Sykesville, MD
age: 51
Anybody interested in volunteer work in Zambia in February working with crocodiles?

Morgan, VT
age: 66
only wi' me briches on

Bartlett, IL
age: 43
Zambia Victoria Falls
Photo: Claire Spottiswoode

For a long time Zambia has been a well kept secret by those who live there and those who visit. However, this is changing rapidly as increasing numbers of birders and ecotourists are discovering this wonderful country. Zambia is safe and very friendly. It is accessible and the infrastructure is reasonable. It still supports huge areas of wilderness and it holds 750 species of bird, many of which are difficult to see anywhere else. Amongst its attractions are the spectacular Victoria Falls and some of the very best game-viewing safaris anywhere in the world. For birders, highlights include endless miombo woodland full of tantalising bird parties, vast wetlands, sweeping grasslands, the most southerly tracts of the great equatorial forests and some remote and challenging montane wilderness areas. 

Bartlett, IL
age: 43

Lake City, TN
age: 60
Hi.........sounds great to me. How long would we be there? And what would it entail?