Max Meadows, VA
age: 49
Are there any Pagans out there?

Princeton, WV
age: 41
What is Paganism? Is it a religion like loving God? What kind of worship does it consist of? I don't know anyone who practices it/

Max Meadows, VA
age: 49
A Pagan is one who has an earth based religion. One who believes in a supreme Creator. Most follow the Duality of the Creator..a male god and female goddess..both equal

Roanoke, VA
age: 31
which pagan religion..or are you refering to wicca ?
do you use rune based prayer ?
pagan describes -vaguely- dozens of different religions
btw howdee neighbor..haha..goodtimes 

Poughkeepsie, NY
age: 54
I'll tag on here. I seem to be eclectic pagan. I want to meet more who are similar.