1/8/2008 9:29:55 AM |
Left Behind series |

South Bend, IN
age: 18
i was just wondering what everybody thinks about the Left Behind Series. I do feel that these events are going to be coming true soon just the way they are pictured in these books.
1/8/2008 11:36:39 AM |
Left Behind series |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54 online now!
I'm with ya. Look what's going on in the world. Pakistan is loaded with nukes, and now that Bhutto got killed, the Islamo-Terrorists want to take it over. There is a nut-case running Iran. Akkkkkkminijaaad openly states he wants to "wipe Israel off the map", and that would only be "practice" for launching an attack on us (U.S.)
The Chinese are making money off 90% of our purchases and giving most of THAT money to build up their military.
MUCH of the money we spend on energy goes to funding terrorism.
Almost all of the presidential candidates are left-of-center: open boarders, socialized medicine, weak on defense, anti second amendment, pro-abortion, pro U.N.
The Bible says no one will know the hour or the day, but there WILL be signs.
If these aren't "signs", I don't know what is!
God Bless you.
1/8/2008 11:50:35 AM |
Left Behind series |

South Bend, IN
age: 18
i do agree that there are signs everywhere. God Bless You Too Hodag
1/8/2008 2:39:11 PM |
Left Behind series |

Martinsburg, WV
age: 52
The series was great! It made me re-think my opinion as to what in Revelations is symbolic and what is going to be literal. Just like the Magi did years ago, follow the signs.
1/8/2008 6:21:40 PM |
Left Behind series |

North Augusta, SC
age: 61
All we have to do is read Timothy and see we are in the end times. People will be lovers of money, children will turn from the teachings of their parents etc.
Yes, I read the Left Behind and I think it can happen very much like the books predict. We have to remember that the books are fiction with a Biblical basis.
1/9/2008 4:34:02 PM |
Left Behind series |

Palmer, AK
age: 42
I loved the books. they are fictional though. very little lined up with the bible, but they did show good illustrations of the what if? i think they give people alot to meditade on, where you see yourself in the end times. my favoriate part, was in one movie when as the trumpet sounded, there was no pilot on the plane, there were clothes on the seats of several passengers. if that did happen to us, i guess it wouldn't matter that there was no pilot, would it? to be absent with the body, is to be present with the Lord.
1/11/2008 4:43:50 PM |
Left Behind series |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
The left behind series was good entertainment but thats all it was entertainment. One mans transulation of the bibles end times.For all these film makers and story writers sake i hope they are not missleading people.
1/12/2008 7:17:53 AM |
Left Behind series |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Be ware the “Faults Prophets”. Know The Book of God. Remember the devils deception is so close to the truth, yet it is still a lye.
1/14/2008 8:28:43 AM |
Left Behind series |

Pollock, LA
age: 32
hey I loved the series I haven't finished yet but I can wait to. It has opened my eyes so much to what is to come. I would have to say that if anyone hasn't read them yet go for it will help you understand things so very well.
1/18/2008 8:54:41 AM |
Left Behind series |

Fort Calhoun, NE
age: 50
i thought it was interesting, what i have seen. But like easy said, it is one mans translation. I think it is a good spark to hopefully inspire people to seek the truth from the bible itself.
God Bless
1/18/2008 11:40:42 AM |
Left Behind series |

Duncanville, TX
age: 60
I love the Left Behind Series. I have most of the series and have read most of them. For me one of the things that we must all remember is that the end is coming and we don't know when, that I like. Our responsibility is to make sure that we are prepared so we won't be LEFT BEHIND.
The opinion of the authors is non-essential. We as Christians must learn to read and ask God for understanding of His word. If the authors prompted anyone to read the word for themselves or even believe that their interpertation was correct that's good. If anyone is delieverd from the hands of Satan by this series, that's a blessing.
Again I love the series, I think they are great. I wouldn't trade the reading experience. I also love the authors, together they put together a great work of art. If you're at all familiar with the scriptures you can for the most part follow the authors train of thought (My personal opinion).
Signs for the end of times have always been there, ask your grandparents. As a matter of fact nothing is new under the sun. We may go about it a little different than the last generation but the end results are the same.
2/7/2008 6:36:59 PM |
Left Behind series |

Rapid City, SD
age: 32
Notice the movie did not include many things like this in it:
Revelation 16:3-5(KJV)
And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.