3/3/2010 2:31:49 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 50
This morning, groomer had an unfortunate accident and broke her leg in three places. Trish (hunter n 2b) is with her at this time and is keeping me posted, will follow up if I hear anything new. Your get well wishes are greatly appreciated !


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3/3/2010 3:16:37 PM |
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Johnstown, PA
age: 53
Deb, A Speedy Recovery from us to you! Cole sends you lots of Hugs & Kisses!!! XOXOXOXOXO..... 
3/3/2010 3:20:02 PM |
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Bath, PA
age: 64
Oh crap, hope the injuries will heal w/o any long term consequences other than weather forecasting. Need to send ball bustin get well cards.
3/3/2010 4:06:51 PM |
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North Wales, PA
age: 59
DO take care of yourself, Deb ... hoping you are up and around very soon.  
So glad Trish is there to help you out ... nothing like special friends in a time of need   
3/3/2010 4:08:01 PM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 40
Wow sorry to hear that I hope you have a speedy recovery.
3/3/2010 4:11:59 PM |
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Pottsville, PA
age: 59
Hi Groomer, I am very sorry to hear about the accident.
May GOD speed your recovery! 
Sending little angels to help you along your way!!
3/3/2010 4:18:22 PM |
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Bangor, PA
age: 63
As of 6:22pm, Groomer was still in surgery and Trish still at the hospital. My prayers are with an uncomplicated and speedy recovery.
Deb, for you     
Trish, for you      
[Edited 3/3/2010 4:18:46 PM ]
3/3/2010 4:36:18 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 50
As of 7:02, she is out of surgery and in recovery. Doctor said all went well !
I thank you all personally for the well wishes!
3/3/2010 4:41:53 PM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 40
I'm glad to hear that all went well.
3/3/2010 4:48:45 PM |
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Verona, PA
age: 45
Thank you forever in keeping us posted! Trish texted me while I was at work about the news. God Bless you Debbie!! A big...............
3/3/2010 5:07:57 PM |
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Springdale, PA
age: 41
Wishing GODs speed in recovery for a great person. Glad to hear that all went well with surgery. Take it easy and no cartwheels for a while. Hehe
3/3/2010 5:13:35 PM |
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Saylorsburg, PA
age: 43
wow i hopeshe heals fast what a time of year to be all casted up. sounds like a real nasty fall how did it all happen? and hope they got her on some good happy pills so she don't feel or remember a dam thing.
3/3/2010 5:17:52 PM |
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Ephrata, PA
age: 47
Please tell her that I wish her a speedy recovery! So sorry to hear about her mishap!
3/3/2010 5:24:16 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
age: 64

We are soooo relieved and HAPPY to hear Debs surgery went well !!!    
[Edited 3/3/2010 5:25:07 PM ]
3/3/2010 5:46:08 PM |
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Lancaster, PA
age: 42
Glad to hear to surgery went well. Praying for a speedy recovery. If either of you need anything let me know.
For Deb   
For Trish   
And for you Deano   
3/3/2010 5:59:00 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 50
Thanx wolfie !
She just called me and wants me to say thank you for all the well wishes, and lots of these:
3/3/2010 6:03:20 PM |
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Lancaster, PA
age: 70
..............awwwwwww, groomer - so sorry to hear of your injuries.
Please have a painfree recovery with no complications....
(Have had both ankles broken - so I really can empathize with you - broken bones surely aint no fun)
Get well, girl........ ..  
3/3/2010 6:52:14 PM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52
Update::: Left Deb at 8:45,, shes groggy and sleepy,, But on the road to mending..
She was leaving for work this morning when a handicap van couldnt make it up the narrow road,, he sat there spinning his tires making every spot a sheet of ice.. after finaly coming to a stop, Deb went to check on the kids and fell..
She broke her fibia above the ankle and the tibia next to it, the tibia again below the knee.. She will not be allowed to bear any weight of any kind for 2 to 3 months and then depending on how it heals not much of any walking for 4 to 6 months..
If she does well with crutches they will release her tomorrow..
Doctor said surgery went very well, but this is one of the worst breaks you can have, very slow healing.. So all well wishes and prayers are welcome..
Thanks for all of your support and well wishes,, they do mean alot to Deb and myself..
Love you all
[Edited 3/3/2010 7:18:38 PM ]
3/3/2010 7:02:42 PM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 40
Wow that sounds awful please let her know that I will be thinking of her and wish her a speedy recovery.She is such a sweetheart I feel terrible for her.
3/3/2010 7:02:48 PM |
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Factoryville, PA
age: 39
glad to hear that surgery went well, and I will be sending good thoughts westward for her road to healing 
3/3/2010 7:08:41 PM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 46
OMG Deb I'm so sorry this happened. Wish you the best and a speedy recovery.  
3/3/2010 7:17:01 PM |
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Halifax, PA
age: 65
Deb....you are in my thoughts and I offer prayers for a speedy recovery from this very unfortunate accident. I do know this will not be an easy time for you and it will take quite a bit of time to heal. I'm thankful that I've had time to spend around you and know you will get through this, even though it took only a split second for this to happen, it will also take a lot of patients during the healing and relearning process. Please note, you have whatever support I have to give....Hugs my friend..
Dan and Zip
3/3/2010 7:59:56 PM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52

Gosh Deb,, if ya didnt want to shovel anymore,, you could have just said so....
Nahh,, I love ya girl,, hate that this happened,,, see ya tomorrow...
3/3/2010 8:06:27 PM |
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Springdale, PA
age: 63
Deb.. Heres wishes for a speedy recovery. Im so sorry it had to happen to you.
3/3/2010 8:09:30 PM |
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Lebanon, PA
age: 59
My thought and Prayers are with you Deb for a speedy recovery. I know I am a distance from you but if there is anything that I can do to help please ask.
3/3/2010 10:23:56 PM |
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Wellsboro, PA
age: 40
 Deb I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you make a speedy recovery and I will be thinking of you. ((BIG HUGS))

3/4/2010 4:45:17 AM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52
Hey,, just talked to Deb this morning,, she sounds good,, sore from laying in bed, will call after Doctor comes to see her..
Thanks all of you for the hugs and well wishes..
3/4/2010 4:56:00 AM |
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Lancaster, PA
age: 70
...Trish, please give her my get well wishes..    
3/4/2010 5:19:33 AM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52
Hey folks,, just talked to Deb,, they are going to keep her another day.. She has fluid building up on the leg. So she won't be home today.. I will take her the lap top so she can talk to all of you later..
sure will Spinn,, she'll appreciate all the concern,, and will need her friends right now.
[Edited 3/4/2010 5:23:34 AM ]
3/4/2010 5:20:19 AM |
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New Salem, PA
age: 46
I dont know how to post all those nice photos and greetings on here but please know you have my sincerest of prayers! I have had my leg broke there once & I know what you are going thru! Godspeed!
3/4/2010 7:00:15 AM |
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Lebanon, PA
age: 59
I woke up today thinking about you Deb and included you in my morning prayers......I hope you are resting well and will soon be home and on your way to a speedy recovery. HUGS
3/4/2010 7:32:34 AM |
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Springdale, PA
age: 63
OK folks. We need suggestions here. If Deb is to be able to attend the meet and greets what can we come up with to assure she has everything she needs, to be able to get there and be comfortable. I know we arent having anything at the moment but once the weather lets us go her leg will still be tied up healing. Any ideas out there.
3/4/2010 8:31:36 AM |
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Wellsboro, PA
age: 61
Wow!!! Deb, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I have never had a broken bone so I can't imagine the pain.
Sending best wishes and prayers your way that you are up and about in no time flat. You be a good girl and listen to the doctors and those who will care for you.
Take care and God bless. Wish I lived closer so I could help out. But sending all good thoughts and love to ya, Girlfriend. Peg 
3/4/2010 8:36:03 AM |
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North Wales, PA
age: 59
OK folks. We need suggestions here. If Deb is to be able to attend the meet and greets what can we come up with to assure she has everything she needs, to be able to get there and be comfortable. I know we arent having anything at the moment but once the weather lets us go her leg will still be tied up healing. Any ideas out there.
I'm sure forever will let us know ...
I'll bring a dinner bell and she can just ring it every time she needs something 
3/4/2010 10:22:07 AM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
age: 64

3/4/2010 10:34:54 AM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52
I'm sure forever will let us know ...
I'll bring a dinner bell and she can just ring it every time she needs something 
Got one chickie,, but thanks for the offer.. got pretty much under control,, mom has extra wheel chair,, harley crutches and walker,
Mom and I worked our little butts off today rearanging and bringing a bed downstairs..So I think other than me fighting with work,, we are good to go..
Told Deb what you wrote Mow,, nothing keeping her away she says...haha..
Take care ,,
got to get cleaned up and go to hospital,, talk to you all later,,
3/4/2010 1:37:16 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
age: 36
Aw Deb!!! You know when someone says "break a leg" they mean good luck right? Not to do it for real!
I'm wishing you a speedy recovery as well. I'm not too far away. Let me know if there's anything I can do! 
3/4/2010 1:54:41 PM |
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Saylorsburg, PA
age: 43
how is deb doing? i hope she is feeling better and on the meet and g reet is there a place picked out yet? i know as the weathere gets warmer alot of us will be messingaround in our yards and will not be posting as much and i do not wan't to miss the meet and greet will blind and deaf be there? mow? judge and angel? i would love to meet these people in person. is stumpy going?
3/4/2010 2:41:04 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
Thank You Everyone for all your well wishes and prayers. I don't know as of yet when I will be leaving the hospital ...they want to get me in rehab for a couple days but don't know as of yet! Trish has everything at the house under control for when I get home. I guess I will be on here a lot since not allowed to do much of anything. Again thank you   
3/4/2010 2:52:54 PM |
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Bath, PA
age: 64
Curious and curioser
how will you get from the kitchen to the living room to sit at the computer?
Isn't there a step there? between the 2 living rooms? Or is John gonna have to build 2 ramps?
3/4/2010 2:54:38 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
its called a walker and I have a laptop which I am currently using in my hospital bed
3/4/2010 2:57:23 PM |
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Bath, PA
age: 64
That's great, 'cause if needed I'd come and help John with the construction or trish or forever or whoever.
3/4/2010 3:08:20 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
thanks stumppy but I have been practicing with the walker already
3/4/2010 3:25:08 PM |
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Bath, PA
age: 64
I'm just a long ride away, if you would like the help.
3/4/2010 3:33:39 PM |
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Catawissa, PA
age: 38

3/4/2010 3:34:33 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
Thanks stumppy if I need it I will let you know
3/4/2010 5:04:32 PM |
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Bethlehem, PA
age: 37
I'm sorry to hear about your accident. My deepest condolences. I hope you have a quick recovery. Get well soon!
3/4/2010 5:12:46 PM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52

On the web again,, just couldnt wait to get on the web again,, to be with my loved ones and my friends, now im back on the web again...
If you sing it to Willy Nelsons on the road again,, its kinda cute.... 
Ok Deb,, dont kill me.....lol
[Edited 3/4/2010 5:13:15 PM ]
3/4/2010 5:14:08 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
thanks Trish me and my friends 
3/4/2010 5:16:21 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 50
On the web again,, just couldnt wait to get on the web again,, to be with my loved ones and my friends, now im back on the web again...
If you sing it to Willy Nelsons on the road again,, its kinda cute.... 
Ok Deb,, dont kill me.....lol
She'll (groomer)do anything for attention  

[Edited 3/4/2010 5:17:27 PM ]
3/4/2010 5:16:57 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
[Edited 3/4/2010 5:17:25 PM ]
3/4/2010 5:26:20 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 50
Geesh, next thing you know, we'll be holding a freakin parade for your birthday ! 
Speaking of birthdays, yours is as advertised, correct?
3/4/2010 5:39:45 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
yes and a parade sounds really nice    
3/4/2010 5:42:50 PM |
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Pittsburgh, PA
age: 64
Here ya go a whole parade just for YOU Debs 
3/4/2010 5:43:58 PM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
Thank You both  
3/5/2010 2:52:43 AM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 50
good morning hope you are feeling a bit better and the Dr. lets you out of prison today !
3/5/2010 5:07:28 AM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
I get to leave today WooooooooooHooooooooooooooo  
3/5/2010 5:49:44 AM |
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Meyersdale, PA
age: 52
Gee that smile couldnt get any bigger could it...
perfect day,, sun is shining,, your coming home,, and your smile is spilling over into dh,, cute,, keep smiling girl..   
3/5/2010 5:51:52 AM |
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Mountville, PA
age: 51
 you know I will    
3/5/2010 6:07:07 AM |
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Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 40
You'll feel much better once you get home.I'm glad you're doing well enough to go home take it easy and get lot's of rest.