12/29/2009 9:45:28 AM |
What is the deal with women? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 27
It really bugs me that when I look at a profile or hear a women say I don't care about looks. We all know that that is what they want. I have seen so many women hurt and beat up by the so called hot guys but they don't care cause they look good. I am a nice guy and they wont even give me a shot cause I am a big guy. I think that they should all put in their profiles I want a hot guy only and then I will know that I never have a shot. I wont waste my time looking at the rest of the profile. I know that if I walked up to a women and was really nice and charming she would go for the guy who walks up behind me and says something about my weight or makes fun of someone cause he is a so called hottie. So i just don't get it they say they care about what is on the inside but I guess not.
I would love to hear your take on this.
Thanks for reading.

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12/29/2009 10:49:57 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Lafayette, IN
age: 26
I could say the same thing about men. All the bullshit about wanting someone who can hold a conversation, someone that won't cheat and that is sweet and a good person. Guys say they're looking for someone family oriented and good natured and on and on about qualities I feel that I have, but then respond by saying that I'm "not what they're looking for" if they respond at all. And the thing is, they don't know what they have found, so how can they know that I'm not what they are looking for? I'm a good person, family oriented, good natured, intelligent, faithful to a fault, and a good girl, but guys see that I have a few extra pounds and I'm not good enough. Fine, go to small, cheating wh*res...I figure it's their loss...
12/30/2009 6:33:08 AM |
What is the deal with women? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 35
you how you man treat them
12/30/2009 12:44:12 PM |
What is the deal with women? |
Pendleton, IN
age: 31
J, u know, i've been with men who have "a few xtra pounds." i think what turns me away from a man with a few xtra wld b his attitude about it. especially how he verbally portrays himself. honestly, i cldn't tell anything like that in ur pic so if i were or weren't going to show interests in u it wldn't have been based on that. but it bothers u and so its the thing u point at when someone looks another way. if it bothers u, do something about it. if not deal with and let it b a part of who u r. my personal opnonion about a guy with a few xtra is that there is more to hug and cuddle, i always feel warm up close, and for the tall one with xtra i feel somehow protected. i like it, but if he's complaining about his appearance as he chugs a dew or a beer, with cheeto's while play'n xbox and watching endless tv, i'm gone.
12/31/2009 9:35:59 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 27
First of all the only TV I watch is the news. I don't have cable or and xbox. And what kind of attitude do big guys have? If they don't talk it is because no one ever gave them a chance and they are to afraid of being hurt again. If they are a jerk it is because they are afraid that they might get ignored again. So they try to be tough because it seems that's what the girls want sometimes. For the fact of doing something about it. It is hard to lose weight when you are diabetic and I am happy with the way I am. I just would like to find someone who is happy with the way I am too.
Sorry if I come off mean.
1/1/2010 6:41:43 PM |
What is the deal with women? |
Pendleton, IN
age: 31
J, i wasn't try'n to b a b*tch with my response. basically all i'm referring to is confidence. confidence makes a man. confidence makes a person. lack of confidence and disatisfaction in self wld more likely b y i wldn't b interested in someone. more than having a "few extra"
1/1/2010 6:51:50 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Pierceton, IN
age: 47
I think there is a whole-lotta-lickin goin' on out there....gigitty gigitty.
[Edited 1/1/2010 6:52:52 PM PST]
1/2/2010 8:53:51 AM |
What is the deal with women? |
Ligonier, IN
age: 36
men are the same way. they all want a thin gal. That's all fine and dandy but how many people are bigger. I don't like thin men, I think they are somewhat stuck on themselves. Not all just some.
1/2/2010 12:52:03 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Dyer, IN
age: 42
I tell ya, I'm a nice guy and I am a bit on the hefty side, And I too am a diabetic, Although I go to the gym 4 to 5 times a week. But all that aside, I think both sides are guilty of the same thing, I even received a responds from a woman once that told me I need to find someone in my own league, and that was the light side of what all she said. It really made me feel bad, she took one look at my picture and threw down on me. I admit I have a body type that I look for but thats just a small part of it. I've date a few woman latly and and nothing has work but not due to looks but due to some many other things, like attitude and personal hygiene, Go figure I find a girl that wants to wear 10 year old sweets on our first date LMAO.
I do have to agree with J, women do have the hole I looking for blah blah blah but always want to come across that looks dont matter. But really for any one, they do. I just figure if the pass me by its thier loss and I move on. I do hate the time I put into my e-mails to have the ignored but oh well...
And your account, if your not happy with yourself do something about it. I going to work my butt off (literly) this year at the gym and lose enough to get me down to 200.
1/5/2010 1:43:32 AM |
What is the deal with women? |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 47
you how you man treat them
...another fine quotation product from our public school system in Injunapolipus...
Give me a break. 
Get some balls son. Don't settle for second best. Get after it young man.
1/7/2010 5:44:34 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 27
I want to thank all of you input on this if there is anymore I'd like to hear it.
1/8/2010 5:14:06 PM |
What is the deal with women? |
Oakland City, IN
age: 56
Take your time, be patient with yourself. I know on D H I find when I click on a Profile, sometimes after reading some of their posts I do not care to know anymore. Good Luck!
1/8/2010 5:19:28 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Mc Cordsville, IN
age: 52
same here buddy!
1/8/2010 8:11:27 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Dyer, IN
age: 47
J, i wasn't try'n to b a b*tch with my response. basically all i'm referring to is confidence. confidence makes a man. confidence makes a person. lack of confidence and disatisfaction in self wld more likely b y i wldn't b interested in someone. more than having a "few extra"
I totally agree with this statement. Be yourself and have cofidence.
1/8/2010 8:27:29 PM |
What is the deal with women? |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 47
I could say the same thing about men. All the bullshit about wanting someone who can hold a conversation, someone that won't cheat and that is sweet and a good person. Guys say they're looking for someone family oriented and good natured and on and on about qualities I feel that I have, but then respond by saying that I'm "not what they're looking for" if they respond at all. And the thing is, they don't know what they have found, so how can they know that I'm not what they are looking for? I'm a good person, family oriented, good natured, intelligent, faithful to a fault, and a good girl, but guys see that I have a few extra pounds and I'm not good enough. Fine, go to small, cheating wh*res...I figure it's their loss... 
Well then, get yourself good enough and lose some weight girl. Based on your comments, your real issue is not with just cheating guys or the like, it's yourself. Stop pointing the problem on someone else; and start pointing the finger back at yourself.
Good luck in your endeavors.
3/29/2010 12:54:37 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 27
I thanks all of you in your comments on here please keep this running.
5/14/2010 10:21:14 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Portage, IN
age: 28
I used to be the same way, angry cuz noone wanted me cuz i was heavy, but, ya know what? A) i've lost weight(by my OWN choice) and B) i just dont give a damn anymore... This is who i am, take it or leave it... and if i send someone a message and they dont respond, i dont get upset over it, cuz i figure yeah, maybe i lost a few minutes in writing that email, but, it's better to know upfront how they are then after spending time talking to that person, and having them disappear.. Hell, that STILL happens to me, but, it's whatever... If they want to judge me based on how i look, oh well.. I dont need someone like that! Complaining about women/men not wanting you cuz you've got a few extra pounds does absolutely NO GOOD! trust me... 1 year ago, i was a size 17/18, and now? i'm down to about a 10.... but, simply because I wanted to... not because i wanted to find someone(i was engaged at the time, but, he never cared about my weight).... If you want to find someone, you have to have at least a little confidence!!!! that is the ONLY way anyone will be happy with you!! sorry, not trying to come off b*tchy, but, i've been there... hell, sometimes it seems like i'm still there... i just count it as a blessing that i didn't waste too much time on that person, and move on.... 
5/17/2010 10:40:34 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

North Vernon, IN
age: 31
Heres the thing and I know I'm not the only one to think this. With every body looking to meet someone they say alot of time only part of what they are looking for. If we put up here EVERYTHING we wanted in someone not only would we NEVER find that person that met ALL of those needs but our profiles would take days to read! So we put a few of the basics, and no matter what a person put as in I don't care about looks we all do it's part of nature as with birds the males are always bright colored or has something that stands out from the rest. With all relationships there has to be a physical attraction as well as a... for lack of better spelling, inner attraction.
On the thing of a few xtra well alot of people man an woman alike have probly been picked on or talked about through out life and that can do real damage mentaly to where they start to belive what is said no matter how much someone says they dont care what others think about them to some degree we all care what others think. If we didnt we wouldn't be looking for someone.
Take me for instance all through school I was picked on and bullied telling didn't help fighting back made me feel bad cause I was raised to care for others and I knew how it felt when someone was mean to me I didn't want someone to feel bad cause of something I said but as with everyone else I too have an idea of the person I would like to meet on here not only on how we would get along but how she would look as well it's not a perfect idea because I try to get to know people and that could change things.
I dont know if this helps in any way what so ever but it is just one of the things that popped into my head as I was reading the post. Oh and one other thing self confidence is hard for a person to raise back up and sewed together once people tear it down into millions of little peices I'm not the best looking I was called a dog in school but I've worked hard to get to where I'm at today and I still have alot of sewing left to do. Best thing to do is remember that no matter what you know what type of person you are, how nice, sweet, romantic, loving, or any other quality you may have, and some where there is a person looking for you just remember you may have to change your idea of what that someone looks like. If anyone wants to talk about anything I am a good listener or well on here reader all you may need is a different view point.
5/17/2010 10:56:03 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Hartford City, IN
age: 55
will its like this all us big guys need to just find us a cute fat hillbilly girl that knows how to luv from the heart cause im not sure thats even possible, im beginning to think, its all about looks money harleys and materialistic things, good luk to all us biggunz lol :} its gotta get better, but it sux when there not even honest enough to say your not my type, they just block you :}.
5/18/2010 9:05:41 AM |
What is the deal with women? |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 22
well i've definitely dealt with that myself being a bbw and all. i refuse to change my appearance for anyone unless it's myself. i know for some men weight is a deal breaker. i've definitely dealt with rejection and i'm knowingly aware some of it was because of my weight. personally, i know for a fact attraction plays a role in dating regardless of how large or small. i think part of it has to do with how your were raised and how your parents showed you had to treat people. my mother raised me to love everyone and give respect unless i was given a reason not to. at the same time she was very critical of people, their looks, and just judgmental in general. that is something i've had to learn to go against, what right do i have to judge anyone? i know girls claim and i've claimed myself appearance doesn't matter, but it does to some extent. but it should never be a reason to reject someone and choose not to get to know them. i think we all have our ideal and our list, but realistically there are are some things you compromise with and others you don't settle on. i've met guys i wasn't necessarily attracted to at first, but after i got to know them i was their number one fan. i can say for myself looks aren't a priority, but that's because over time i've realized its not as important as i used to think is. being judged myself for having weight and being black at times for that matter, why would i want to do that to someone else? the right person is out there for me....it's just a waiting game. ultimately the people that pass you on are the ones that are truly missing out.
5/18/2010 10:24:02 AM |
What is the deal with women? |

Nashville, IN
age: 29
some women r just b*tches and dont deserve to be call woman,they r not woman if they judge a man by his looks they r called hippocrites
5/18/2010 4:38:23 PM |
What is the deal with women? |


Albion, IN
age: 60
well i've definitely dealt with that myself being a bbw and all. i refuse to change my appearance for anyone unless it's myself. i know for some men weight is a deal breaker. i've definitely dealt with rejection and i'm knowingly aware some of it was because of my weight. personally, i know for a fact attraction plays a role in dating regardless of how large or small. i think part of it has to do with how your were raised and how your parents showed you had to treat people. my mother raised me to love everyone and give respect unless i was given a reason not to. at the same time she was very critical of people, their looks, and just judgmental in general. that is something i've had to learn to go against, what right do i have to judge anyone? i know girls claim and i've claimed myself appearance doesn't matter, but it does to some extent. but it should never be a reason to reject someone and choose not to get to know them. i think we all have our ideal and our list, but realistically there are are some things you compromise with and others you don't settle on. i've met guys i wasn't necessarily attracted to at first, but after i got to know them i was their number one fan. i can say for myself looks aren't a priority, but that's because over time i've realized its not as important as i used to think is. being judged myself for having weight and being black at times for that matter, why would i want to do that to someone else? the right person is out there for me....it's just a waiting game. ultimately the people that pass you on are the ones that are truly missing out.
You are soooo very smart.......... I so agree with everything you said.....
5/18/2010 5:10:45 PM |
What is the deal with women? |


Fort Wayne, IN
age: 47
You are soooo very smart.......... I so agree with everything you said..... 
Well, I concur with Sweet. BTW...where is that p*ssy from Hammond, Indiana? Did he block me for my comments? What's his name? Pony Boy?
Geez, what a wienie.
Back to the subject at hand. Skinny, fat, or in the middle it all grows with the heart that you are wanting to give to another. And the heart that wants to reciprocate.
5/18/2010 11:57:28 PM |
What is the deal with women? |

Portage, IN
age: 28
Mort: no you aren't blocked... lol...
And what you said is right... what people need to realize is you cant MAKE someone love you, or make yourself love someone else.
And, more importantly, noone will fall in love with someone who doesn't love themself! I learned that the hard way... If you truly want to be happy in life, you have to love and respect yourself if you want someone else to love and respect you! it's that simple..
To the right person, it wont make a damn bit of difference what you weigh, how much money/posessions you have, nothing like that matters to the right person... The right person will love you for what you have to offer them as far as love, trust, honesty, and how you make them feel when you are with them.
I may only be 28, but, i've been screwed over alot in my life, and sometimes it's my fault, and sometimes its not... you cant place the blame for your love life solely on someone else(99% of the time)... it takes 2 people to be in a relationship. Also, are you truly reading what they have to say?? 
Best of luck to everyone on finding what they are looking for!!!! 