
11/28/2009 1:22:57 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Indianapolis, IN
age: 49
Vicky told me to not tell you what I was riding! 
11/28/2009 2:12:00 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Pittsfield, IL
age: 55
please be careful of the spurs!!
11/29/2009 4:06:29 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |

Big Bear Lake, CA
age: 44
I used to get worked up about drug store cowboys, then I figured it like this, if you’re even a cowpoke you know a cow boys boots are rarely clean. He doesn’t tell too many stories, he just nods a lot, doesn’t drive a car, he will be found asleep or driving a pick up! Cowboy will look ya in the eye when he talks to ya. A Cowboy don’t where a crisp unshaped hat, never! Cowboy can’t tell time, because he was late putting his watch on. We tell time by a rooster! lol Cow hands don’t keep up with fashion much because were mostly behind on chores or she said no.
11/30/2009 9:03:30 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Martinsville, VA
age: 64
That sounds like most of the cowboys I have know...
12/1/2009 10:45:43 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |
Magnolia, KY
age: 29
Drug stores are easy to spot here in KY they wear black felt/plastic hats they just bought at the flea market to the rodeos you never see a drug store here wearing a nice hat.
12/1/2009 5:48:51 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |
Winnsboro, TX
age: 39
I tought on this post and got to say that there might be some good side to the ,,all hat and no cattle''
Is kinda of like all the footbal fans wearing jersey with their favorite player name on them lol, and not have to worry about brocken bones.
Point is that some of the wannabes with new hats and boots might go spent money on watching a rodeo and keep something alive and going, for the real ones out there competing.
Maibe some folks just try to identify theirselves with something that has a certain value and associates with the heritage and history of this country.
I might find something in common with one of those ,,never been on a horse but allways wanted '' than one that rides his harley and whears harley boots,harley jacket,harley wach,harley chaps, harley bandana,and has a big harley tatoo on his shoulder and he is a dang lawier and can't stand the stink of animals or is allergic to any of them.
The shitty part might be thet wether you wear cowboy hat ,boots,or harley jacket or you brag about thet John Deere, some or all might be made in China or India.
So how much a cowboy someone is up to himself i reckon ,i learned long time ago not to judge folks by how they dress like.
And then i bumped into planty braggards when it comes to been there done that.
I see people spending milions on few hundred acres and build a big house were you can stable a whole city and use a few head of cows all registered and blah blah their fu&king pipe fence cost more than all i got to my name or i can earn for rest of my life.
They got the cows the land at 5000$ per acre and they deduct it at a loss in taxes .
So they have the cattle the big ranch the big Deere and big truck.
They are ranchers and is their money ,and they have the right to do what they want and wear their hat wich ever way for what i care.
All this while i struggle to mend a barbwire fence and can hardly buy the shit and all i got to show for it is the mud on my boots.
I figger some of those folks got a lot more to show fer it than sweat, brocken fingers and missing teeth and cow shit on their boots to go with thet fancy new hat.
To end this i might say whatever floats someones boat .
Not everyone is born with a ranch or the cattle and sure is long way to pay for having those.
Some might just live with that fancy hat and whatever simbol it might stand for ,i say let them be and be proud they don't wear their baggy britches behind their knees and stare at ye with their a** crack lol!
So wile done reading this please consider some humor in between the lines i wrote.
12/2/2009 8:34:15 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |
Magnolia, KY
age: 29
I'll agree with some of what you have to say, but there are plenty who wear fancy hats and have land and cattle that weren't given anything. Like me I've worked for everything I have when my parents died all they had left was a John Deere Model A. No land no house and no money. I've earned everything and I live a lifestyle not a clothing style. Yes it may be condescending to talk about those who wear the hat and have no cattle, but I do it because you can't buy a hat and be a cowboy its not the clothes you wear or the boots or even the hat that makes you a cowboy its you. Now with that being said I don't have a problem with people buying their hats and boots to go to a rodeo and have a good time watching people like myself compete. My problem is with the guys who buy those things and act like a cowboy just because they dress the part. To me they are insulting my lifestyle my beliefs, and everything I've worked so hard for. Its kind of like a city boy coming to the country buying some land and a pair of overalls and thinking he's country.
12/3/2009 5:25:22 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |
Winnsboro, TX
age: 39
I'll agree with some of what you have to say, but there are plenty who wear fancy hats and have land and cattle that weren't given anything. Like me I've worked for everything I have when my parents died all they had left was a John Deere Model A. No land no house and no money. I've earned everything and I live a lifestyle not a clothing style. Yes it may be condescending to talk about those who wear the hat and have no cattle, but I do it because you can't buy a hat and be a cowboy its not the clothes you wear or the boots or even the hat that makes you a cowboy its you. Now with that being said I don't have a problem with people buying their hats and boots to go to a rodeo and have a good time watching people like myself compete. My problem is with the guys who buy those things and act like a cowboy just because they dress the part. To me they are insulting my lifestyle my beliefs, and everything I've worked so hard for. Its kind of like a city boy coming to the country buying some land and a pair of overalls and thinking he's country.
Agree with the above , my previous post somehow might sounded like i might be defending the ones that ,,dress the part'', i do alternate between joke , serious,and sarcastic , i appologise if i might sounded like a smart a$$, and i might have said something out of line.
12/25/2009 6:45:01 AM |
All Hat and No Cattle |
Vivian, SD
age: 47
I own cattle and have rode my share of horses I now live on the family ranch/farm use a four wheeler and pickup mostly anymore. Ive seen the drug store type the rodeo type and the real type yes there is a difference between the real and the rodeo type and I have found that its what you believe in and the rules you set for yourself that defines where you fit. Have a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year!!!
12/25/2009 3:50:48 PM |
All Hat and No Cattle |


Wessington Springs, SD
age: 61
hey drifter how is the old punky strum doing he was part of my shearing crew and havent heard from him in yrs rich