10/13/2009 6:47:27 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 30
On CNN today,Obama will consider legalize marijuana with one million votes.
Call: 973-409-3274 to vote.
How do you feel about the subject? and Why?
[Edited 10/13/2009 6:48:38 PM PST]
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10/13/2009 6:48:48 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |
Spring, TX
age: 42
well how many times does this thread come up.
If they make it legal i will have my own farm. Hell everyone will have their own farm because anyone can grow it. Prices will fall dramatically and no taxes will be made from it because people will be too high to pay taxes. Anyone can have a marijuana garden in the back yard but not too many people wanna fool with a brewery. That's the difference between weed and alcohol. The government wont be able to tax it because everyone and there dog will be growing it.
[Edited 10/13/2009 6:51:59 PM PST]
10/13/2009 6:51:11 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Springfield, IL
age: 31
10/13/2009 6:52:08 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |
Aurora, CO
age: 42
Nothing against it, just tax it & apply the $ 2 things like extending unemployment bennies & provide help with heating bills 4 lowincome people in the Winter.
10/13/2009 7:10:06 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Conyers, GA
age: 64
Exactly right. California hopes to tax it. But it's easier to grow than crab grass.
So, I heard.
[Edited 10/13/2009 7:11:23 PM PST]
10/13/2009 7:13:33 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |
Spring, TX
age: 42
Ms. Gerogianaanagail:
The government of California is pushin the fact that they will tax the hell out of it. But who are they gonna tax?
No person wants to waste their time growing cigarettes. But ask any pothead and they will tell you how proud they are of their plants.
Growing pot is an art. Legalize marijuana and you will see a pot garden in the backyard of every true pothead. You won't have to go to the store to buy it because there will be so much competition it will be practically free.
So....who is the government gonna tax?
Damn! I'm good. I told you guys that the Pariah is King of debating.
That is why I am the Father of the Pariah Nation
Now how about that Amen?
[Edited 10/13/2009 7:17:15 PM PST]
10/13/2009 7:44:38 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Montville, NJ
age: 38
well how many times does this thread come up.
If they make it legal i will have my own farm. Hell everyone will have their own farm because anyone can grow it. Prices will fall dramatically and no taxes will be made from it because people will be too high to pay taxes. Anyone can have a marijuana garden in the back yard but not too many people wanna fool with a brewery. That's the difference between weed and alcohol. The government wont be able to tax it because everyone and there dog will be growing it.
It would generate much more tax money than alcohol does.
...and there will ALWAYS be abusers of ANY substance (before anyone even goes there)
That said...pot has killed ZERO people....and you can't say that about any other drug....or alcohol. 
The tobacco companies would love it too. 

I'm with Pariah....but I wouldn't farm it.
...but I sure as hell would invest in the farmers with some sort of stock or partnership in the farm if it was legal.
The money to be made with that makes the ETHANOL (corn fuel) venture a while back look like child's play.
So much for GREEN TECH / RENEWABLE ENERGY investments too....this would make them look pale in comparison for ROI(Return on Investment).
There would be a new "GREEN INVESTMENT" 
One hell of an investment if they ever legalized it. 
..and while you're at it...legalize and regulate this too. 

[Edited 10/13/2009 7:50:18 PM PST]
10/13/2009 7:48:10 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |
Spring, TX
age: 42
I'd like to see the makers of Marlboro compete with my Hydro plants. No can do essay.
[Edited 10/13/2009 7:49:17 PM PST]
10/13/2009 8:20:54 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
Marijuana is a weed, it grows wild in every climate zone in the USA. Though it does grow better in some then others.
So, legalization and taxation would require a clause controlling who is allowed to grow and process it. Otherwise, there will be zippo collected in taxes.
As for marijuana never killing anyone. I wonder if the families of accident victims, who were killed by drivers under the influence of marijuana, would agree with you.
I don't want to see marijuana legalized and I wouldn't care if alcohol was outlawed. I quit drinking years ago.
JMHO ..... Mike
10/13/2009 8:38:26 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Montville, NJ
age: 38
travalone wrote:
"As for marijuana never killing anyone. I wonder if the families of accident victims, who were killed by drivers under the influence of marijuana, would agree with you."
As I stated already...and you ignored....THERE ARE THOSE WHO WILL ABUSE ANY SUBSTANCE...
...LEGALIZED OR NOT. (just look at Micheal Jackson recently for that example)
They will go out and drive whether they are drinking, smoking, texting....whatever... and kill others...or themselves.
This is a fact of life irrespective of the substance. It is PURE HUMAN NATURE.
Additionally...in this case...we are talking the about something that has the exact opposite effect of alcohol as well.
They are not likely going to go out and drive...but instead prefer to sit and reflect or vegitate/unwind PEACEFULLY...
...not go out on an all night drinking or meth induced rampage and beating their wife, family....or breaking into homes stealing for more addictive drugs.
Pot is NOT the same as the other substances....even alcohol.

[Edited 10/13/2009 8:39:53 PM PST]
10/13/2009 9:02:42 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Bothell, WA
age: 70
Legalize Pot?
For medical purposes........YES!
For recreational purposes..........NO!
10/13/2009 9:08:46 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
random, I didn't ignore what you wrote, but I am intitled to my opinion.
I'm no angel and I do have a past. There was a time I could tell the quality of the pot you were smoking by the smell on your cloths. So don't bother trying to tell me what the effects of smoking marijuana are.
I also happen to be one of those that lost friends due to someone driving under the influence of marijuana. So don't try to tell me that it doesn't happen.
IMO, aside from some limited medical uses, there is nothing positive about pot, and I don't advocate the legalization for use outside the medical field.
JMHO ..... Mike
10/13/2009 9:09:32 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Madera, CA
age: 43
Legalize Pot?
For medical purposes........YES!
For recreational purposes..........NO!
I agree. But as another poster said. "Who are they going to tax?" Tax the people who use it and grow it. They BETTER NOT tax ME for it. I don't use it.
10/13/2009 9:21:21 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
make it legal..decriminalize the law about it..I dunno care just stop busting ppl for it and sending them to jail and or prison over pot!!
Make every state so it can be used for any and all medical problems that it does or can help!
Whatever - cause it should have never been made illegal in the first place
OP ya might wanna post this in the group -smokers lounge
Also where did you get this info from as to where to call..got a link for us so we can check it out?
10/13/2009 9:27:46 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |
Birmingham, AL
age: 64
Ms. Gerogianaanagail:
The government of California is pushin the fact that they will tax the hell out of it. But who are they gonna tax?
No person wants to waste their time growing cigarettes. But ask any pothead and they will tell you how proud they are of their plants.
Growing pot is an art. Legalize marijuana and you will see a pot garden in the backyard of every true pothead. You won't have to go to the store to buy it because there will be so much competition it will be practically free.
So....who is the government gonna tax?
Damn! I'm good. I told you guys that the Pariah is King of debating.
That is why I am the Father of the Pariah Nation
Now how about that Amen? 
Hey Pariah, I think I can grow my own tomatoes too, but that chit just never worked out.
10/13/2009 9:47:00 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


The Plains, OH
age: 54
I dunno..........is it any better than what I been smoking?
10/13/2009 9:55:51 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
Dear Friends,
I read and signed the petition: "Legalization of Marijuana in all 50 states".
Please take a moment to read about this important issue, and join me in signing the petition. It takes just 30 seconds, but can truly make a difference. We are trying to reach 10000 signatures - please sign here: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/12/legalization-of-marijuana-in-all-50-states
Once you have signed, you can help even more by asking your friends and family to sign as well.
Thank you!
Sign this petition for the legalization of marijuana in all 50 states
10/13/2009 10:27:49 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
Spoken like a true liberal, foxy.
You obviously have no idea of the Pandora's Box you will open if marijuana is legalized for more then medical uses.
Marijuana is NOT a harmless drug. but you go ahead and believe that if you wish. Legalizing pot is just one more step in the destruction of this country.
But, maybe you don't care about the destruction of this country. Maybe you want to live in a 3rd world country. At the rate Obama and his friends are working, it won't be long.
So go ahead. Give Obama what he wants. If you're lucky, some hopped up pot head will run over you and kill you before this country goes completely to hell. That way you won't live to regret you actions.
JMHO ..... Mike
10/13/2009 10:48:45 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Mesa, AZ
age: 31
I believe it should be done. Right now I am working with a group in AZ to get medical marijuana on the ballot for Nov. next year. It far more harmless than alcohol, tobacco, and most of the prescription meds already available and far less addictive. The sale and taxation revenue of it would supersede the the amount currently spent on fighting it. It would also take the money out of the hands of the drug cartels in Mexico and the street gangs that control it now. Farmers would have an easy to grow and profitable source of income. The prison population would drop. And it would be a good option for patients to use in place of some of the more damaging pills (liver, kidney, and heart damage) that many are taking now.
10/13/2009 10:57:05 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Stateline, NV
age: 53 online now!
The herb is a lot less harmful than the destructive and cumulative effects of alcohol. When the City of Oakland, Ca. legalized taxable marijuana shops within its city limits, they made about $2 million in revenue from taxes, which was enough to provide more city services, law enforcement, medical clinics, etc.
10/14/2009 3:50:50 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 54
No, no, no and no...
I have heard all the reasons and I will still vote against it! I have 20 years in critical care and I will still vote against!
10/14/2009 4:26:58 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Morehead City, NC
age: 61
If they legalize pot and everybody stays stoned, they could have a National Highway speed limit of 45 mph and nobody would give a shit.
10/14/2009 6:07:31 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Conyers, GA
age: 64
So go ahead. Give Obama what he wants. If you're lucky, some hopped up pot head will run over you and kill you before this country goes completely to hell. That way you won't live to regret you actions.
JMHO ..... Mike
As I recall, marijuana is more likely to make you stay at home and giggle at your toes (or whatever) than hit the expressways.
..but, it's been a long time.
[Edited 10/14/2009 6:09:42 AM PST]
10/14/2009 7:00:37 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Chicago, IL
age: 52
I also happen to be one of those that lost friends due to someone driving under the influence of marijuana. So don't try to tell me that it doesn't happen. JMHO ..... Mike
A six pack would put many folks in the ditch, a joint (maybe even several)...not so much. You are saying that weed was soley responsible for your friends demise...Can you prove it? I would like to see the coronors report. I suspect that weed was probably not the ONLY substance involved. IMO the true culprit was probably alcohol/hard drugs or meds.
Mixing weed (drugs) and booze, that's a different story.(and would make your statement false) I have never heard of pot being the ONLY contibuting factor in ANY cases of death.
Care to share the details???
PS. In many accidents, the innocent parties could have avoided trouble if they had been paying attention (just because the light turns green doesn't mean it's safe to proceed...always look before you leap and watch out for the other guy.)
PSS. The drug war is a CRIME against humanity. They will never legalize for tax purposes, if they do legalize it will be because they are losing their stupid war. The feds may now ask to send in the Military to protect the US from the border drug War.
When the US deaths and kidnapping toll reaches a certain level, legalization will occur. (obombi will try to use the failed drug war as a means of regaining popularity, since the majority favor legalization)
10/14/2009 7:10:08 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Austin, TX
age: 49
It is a proven medical fact that if you smoke marijuana before your kids are born they will be born naked. There are studies that show smoking pot actually takes away some of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, I posted the studies about a month ago and the study was by someone that was against pot until he did the research study.
10/14/2009 8:02:32 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Conyers, GA
age: 64
It is a proven medical fact that if you smoke marijuana before your kids are born they will be born naked.  There are studies that show smoking pot actually takes away some of the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, I posted the studies about a month ago and the study was by someone that was against pot until he did the research study.
Well, there's your proof, my sons were born naked.
10/14/2009 8:06:03 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Atlanta, GA
age: 55
It was second hand nakedness.

10/14/2009 9:03:40 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51

10/14/2009 11:51:27 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
Izzy, my friends, a husband, wife and 6 month old baby girl, were killed by a 17 y/o pot head stoned out of his mind and driving daddy's Benz at a very high rate of speed, the wrong way on the interstate. There was no alcohol or other drugs in his system.
So obviously you don't know what you're talking about.
Those of you that believe that pot only makes you want to stay home and veg out are making the assumption that people only smoke pot at home.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. How many times have you walked into a public restroom and smelled pot? If you go to one of the few remaining drive-in theaters, have you never smelled the oder of pot in the air? Do you really think that no one smokes a joint in the parking lot of a bar before going in to have a few? What about sitting in a park on a nice day? Smoking a joint as you drive down the street is a lot less conspicous then drinking a beer.
Marijuana is more potent then beer and takes much less to impair a persons faculties. Therefore, a person can and does become impaired in a much shorter time. Marijuana also causes a well know effect known as cotton mouth. So most smokers will drink some sort of liquid while they're smoking. If that is alcohol the cumlative affect of both pot and alcohol happens very quickly.
Everyone knows that alcohol is dangerous. This is one reason we have drinking age laws.
But we all know that if a minor wants alcohol, he/she will get it. But they still have to procure it from someone else. Very few, if any, minors brew their own alcohol.
Legalize marijuana and everyone with a few square feet of dirt can produce their own supply. So how do you control it, or for that matter, tax it?
There is no argument that alcohol is responsible for thousands of deaths each year. So saying that marijuana is no more dangerous then alcohol is a moronic argument for it's legalization. How does this argument sound to you?
Alcohol only caused 5,000 deaths in the last 6 months. Since marijuana is just as safe as alcohol we should make it legal. After all, it won't be responsible for any more deaths then alcohol.
Gee, that sounds good to me ... NOT.
Marijuana is NOT a harmless drug.
Legalization of marijuana is a very bad idea and I am very much against it, with the exception of legitiment medical uses.
JMHO ..... Mike
10/14/2009 11:56:03 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Atlanta, GA
age: 55
Only the GOOD shit!

10/14/2009 12:04:03 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Atlanta, GA
age: 53
that boy had to be on something other than weed....all the potheads i've ever known....i did grow up in the late 60's.......can barely make it to the local donut shop at a top end speed of 20mph in order to satisfy the muchies....they're slower than snails....
10/14/2009 12:25:31 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Fort Worth, TX
age: 30
that boy had to be on something other than weed....all the potheads i've ever known....i did grow up in the late 60's.......can barely make it to the local donut shop at a top end speed of 20mph in order to satisfy the muchies....they're slower than snails.... 
That is true, most people I know that smoke weed usually drive slow, most likely they would forget where they are going.
I think he was speed racing, driving careless like alot of under age kids today.
[Edited 10/14/2009 12:26:11 PM PST]
10/14/2009 2:22:34 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Chicago, IL
age: 52
travalone is a miserable disinfo shill...
How is asking a question not knowing what I’m talking about…??? You are making ignorant statements *, and also playing on folks sympathy...I don’t believe your story…you are an anti-pot shill…
* Marijuana is more potent then beer and takes much less to impair a persons faculties. – bullshit…
* So most smokers will drink some sort of liquid while they're smoking. If that is alcohol the cumulative effect of both pot and alcohol happens very quickly.
how quickly is that??? - you said alcohol wasn’t present in your friends deaths…so why are you pointing this out? ( esp that I already mentioned it)
You are trying to sway opinion, nice try but obviously your full of shit., alcohol is much more dangerous than weed. That's not an opinion, it's a medical fact.
I’m not saying we need more negatives, just that it doesn’t make sense, (kinda like your post…) that alcohol is legal while weed is not.
obami already said he didn't think legalization was a good idea, he even laughed it off(though it was the most dominant and important question brought up by millions on his web site.) I guess his POOR ratings are the turning point for him to now consider it, way to f**k up my man.
10/14/2009 4:21:55 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
that boy had to be on something other than weed....all the potheads i've ever known....i did grow up in the late 60's.......can barely make it to the local donut shop at a top end speed of 20mph in order to satisfy the muchies....they're slower than snails.... 
The coroner said that THC was the only drug in his system other then some asprin.
You believe that people under the influence of marijuana can only sit around and stare at the walls. Well that may be the sterotype you see on TV and movies, but it isn't reality.
As I stated in my previous post, users of Marijuana don't only smoke at home. You gloss over those facts and say,"oh they can't move very fast because I never saw anbody who had been smoking move fast". Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
izzy, I don't have to be a "shill" to express my own opinion concerning this topic. I certainly don't have to lie and I'm not looking for sympathy.
I've never denied the fact that I used pot when I was younger. But the accident did happen, as I said it did. The loss of my friends in that fashion had a lot to do with my quiting and my opinions concerning marijuana today.
Frankly, I don't give a flying f**k if you believe me or not. Nor do I really give a tinkers damn about your opinion of me.
I am against the legalization of marijuana for anything other then legitimate medical uses.
This is my opinion and it is not based or dependent on anyone elses opinion. It is based on provable facts and my own personal observation and experiences.
Tell me izzy, the photo of you with the blurred out upper section. Is that supposed to be you expanding your mind? What drugs are you taking to achieve that effect?
JMHO ..... Mike
10/14/2009 7:41:47 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Spring, TX
age: 57
I'm in favor of medical marijuana but I don't want kids exposed to the smoke. Our schools do not need first graders showing up stoned.
But I'm also not in favor of imprisoning violators. Prisons for profit is way out of control, and with this economy, we need to make room for some white collar criminals that did a whole lot more damage. Aren't there more Madoff's out there or SEC violators?
Maybe raise both the fines and community service. One day a week until the time is served.
10/15/2009 6:34:38 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Chicago, IL
age: 52
izzy, I don't have to be a "shill" to express my own opinion concerning this topic.
( you don't have to be, but you are by trying to sway opinion to anti-legalization. It doesn't matter what your reasons are, but it does matter that you spew false info.)
I've never denied the fact that I used pot when I was younger. But the accident did happen, as I said it did. The loss of my friends in that fashion had a lot to do with my quiting and my opinions concerning marijuana today.
(I would say it had EVERYTHING to do with it. Reminds me of a coke head who let his life get out of control, and then falsly blaming coke never touching the stuff again, and beating up anyone that does. Plenty of folks use without ever having all these problems. The problem is much deeper than addiction, addiction is merely a symptom of the 'real' problem.)
This is my opinion and it is not based or dependent on anyone elses opinion. It is based on provable facts and my own personal observation and experiences.
JMHO ..... Mike
get your 'provable facts' straight, otherwise you are spewing disinfo, (which makes you a shill)...alcohol vs. weed
10/15/2009 6:49:10 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
Isnt it ironic ?
imprison pot smokers but allow Bush to be free
dont allow ppl to smoke pot but lets allow illegal wars
dont allow ppl to grow pot but lets use DU and all nuclear devices and operations to poison and bombs to kill ppl
10/15/2009 7:22:29 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Dothan, AL
age: 56
oh, hell yes.. legalize pot and cocaine too why we're at it. But don't stop there.. lets legalize meth and acid, throw in some real downers like oxycotton and heroin. After all, not as many are killed while high on these drugs either. We'll just tax the hell out of them and that'll solve everything.
NOT! Obama is only trying to win votes for 2012.. wake up!
10/15/2009 7:23:54 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Goshen, IN
age: 30
It doesn't matter, it won't happen.
It's much to profitable for the government right now, exactly the way it is.
10/15/2009 7:34:23 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Fayette, OH
age: 55
It doesn't matter, it won't happen.
It's much to profitable for the government right now, exactly the way it is.
If it wasn't for the bogus "war on drugs" a town of 1200 could never afford 2 fulltime cops with bulletproof jackets, M-16's, and a dog.
As long as there is big money in the militarization of local police forces and even park rangers, nothing is getting legalized.
10/15/2009 7:35:08 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Pot has messed up everything, and killed and ruened millions of peaple sence 1965, Yes it was not always the obvious ingreedant but a constant one just the same. Heavy & proloned use has changed every friend I ever had that used it that way for the worse permanetly. Most if alive yet today are just pretty worthless and usealy very dependant on someone for their excistance a live in or family that feels obligated to them in someway. Yes a few have smoked for years now and seem on the surface to have done ok but Family life is offten pretty bad for many and today they are closet smokers as around hear no one tolerats it anymore as they did in the 70's & 80"s as most peaple around me were I live have seen & expranced the social, work, health & death damage it does and no longer tolerate it much at all. Yes their will always be some that smoke pot but life is sooooooooooo much better with out it!! As is life with out an Drunk everyday and most often you have both dubble bad 
10/15/2009 8:10:43 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
some could say..Video games and online activities (requires a pc) have mentally messed ppl up and ruined many relationships
I dont see that being banned
Drinking causes many problems medically ..driving and drinking a big no no..caused relationship to break up..messes up ppl..dont see that banned
Prescription drugs..caffeine..nicotine etc... cause many ppl problems and other health issues..mind altering drugs which is prescription drugs..dont see that banned
DU messes up ppl and their off springs yet its not banned and the govt made a choice to cause more harm to humans!
Vaccines have bad ingredients in them..but they arent banned
We see NONE of these things banned and YET its all acceptable
It all boils down to CHOICE
Thats what we do..WE..each person is able to decide what I,you,he/she puts into their own bodies..and thats how it should be!
Pot is a choice as well..or should be for all I have listed and more pot is the least dangerous ..
CHOICE is the adult way NOT govt issued, not public majority
We all are capable of deciding just as we all pay the consequences of all choices!
If marijuana was so evil so bad for us..why is it being used for medical issues?
Its not evil..Its not bad..its a friggin herb. That herb has many many benefits for the human body
Educated yourself before proclaiming pot is evil/bad
Dont be blinded by what the govt sells ya or hand feeds you!
stop believing everything you hear is gold for its not.
Propaganda is unbecoming
Be a grown up and research it for Yourself
Cant you see? The BIG PICTURE here?
The Govt has allowed so many different ways to ruin our bodies and the land with all that lives on it.. so many just go right along with it cause WHY? The govt wouldnt lie...HELLO..wake up!!
Allow yourself to make a choice and understand what that means and how to apply it
You're making pot the enemy and allowing much more harmful things being approved or ok in your mind as the govt hands feed and you swallow
[Edited 10/15/2009 8:35:21 AM PST]
10/15/2009 8:19:09 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Tipical response: I know better and don't care Besides I can still rationalise it to my self. 
10/15/2009 8:21:03 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
obviously you do care or you wouldnt have posted in this thread as you did
YET its still about CHOICE!
You allow the govt to poison you and others in so many ways..yet the ONE thing that doesnt harm you.. you reject and look at it as evil!
Think about it
Dosen't harm me????? Sweetie I was married to one just like you, I know all about the harm it does and for simply explaneing it their is no difrance between it and any cancer as it will attack you anywere & everywere and all friends & family and eats you out like a weavil in a grain bin.
married to one like me?
OH really...wanna explain that and I'll let you know when you're right or wrong
If she is just like me..You're a fool for losing a good woman!
This is going to be interesting
marijuana does NOT cause cancer..in fact marijuana prevents some cancers
[Edited 10/15/2009 8:41:57 AM PST]
10/15/2009 8:35:04 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Dosen't harm me????? Sweetie I was married to one just like you, I know all about the harm it does and for simply explaneing it their is no difrance between it and any cancer as it will attack you anywere & everywere and all friends & family and eats you out like a weavil in a grain bin.
10/15/2009 8:52:25 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Goshen, IN
age: 30
If it wasn't for the bogus "war on drugs" a town of 1200 could never afford 2 fulltime cops with bulletproof jackets, M-16's, and a dog.
As long as there is big money in the militarization of local police forces and even park rangers, nothing is getting legalized.
Yup, factor in, everytime someone gets popped with nothing more than a baggie, they are paying
AA classes
Probation costs
Court fines
drug test expenses
Ankle monitoring fees
Jail costs and/or work release fees
Counseling service fees
X's however many times they've been busted.
To name a few. It's a very profitable business just the way it is, it keeps many employed exactly as it stands. Any government that would give up all the profit that is being made by legalizing it, is an idiot. They'd be selling the government's most probitable "small business" to corporate America.
Personally, I could give a shit if they legalize it. it's not worse than many things that are legal.
10/15/2009 8:53:25 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Everett, WA
age: 47
Legalizing marijuana is the best chance obamadolf has at achieving more than one goal (of the American people, not his personal agenda). It would add money to the system through taxes, and lessen health care costs for those that could utilize its benefits. So, it will never happen. Makes sense, good for the country, so will be vetoed by obamadolf unless he can find a way to siphon something off into his personal accounts.
10/15/2009 10:04:43 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Chicago, IL
age: 52
Besides I can still rationalise it to my self.  
At least you admit to your own self deception/rationalization...pot is NOT what ruins peoples lives, it's the screwed up laws that ruin lives and the systems brainwashing of the masses that allows it. People that are alarmed by weed are ONLY alarmed because the system has brainwashed them into being alarmed...and that is why you think as you do.
Think for yourself cause I won't think for you.
10/15/2009 10:09:55 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Lincolnton, NC
age: 57
Dosen't harm me????? Sweetie I was married to one just like you, I know all about the harm it does and for simply explaneing it their is no difrance between it and any cancer as it will attack you anywere & everywere and all friends & family and eats you out like a weavil in a grain bin.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
I think that Marijuana is the new "oil".I hear it burn's well.
10/15/2009 10:12:41 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
Here's a litte info for those that know so much about how safe marijuana is.
Negative Effects of Marijuana
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Related Tags: marijuana | thc | addiction | drug | negative
How Marijuana Interacts With the Body
Step 1:
Marijuana is a drug made from the cannabis plant. THC is the most potent active chemical in marijuana, and it is THC that produces the negative effects of marijuana use. When you smoke marijuana, THC enters the blood stream through the lungs and is pumped throughout the body to your brain and vital organs. THC then interacts with certain areas of the brain to produce the high that is associated with using marijuana.
The High
Step 1:
The area of the brain impaired by marijuana controls pleasure, sensory function, physical coordination, memory and relationship to time. This means that when you smoke marijuana, senses are dulled, physical abilities are impaired, and coherency and ability to think clearly is reduced. The length of these impairments depends on the amount of marijuana that has been smoked or otherwise ingested into the body and at what frequency.
Marijuana and Respiratory Health
Step 1:
Marijuana is typically smoked, providing the same negative effects to the body as smoking other substances. It contains many carcinogens that damage lung tissue and may lead to cancer. Marijuana use also raises your heart rate and blood pressure, leading to an increased risk of heart attack.
Step 1:
Marijuana is a highly addictive drug. Addiction to marijuana can develop rapidly and make it difficult to stop using the drug, even when a person wants to do so. This addiction impairs ability to function normally in school, social, and work settings. It is difficult to hide an addiction to marijuana as many workplaces require urine tests from their employees to screen for the presence of the drug, making it difficult for those using the drug to find employment and stay employed.
Marijuana and Mental Health
Step 1:
Deterioration of mental health is a secondary but important effect of marijuana addiction. Marijuana addicts experience increased irritability, depression and inability to maintain healthy relationships. This impact on mental health impacts all areas of life which means the overall quality of life for marijuana users is decreased.
Gateway Theory
Step 1:
While still disputed, many feel that marijuana is a primary gateway drug. This means that marijuana use is often a stepping stone to the abuse of other more serious illegal drugs. Even though this has not been firmly proven, the risk is significant enough to consider when contemplating the negative effects of marijuana use.
Surgeon General's statement on marijuana
Saying that marijuana is no more dngerous then alcohol is, IMHO, incorrect and I am backed up by medical facts. But that is beside the point. Comparing one to the other is a nonsensical argument.
The danger of marijuana use should be judged on it's own merits and not on how it compares to something else.
Can anyone HONESTLY say that they know a non-medical pot smoker that is a positive contributing member of society. I strongly doubt it.
JMHO ..... Mike
10/15/2009 11:30:06 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Lincolnton, NC
age: 57
"Positive contributing member of society"?
How about Mike Meyers? Have you seen "Goldmember"? Somebody had to be smoking something.
But he's Canadian,so I guess he don't count.
10/15/2009 11:31:02 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Austin, TX
age: 49
Here's a litte info for those that know so much about how safe marijuana is.
Negative Effects of Marijuana
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Related Tags: marijuana | thc | addiction | drug | negative
How Marijuana Interacts With the Body
Step 1:
Marijuana is a drug made from the cannabis plant. THC is the most potent active chemical in marijuana, and it is THC that produces the negative effects of marijuana use. When you smoke marijuana, THC enters the blood stream through the lungs and is pumped throughout the body to your brain and vital organs. THC then interacts with certain areas of the brain to produce the high that is associated with using marijuana.
The High
Step 1:
The area of the brain impaired by marijuana controls pleasure, sensory function, physical coordination, memory and relationship to time. This means that when you smoke marijuana, senses are dulled, physical abilities are impaired, and coherency and ability to think clearly is reduced. The length of these impairments depends on the amount of marijuana that has been smoked or otherwise ingested into the body and at what frequency.
Marijuana and Respiratory Health
Step 1:
Marijuana is typically smoked, providing the same negative effects to the body as smoking other substances. It contains many carcinogens that damage lung tissue and may lead to cancer. Marijuana use also raises your heart rate and blood pressure, leading to an increased risk of heart attack.
Step 1:
Marijuana is a highly addictive drug. Addiction to marijuana can develop rapidly and make it difficult to stop using the drug, even when a person wants to do so. This addiction impairs ability to function normally in school, social, and work settings. It is difficult to hide an addiction to marijuana as many workplaces require urine tests from their employees to screen for the presence of the drug, making it difficult for those using the drug to find employment and stay employed.
Marijuana and Mental Health
Step 1:
Deterioration of mental health is a secondary but important effect of marijuana addiction. Marijuana addicts experience increased irritability, depression and inability to maintain healthy relationships. This impact on mental health impacts all areas of life which means the overall quality of life for marijuana users is decreased.
Gateway Theory
Step 1:
While still disputed, many feel that marijuana is a primary gateway drug. This means that marijuana use is often a stepping stone to the abuse of other more serious illegal drugs. Even though this has not been firmly proven, the risk is significant enough to consider when contemplating the negative effects of marijuana use.
Surgeon General's statement on marijuana
Saying that marijuana is no more dngerous then alcohol is, IMHO, incorrect and I am backed up by medical facts. But that is beside the point. Comparing one to the other is a nonsensical argument.
The danger of marijuana use should be judged on it's own merits and not on how it compares to something else.
Can anyone HONESTLY say that they know a non-medical pot smoker that is a positive contributing member of society. I strongly doubt it.
JMHO ..... Mike
Here you go travel this is a scientific study by someone that was against pot until he did the study
10/15/2009 11:57:17 AM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Chicago, IL
age: 52
Here's a litte info for those that know so much about how safe marijuana is.
Negative Effects of Marijuana
Related Tags: marijuana | thc | addiction | drug | negative
Surgeon General's statement on marijuana
Saying that marijuana is no more dngerous then alcohol is, IMHO, incorrect and I am backed up by medical facts. But that is beside the point. Comparing one to the other is a nonsensical argument.
You know about nonsensical ???? 
..........................................'shill shooter"...
The main reason it is nonsensical is because the surgeon generals statement is nothing more than political propaganda, but the info here is the truth
[Edited 10/15/2009 12:02:52 PM PST]
10/15/2009 1:42:31 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
Marijuana: It’s Not Just THC
by Bruce Mirken
One thing that drives me crazy is the tendency of the media and others to refer to THC as “the active ingredient” in marijuana. While THC is indeed responsible for marijuana’s “high,” it is one of about 80 unique compounds, called cannabinoids, that are not seen in any other plant. Many of these have interesting, potentially significant, medical applications, and are not psychoactive.

Anyone who wants to learn about these other cannabinoids should check out this recent review published in the journal Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.
The article devotes a lot of space to cannabidiol (CBD), the most studied of these compounds, noting that “CBD exerts several positive pharmacological effects that make it a highly attractive therapeutic entity in in?ammation, diabetes, cancer and affective or neurodegenerative diseases.” Notably, CBD has antipsychotic actions, but fewer side effects than “typical antipsychotics.” Lots of other cannabinoids have potentially useful properties as well. For example, cannabichromene has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, plus “modest” analgesic effect.
The article tends to be a bit dismissive of THC because of its psychoactivity, and focuses mainly on cannabinoids as individual chemicals rather than as components of an herbal medicine that has proven extraordinarily useful in its natural form (biases that are pretty much typical in the medical literature), but even with these limitations, it’s an important read.
Tagged with: cancer and cannabinoids and CBD and inflammation and science and THC by the author
published in the journal Trends in Pharmacological Sciences.
Non-psychotropic plant cannabinoids: new therapeutic opportunities from an ancient herb
Angelo A. Izzo1, 4, , Francesca Borrelli1, 4, Raffaele Capasso1, 4, Vincenzo Di Marzo2, 4 and Raphael Mechoulam3
1 Department of Experimental Pharmacology, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
2 Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, National Research Council, Pozzuoli (NA), Italy
3 Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products, Hebrew University Medical Faculty, Jerusalem, Israel
4 Endocannabinoid Research Group, Italy
?9-tetrahydrocannabinol binds cannabinoid (CB1 and CB2) receptors, which are activated by endogenous compounds (endocannabinoids) and are involved in a wide range of physiopathological processes (e.g. modulation of neurotransmitter release, regulation of pain perception, and of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and liver functions). The well-known psychotropic effects of ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which are mediated by activation of brain CB1 receptors, have greatly limited its clinical use. However, the plant Cannabis contains many cannabinoids with weak or no psychoactivity that, therapeutically, might be more promising than ?9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Here, we provide an overview of the recent pharmacological advances, novel mechanisms of action, and potential therapeutic applications of such non-psychotropic plant-derived cannabinoids. Special emphasis is given to cannabidiol, the possible applications of which have recently emerged in inflammation, diabetes, cancer, affective and neurodegenerative diseases, and to ?9-tetrahydrocannabivarin, a novel CB1 antagonist which exerts potentially useful actions in the treatment of epilepsy and obesity.

Click here -MPPTV
10/15/2009 2:07:20 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Creighton, NE
age: 61
Thankyou izzy for I was terribly afrade that you were thinking for me   
10/15/2009 4:08:35 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51

10/15/2009 4:10:31 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Omaha, NE
age: 51
10/15/2009 4:22:16 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |
Spring, TX
age: 42
So I'm driving my 76 Nova with Craigar Wheels and spinners. I'm checking out my car's reflection int windows of the vacant strip center as I pass by. High on some killer....I thinki I see someone who is out to get me...not paying attention my car rolls up on top of the 8 inch curb and ruins the underneath chassy of my car and the suspension. the care is not worth fixin. So....high on pot my first car is totalled at only ten miles per hour or maybe 5.
SO I smoke a joint of some bad a** shit and I'm so high I don't pay attention to the 18 wheeler next to me on the freeway. So I change lanes and end up under the 18 wheeler. Car is totalled. there is no way to report that these accidents were caused by marijuana so clearly you can't compare the traffic related accidents due to marijuana to traffice related accidents caused by alcohol.
So the argument that marijuana doesn't cause as many accidents as alcohol is thrown out the window.
If copes could do a drug test at the scene of the accident then a claim could be made as to how many accidents are caused by marijuana.
Proponents of legalization of marijuana use this tactic to prove their beliefs but have no facts to back it up.
How do they know that marijuana doesn't cause as many accidents as alcohol? The only reason we know alcohol causes accidents is because tests are done in the field.
No tests are ever performed to find out if a person is high on pot.
So that argument doesn't fly.
Can the Pariah receive yet another well deserved Amen?
Oh..and by the way, Fzappy, Bravefart, Kfmac and Walter555 like it in the butt.
[Edited 10/15/2009 4:23:22 PM PST]
10/15/2009 5:20:23 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |


Montville, NJ
age: 38
"Can the Pariah receive yet another well deserved Amen? "
NOPE...not this time.
There will be abusers of ANY substance...legal or otherwise.
You get a for that argument.
10/15/2009 5:44:46 PM |
How do you feel about Legalize Marijuana |

Strafford, MO
age: 57
"Can the Pariah receive yet another well deserved Amen? "
NOPE...not this time.
There will be abusers of ANY substance...legal or otherwise.
You get a  for that argument. 
Of course there will be abusers, that wasn't the point of his post.
If there is no field test to check for Marijuana use, then statistics can not be kept on how many accidents, tickets ... etc. result from being under the influence of Marijuana.
The absence of these statistics does not prove that DWI marijuana is less likely to cause an accident then DWI alcohol.
Therefore stating, as a fact, that DWI marijuana causes less accidents then DWI alcohol is an erroneous argument as there is no way to prove the statement without the statistics.
JMHO ..... Mike