12/18/2007 11:52:23 AM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Rapid City, SD
age: 32
my x was a psycho and tried to kill me right after i married her.she had bipolar and refused to take her medication when she was supposed to. she tried numerous times to kill me with a butcher knife up to my throat. tried to poison me. she tried to frame me for things shes done to me. public embarrassment. drowned my pet. threatend my friends. physicaly beat me up every moment of the day. even when i'm on the phone. etc.  all through it i tried my damnedest to stay true to my vows until after i divorced It.
theres too much to tell so i'll explain more anotherday cause this causes me pain just thinking about it.
[Edited 12/18/2007 3:58:51 PM]
12/18/2007 8:44:21 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 35
My ex was a little nutty in some ways but she was tame compared to what you describe.
12/19/2007 10:54:39 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Selah, WA
age: 46
Some people change once the ring hits the finger. Don't know why but they do. My 2nd X I believe had depression along with other things but the anger he had in him he was use to and didn't think he had a problem. The problem was everyone elses. 
12/22/2007 6:58:08 AM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Cuba, MO
age: 46
yes my ex is for sure psycho...

ask me why?
ok, tell you why.. he has never went to get help, everyone around him he claims,"is sick"
I know any psycho dr, would have to simply pull cord on him. he is very pathetic individial.
I never saw RED FLAGS ahead of time.
very disturbed individual, I pity him, for he can't help it. 
[Edited 12/22/2007 7:01:19 AM]
1/10/2008 1:09:15 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Oakdale, CA
age: 51
my ex changed the minute we were married, his eyes got all funny, he tried to kill me later holding me hostage in my house with our son in the next room.he is insane and i was young and didnt know it.
1/10/2008 5:28:41 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
After we married my ex said...I married ya I own ya. Yeah right. Mine was bi polar too. He didn't need a reason to go off the deep end and yes it was everyone elses problem. I was the one who was crazy to hear him tell it.
1/13/2008 6:46:07 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Sheboygan, WI
age: 25
My ex has been my ex for 9 months now... Yes, I say that like I am at a 12-step meeting lol.
After we split, he got even worse than when we were together!!! I didn't think it was possible!!
-He busted down my door to beat up the guy I wsa seeing.
-He has put trash in my car so my car now smell aweful until I can have it cleaned when the weather warms up a bit.
-I received 10-20 phone calls, text messages, voice mails pr day calling me names and stating threats.
He is so nuts they granted me a 4 year restraining order!!!

The picture is going through that approval process...
1/15/2008 7:46:33 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Sioux City, IA
age: 36
Wow, I think that we were married to the same guy!! The funny thing is that when we meet he said that our song was Angle Eyes because it reminded him of me. He played it continous for days. The kids later told me that it was wife 2 and 3's song also, very orginal. Don't worry, if you can stay away from him until he finds someone else he will go away. Don't try to reason with him because if he is anything like mine he can justify anything he does and make it your fault. Learn to hang up the phone until you get a new number, move if you can, and pray like hell that he finds someone to take his mind off of you. It helped me to write all of my feelings down until they went away.
1/16/2008 6:44:54 AM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Jacksonville, FL
age: 52
WOW what a topic....My ex wife too was diagnosed with bi-polar twice but refused to get help. Often she would tell me she was hearing voices telling her to kill someone but still refused to admitt to a doctor that she had a problem...There was also the stalbing the sofa pillows to death ......I could no longer sleep in the same room with her..to this day she still refuses to get help....She was also very manipulative and nasty to her own family when they tried to seek help for her ....You cannot help someone who does not want help......     
1/16/2008 8:01:01 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Mahwah, NJ
age: 46
You mean that there are other people out there whom are full of themselves and are never wrong, about anything, ever????????????????
1/16/2008 9:17:49 PM |
For People whos X's were psycho's let it out here |

Barryton, MI
age: 33 online now!
I left my husband 2 1/2 months after we got married. After i said I DO..he turned out to be a total ass hole..He also had bi-polar..didn't take any meds for it..When he drank.He took everything out on me what other ppl did to him. He would blame me for cheating if another guy looked at me..so i would always look down. If i looked at a guy i was accused of wanting to have sex with him...He made me do the things he wanted to do. Every time he drank i would always end up crying..He would say mean things to me..like..i'm ugly..nothing but a dumb b*tch,.,thats just the nice things...
Now i'm going through the divorced and i'm so happy...
The worst thing is...it's harder now to trust other people for the things he has done..
I'm now starting to get my back bone back again..
I don't understand why people have to hide their true colors..They always come out sooner or later...