1/8/2008 4:58:51 AM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Selmer, TN
age: 53
After being lied to cheated on and mistreated how do you get over thinking ,,well there all alike?
1/8/2008 10:22:51 AM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 48
It's hard. But trust me....if you think we are all alike. You will end up with the same kind of guy you had before. I know not all women are alike. If they were I would just buy a bigger boat and get a dog.
First you have to look at yourself. Why did you trust him in the first place? It takes two people that really want to have a good relationship to make one work. Don't go through the rest of your life not being able to trust. You will again one day, if you learn more about yourself and why you wanted the last guy in the first place.
1/8/2008 8:14:11 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
After being lied to cheated on and mistreated how do you get over thinking ,,well there all alike?
I can't speak from experience as I've never experienced what you have experienced but I can tell it must be tuff to have to go through that.
But if you carry that baggage (bad memories)with you, you will attract the same identical men into your life again and again. I agree with the above poster also.
In order to move forward we must first stop looking back. Close that chapter of your life right now and focus on the brand new day every day. It will probably take a while but is all well worth it. You got your whole life ahead of you and whether you get rid of the baggage or not, life will go on. Check out my blog on my profile called "My Daily Thoughts" which I wrote exactly for situations as yours.
You'll do just fine 
1/9/2008 4:51:52 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Downingtown, PA
age: 51
You have to remember to trust someone you don't know until they prove otherwise. Not fair to carry past hurts into a relationship that has not developed  
1/9/2008 7:04:33 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
I've been done very wrong by men. I agree trust until given a reason not to. I try to judge each man for himself. He can't be responsible for what others have done to me no more than I am responsible for the wrong other women have done to him. A new love interest is a fresh beginning...always look forward and not back, travel lightly and leave the baggage in the past. Remember...you aren't like all women and not all men are alike either.
1/12/2008 12:40:54 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Newbern, TN
age: 51
You learn to trust again by building that trust with the person you are in a relationship with. A person cannot be judged by another one's mistakes or past life. You build a relationship starting with friendship. Take it day by day. Keep an open mind. I know it is easier said than done. Each person is an individual human being. Have open comminication and build trust from friendship and do not judge the book by the cover. Look deep inside the heart and person. Hope this will help. Been there before.
1/15/2008 1:37:18 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Farmington, IL
age: 46 online now!
I started out by surrounding myself with animals. Nothing can teach you more about trust and love like a faithful pet. Once I began to understand the blind love that animals have towards us, I began to see that I could have that too. Human or animal, nothing can beat that look of blind faith and love. Good luck!
1/19/2008 7:06:58 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Deltona, FL
age: 55
i do not know how to do that trust is to hard to come by and to have the person you trust the most in the world cheat and walk out after 27 years . i think i'll never trust any man again
1/20/2008 7:10:25 AM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Galion, OH
age: 47
Spirit, first off take it one step at a time. If your not ready yet, had that time to heal at least a little, it will not work. Perhaps why many 'rebound' relationships fail.
I like some of the comments here, of course if you are not a pet person you may have some trouble there.
Take your time with any relationship. Be ready to forgive, but keep your limits/boundaries. If you feel someone has transgressed or violated your trust, move on. Most of all, 'Chatter don't matter'. Actions will always speak louder than words.
Having said all that, I think you find yourself being more forward in your communications. I find that I tend to just come out and say things I would never have done before. If I don't understand I just ask. After all, at my age there's no time for games.
1/20/2008 3:26:52 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Abingdon, MD
age: 54
It's hard to trust again. Find it in your heart to forgive him and you will be able to move on. It's not easy and it does take time, Until you can do that you will continue to relive your past. Tell yourself you can do it. Not all men are like him. There are some good ones out there. We just have to find them
1/23/2008 10:42:48 AM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Brainerd, MN
age: 35
when you find out let me know please.
1/27/2008 7:23:56 AM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
I dont think its to much af a problem for me.You cant start a relationship without trust.Im a very trusting person.Burn me and im gone. yOU LOOSE
1/28/2008 7:29:05 PM |
How do you learn to trust again? |

Plymouth, IN
age: 44
I was woundering the same thing.I'v red a lot of good advice in this forum. thanks everybod you've been very helpfull