12/31/2007 3:10:46 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Denton, TX
age: 37
Was married for 15 years and was totally faithful to her and found out she was cheating on me. No apology or nothing. Just now starting to get over the pain of what she's been doing. Now I'm asking myself... How do I move on? Its like I got a "I'm still married" sticker stuck to my forehead. Chicks talk to me, they act like they're interested, they tell me they're attracted to me.... and thats it. No more contact from them. I try to follow-up with them, but I gets no play. Am I missing something? Does being married for so long to a cheater affect you in ways not known to most?  
12/31/2007 7:55:56 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Mohawk, NY
age: 64
does being with a cheater affect you....OH YES SIR...
I can talk from the reverse experience and add about another 18 yrs to marriage time...
but there is life after...what i found are the following...not sure how else to get them down...so
1. I was never a cautios or jealous female...I am now....and have no problem explaining why.
2. huge rule for me...will not date anyone who is not single, totally, will not do to someone else that which done to me,,,,and being the romantic I am, as long as a person is not single...there is always the chance of it being put back together....I have given out a lot of quarters on this one...and meant each of them...
3. have no problem stating who I am, amd prudly so....lost a lot of me in the marriage....have learned to begin neogations right up front...including what I will and will not accept....
4. did not date until I was single....because i wanted to be free...took back maiden name too....
well...just a few things....
do they help...if they do great
1/1/2008 1:40:24 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Springfield, IL
age: 37
I am not a guy but i am gonna reply to this anyway! It is very hard being in a relationship when it is one-sided! I too was in a relationship where i was the faithful one and he was the cheat. When you are the one being cheated on it affects you in a manner people can't begin to see. You were the one that was in love so it is hard to move on when u are still in love with that person and until you let go of her and what u had it will be hard for you to move on! Just make sure you don't carry your bad experience with you into your future relationships because let me tell you not all women cheat and not all men cheat it just seems like a long process to find the ones that are faithful and honest! Just know that the road you are traveling down is not a desolate road it is filled with many others making the same journey as you! I too am making this journey and it seems like a never-ending road but eventually we will find our soulmates, that one person that was put on this earth for us to spend the rest of our lives with! Until then we must take things in stride and not let our bad experiences define who we are, but embrace those experiences and learn from them! "What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger"!  
1/1/2008 4:58:40 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Decker, MI
age: 34
my ex and i were not prefect. there was no dv, verbal fighting or anything along those lines. but she is the one who did the cheating. the thrill of cheating and hiding from me is what turned her on. things are very different now. its been 5 months now. still very weird. i look at women and i have the feeling that i'm cheating. odd feeling. but i hope that after i have my first date, that some feelings might change. i hope anyways. but ya, people do look at you differently, even the already divorced women. that is weird slso.
1/1/2008 5:14:38 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
i was married for 13 yrs and together for 20 she decided our marriage was over long ago but neglected to tell me. she decided the contractor working on our kitchen would love her cause he was hittin on her.she cheated on me and i divorsed her.its been 3 yrs and i finally feel good enough about myself to start dating. P/S he went to jail&she bailed him out he dumped her .recently i found him in jail serving 10 yrs for sex with minor .ironic IT TAKES ALONG TIME TO RECOVER
1/2/2008 3:25:46 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Janesville, WI
age: 43
It's been 3 years since My life changed due to an affair. Had a dark cloud over me for about 6 months. Love being on my own and realize it has happened to better people than me. Not that I'm a bad person but I know I'm definitely not alone. I keep it simple and don't look back. I don't live in yesterdays only today and tomorrow. We are wiser now.
1/5/2008 12:50:15 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Polo, IL
age: 50
The problem I found dealing with a cheating spouse is that I felt I was in some way responsible. What could I have done to make him stay with me? What did I do to make him stray? It took me YEARS to figure out that he was just a lying cheater. He loved the thrill of it and even more, doing it with my best friend. I know I'm not a faithful guy but I was a very faithful woman for 25 years! Good luck to you.
1/5/2008 2:06:53 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Clinton Township, MI
age: 38
My x cheated once and she was out the door. If I can't trust someone, I can't love them, That is the way I am.
1/5/2008 5:52:03 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Durant, OK
age: 28
Well being cheated on sucks and i should know seeing i am a three time loser and the thing i hate most is that my children are affected in ways i can't begin to understand. any help look me up
1/6/2008 3:16:07 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Superior, WI
age: 32
Well it is different for everyone. I know for me. I found everything out when I was kicked out by my ex wife. I found out that she was cheating on me a couple of months before we were married. She was caught kissing one of my groomsmen the night of our wedding, And the a week after we got back from our honeymoon, She moved me out and that same groomsman in. I have had 3 Long term relationships, The shortest one being 4 yrs. And all 3 of them were cheating on me. 2 that are still with the guys they left me for and cheated on me with. I have looked at others, And flirted a bit with a couple. But I have never cheated on any woman I was serious with and wanted to be with forever. At this point I just don't trust anymore. And without that, You will never be able to have a good relationship. That is why I am here to make friends. You can go out with friends and have lots of fun. If you meet some that want casual sex with you. Hey all the more pleasure. So that is were I am at, and I know it won't be anytime soon that I will head back into serious. If ever., 
1/6/2008 3:18:02 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Superior, WI
age: 32
And I can relate kylena, It is alway tough for the children. I know it is for my daughter also.
1/6/2008 8:39:33 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
My x husb is a professional womanizer. I'm sure this has changed me in many ways and how I look at men. I'm very cautious and it takes a very long time to earn my trust. In 17 years I never thought to cheat and it was a horrendous marriage. My thoughts were always how to make it better. I never blamed myself for his cheating even though he blamed me...he had to feel good about what he did. Each person is responsible for their own actions. However I hold on to the fact that I'm a faithful person therefore I still beleive there are faithful men. It's funny when I first was divorced I too felt like I was cheating, had a very hard time dealing with being with another. I don't feel that way now thank goodness.
1/6/2008 3:50:40 PM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Pilot, VA
age: 66
karie1970 couldnt of put it any better myself i ve been divorced for ten years now and can t seem to get it together anymore i talk to some local ladies but nothing seems to feel right 
1/7/2008 8:28:38 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Desoto, TX
age: 33
I understand how you feel. I knew my husband cheated on me early on in our marriage and I always forgave him and I was in my relationship 16 years and filing for a divorce now, but I'm seperated and still seeking happiness.
I also understand the attraction that some say that they have towards you and I have come to the conclusion that now days people are into playing with your emotions and feelings.
I have met some intresting people and I cannot make a connection and I figure that I'm not suppose to.
Good Luck with finding what you are searching for.
It takes time to heal a wound just stop picking at the scab. 
1/11/2008 7:24:31 AM |
For faithful guys with cheating wives |

Detroit, MI
age: 42
Finding out that your partner is a cheater is a very painful thing. I know because I not only had a cheater but a abuser. I now now he was covering for his own short comings. But what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. How do you recover? By being the strongest, man that I know you can be! Become more faith-driven and find a true christian woman and move on. Vengence belongs to the Lord, but it sure feels good when your ex sees you with a better life! So be strong you are starring the answer to your prays right in the mouth. Be Blessed