1/10/2008 3:45:05 AM |
did you ever.............. |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
have a relationship where your partner was overly suspicious of you and always accusing you of things you would never do.
1/10/2008 7:18:37 AM |
did you ever.............. |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
Yes I did have one like that.............finally broke it off with him then he began to harass and stalk me and threaten me - so well the cops finally pulled him over after I had called several times to give the vehicle description to them.... this was of course after he called me a million times and said he was going to kill me.... well when they pulled him over he did have a gun with him - he took a long vacation to jail!!!
1/10/2008 11:18:08 AM |
did you ever.............. |

Ramseur, NC
age: 44
yes and my dad always told me that the one that accuses the loudest is the guilty party and i found him to be right 
1/10/2008 11:55:15 AM |
did you ever.............. |

Woburn, MA
age: 46
Yup and could never understand why? A big reason why we're not together anylonger. He obviously doesnt/didnt know me.
It was really upsetting, wierd. Not rational
1/10/2008 2:38:08 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Jefferson, OH
age: 48
yep, she wanted to get married after the first date, and when i dumped her I had 4 flat tires and the next week sugar in the gas tank!
1/11/2008 12:30:15 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Cranston, RI
age: 49
yes i have... if someone is accussing they are the ones doing. time to move on.
1/19/2008 1:56:36 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Pevely, MO
age: 49
yes i have three relationships like that....they would accused me of the silly shit...going to walmart for two hrs, why did it take so long who was i with where did you go for two hrs....well another was to a gas station to get gas, and it took me 30 minutes, cuz i am a yard sale women, well i went to two yard sales down the street...well and the last one was well, i got fed up of being accused, and i never went back home..been divorced for ten yrs....i date but till they say shitttttttttttttttttttt and down the road they go....they stalk me but there is a number an the best number is 911  
1/19/2008 2:43:00 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Summerfield, FL
age: 50
(yes i have... if someone is accussing they are the ones doing. time to move on.)
Not so for every case
My ex gave me plenty of reasons to suspect to the day I walked out. I was not, nor did I ever cheat on him.
1/19/2008 6:28:41 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Hawk Point, MO
age: 41
yes me too i finally had enough when i caught him doing what he always said i was doing we were together for ten years,he has been history for almost two years now,good riddens
1/19/2008 6:32:35 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Great Falls, MT
age: 47
Oh Yes, but it took me 18 years to divorce him. I kept thinking it would get better....Guess what It didn't
1/19/2008 6:39:52 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Milwaukee, WI
age: 41
Yes I did more than one. The first one was the hardest to get rid of. He wouldn't leave me alone even though he had another girlfriend. He said he wanted us both. I eventaully got rid of him. Later on the other girlfriend got a restraining order on him
1/19/2008 6:43:51 PM |
did you ever.............. |

Appleton, WI
age: 49
I can't believe you just described my ex! Well I was forever trying to make him feel secure but he never could. Actually there are days I am glad he walked off!!!
1/20/2008 10:21:05 AM |
did you ever.............. |

Woodbine, NJ
age: 40
Not exactly like that, may be kinda like that. Since the suspicions did not last and eventually disappeared as far as I could tell I think it had to do with her being hurt badly in a previous relationship. Part of it was learning to trust again.