2/17/2010 9:17:06 PM |
Straight Forward Question |

Ashland, KY
age: 34
Ok I'm new to this whole thing.
I'm not sure of all of the nuisances.
Why are some of the women on these sites so flaky? I mean do they use these sities to eck out a quasi social existence where they can delude themselves into believing that they are really popular and get off by rejecting guys?
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2/18/2010 1:51:26 AM |
Straight Forward Question |

Shelbyville, KY
age: 47
Duh.........this is the internet!
For every female "flake" story out there, there is a male "flake" story to match it.
btw - I think you meant nuances instead of nuisance (of course, given the tone or your post you really could mean nuisance)
[Edited 2/18/2010 1:56:41 AM PST]
2/18/2010 8:28:10 AM |
Straight Forward Question |
Grayson, KY
age: 35
I was wondering the samething,all the guys say that they want honesty,love,and all that gay crap lol.but we know what they really want,iguess they think girls want to hear that kinda junk..i don't understand me or women..
2/18/2010 4:20:37 PM |
Straight Forward Question |

Lexington, KY
age: 46
I was wondering the samething,all the guys say that they want honesty,love,and all that gay crap lol.but we know what they really want,iguess they think girls want to hear that kinda junk..i don't understand me or women.. 
Sorry I could not help myself and had to say something to that. So, "guys say they want honesty, love and all that gay crap"??? In real they want "we know what they really want"???
I have to say you are pretty biased. Have you ever thought that there might be some Guy's out here who really looking for love, honesty, companionship...all that gay crap...
without being gay. They just don't want a mean woman on their side.
And to the other (you know what)
Of course that is part of a relationship, some guys really don't seem to care, when , with whom and why...(you know what).
But there are still some men out here who want to know a woman first, before they do something more intimate.
To the part if women want to hear this "junk", I believe they want to hear it if it is
meant honest and truthful and of course real. Not just a line to get into your p.....
2/18/2010 8:49:48 PM |
Straight Forward Question |

Ashland, KY
age: 34
We men are the ones who are forced into playing mind games. For example:
- We can't seem too desperate because it scares you women off and so we gotta pretend that we are cool.
- We can't give up our power or we come across as pussies.
- We have to appear busy and like a thousand girls are chasing us or we appear of little value.
- Oh and you chics are more likely to become attracted to us if we pretend that we are rejecting you and get turned off if we show you too much attent right off the bat.
I mean its like is there any logic to women at all?
You women cannot deny that this is the case.
You want to know the most ironic part of this though?
Showing a lot of attention, making excuses to be around you, saying they care about you is signs that a guy is genuinely interested in you. Yet these things turn women off.
If a guy is calling you sporadically, sending mixed signals then he probably only wants sex and is only contacting you when he is horny and confused. Of course when guys do this it causes women to desire us more, but the guy's feelings aren't going to change.
2/19/2010 7:09:29 AM |
Straight Forward Question |

Shelbyville, KY
age: 47
Maybe you should stop "generalizing"!
2/19/2010 8:15:59 AM |
Straight Forward Question |

Louisville, KY
age: 54
Because of internet dating its made it very easy for the relationships to be over before it even begins.... BY EVERYONE .. both sex's to continue to look for the next best thing.....what gets me more is you talk to someone for a couple of days and put alot of energy and effort into the conversations ....only for someone else to appeal to them and they move on and drop you like a hot potato....THAT MAKE SOME OF US lets say older, not so slim, little grayer, more mature ladies to be very leary of not answering some of the emails we get...and even the ones that seem sincere...it makes us wonder why ..why me ..are they for real, looking for a piece of me, or just settling until something else comes along....do not even try to tell me this isn't true ..we all have had some sort of this happen to them. I try to be sincere and write everyone back. If I see red flags I tell the other person about it. I just think its hard to date in real sittings and 100 times harder to date through a computor hard drive.....so if your sincere be sincere....and the sincere will survive. But people who do sugar coat their profiles...delude themselves into believing what is true that isnt...then its because I think the little thing called the internet has made it to easy to do that.
2/19/2010 9:26:54 AM |
Straight Forward Question |

Owensboro, KY
age: 39
We men are the ones who are forced into playing mind games. For example:
- We can't seem too desperate because it scares you women off and so we gotta pretend that we are cool.
- We can't give up our power or we come across as pussies.
- We have to appear busy and like a thousand girls are chasing us or we appear of little value.
- Oh and you chics are more likely to become attracted to us if we pretend that we are rejecting you and get turned off if we show you too much attent right off the bat.
I mean its like is there any logic to women at all?
You women cannot deny that this is the case.
You want to know the most ironic part of this though?
Showing a lot of attention, making excuses to be around you, saying they care about you is signs that a guy is genuinely interested in you. Yet these things turn women off.
If a guy is calling you sporadically, sending mixed signals then he probably only wants sex and is only contacting you when he is horny and confused. Of course when guys do this it causes women to desire us more, but the guy's feelings aren't going to change.
Ok, I'm not saying these things haven't happened. But, one size does not fit all. Every situation is different, and each person makes their own decision to answer or act in the manner of their choosing. Best thing I can say, is, be yourself. A person will like you for who you are, and if not, you simply move on. This post is dripping with lots of venom, I feel, and frustration. I've felt some of that frustration myself. And heartache. It sucks, it hurts, but it's life, you deal with it and move on. There is no logic or catch all situation for internet dating. All I can say is good luck in whoever you are searching for. But try to not act like you have a chip on your shoulder.
2/19/2010 9:32:31 AM |
Straight Forward Question |

Owensboro, KY
age: 39
I was wondering the samething,all the guys say that they want honesty,love,and all that gay crap lol.but we know what they really want,iguess they think girls want to hear that kinda junk..i don't understand me or women.. 
Not every man is like that. Yes, there are your players, and users. Both sexes are guilty of this. Some guys simply want a chance to show how good they can be for a potential partner. Human beings are well, not robots, and don't always act rational. It's kind of like prospecting for gold, you have to sift a lot of water, sand, and time before you find the nugget that's worth something. But if you're willing to put forth the effort, you can find happiness. I hope I'm not sounding too sappy on this, but I have hope. I guess that's a good thing.
2/19/2010 5:36:07 PM |
Straight Forward Question |
Richmond, KY
age: 50
@Psych...Are you writing your thesis? Maybe, working toward your doctorate? Hmmm.
So you teach at a University. Be sure to say hi if you run into me. 
When you get a few more miles behind you, cross a few more bridges, and learn a few things, other than "psych", then I do believe you will understand the real world, and that most people may change with time and experience. It's called personal growth and maturity. To let you know...You do not have ALL straight forward questions on your post. A few are statements.
Best Regards,
ps..good luck with your research.
2/19/2010 5:42:05 PM |
Straight Forward Question |
Richmond, KY
age: 50
@Purty, I do believe you are right. The internet is being misused by some who say they are interested in dating, a LTR, or friend, when in fact some may not understand the definition of the terms. Reminds me of the fable "Pandora's Box" but it came with consequences. LOL 
2/19/2010 5:54:40 PM |
Straight Forward Question |
Richmond, KY
age: 50
@Psych...You need to read the definition of "Flakey". If the shoe fits wear it.
Also, quasi is meant for legal terminology, mathmatical exponents, and used in scholary peer reviewed articles. And, you teach college...
2/19/2010 6:26:42 PM |
Straight Forward Question |

Owensboro, KY
age: 39
You're forgetting one thing, Sunshine. When Pandora released all the bad things in the box, the one thing left at the bottom was hope. So yes, there is good and bad, but we must have hope. It's what I believe, anyway.
2/19/2010 8:33:12 PM |
Straight Forward Question |

Ashland, KY
age: 34
Scholary Per-Review Journal articles of which I am required to read many.
The term "quasi" is perfectly acceptable here.
2/20/2010 9:58:13 AM |
Straight Forward Question |
Richmond, KY
age: 50
The term may be "acceptable" here according to you, but it's use regarding women is incorrect and unacceptable here. On the other hand if it helps you with argumentative and debate mocks; then I suppose you will learn...
2/20/2010 10:00:30 AM |
Straight Forward Question |
Richmond, KY
age: 50
@Gamer...Of course there is always hope. I'm not angry with Psych. I"m responding to his post. I'm having fun.
2/20/2010 10:07:48 AM |
Straight Forward Question |
Richmond, KY
age: 50
@Psych, I just want to let you know that I am not angry about your post. I'm having fun responding to them. I really do hope you do well with your academic research and reading all those Peer reviewed articles. I too, am at a local university. I understand academia. 