York, SC
age: 30
I was just wondering what special things that you and your family do to keep Christ in Christmas. It seems with each generation, that he becomes more and more obsolete. At my house, we get up and read the story of his birth from Matthew before opening presents. Then after presents, we put a candle on a cake and sing "Happy Birthday Jesus". The kids love it. But I could always use new ideas on ways of keeping him as the main course, so to speak. This year we also bought a movie, a Christmas special from the TV series "Touched by an Angel" and watched it togeather.

Delphos, OH
age: 44
We put up a Nativity scene every year in the front yard.

Marion, MI
age: 51
On Christmas morning, the first thing I do is say happy birthday to Jesus. And then I thank him for dying for us and giving us all of his wonderful gifts ALWAYS.
[Edited 1/5/2008 8:24:58 PM]

Spring, TX
age: 55
i'm very impressed with each of you. When my children are not with me on Christmas, I do not put up a Christmas tree. I do hang a wreath in the form of a Cross on my door. Same type thing for Halloween. (off topic, but when my children were young, i gave them a choice of doing the trick or treat deal, or going to a walmart, each child picking out their favorite candy, then we'd go to dinner. After dinner I took them to a Malibu Grand Prix. we would play putt putt golf, the oldest would get a couple of turns in the go carts, then we would go inside and play video games. The games we played gave the kids tickets they could redeem in for prizes. From the first year we tried it on, it stuck. That was more fun than trick or treating for them. AND, we had wonderful family time.)
I'm a real stickler for the Christ in Christmas thing. we do not type Xween, or Xgiving, or Xday-for martin luther king day, geo washington's birthday, or even Xday when we refer to Valentine's day. heck, all those are Hallmark Holidays, except Thanksgiving, but we continue to type those out. Xgiving, same letters replaced as Christ. Soon, you will not be allowed to say thanks to God for his blessings for Thanksgiving. I like the Xween one better. Hallow is so hard to type anyway.
mom, you make me proud of you that you teach your children about what Christmas is all about. If you dont teach them... they will not learn it.