
Paducah, KY
age: 47
Other than your pic's what was the first thing you grabbed from your home.Mine was the computer,just got back online today,had to take a break. 
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Mount Juliet, TN
age: 31
most of our valued posessions were on the second floor and thankfully only the garage and under the house got flooded. Pics are in tn chat if youd like to see them Carl.. My doll collection got pretty messed up. But thankfully most of them are still at my dads house.


Paducah, KY
age: 47
Glad all's fine with u.

Albion, IN
age: 60
I am not from your area but I just want to say I am so sorry for what your area has been going through with the flooding.. I am just a speck in this world but I am praying for you.... Ky is so beautiful and I have worked with such great people from your state....
Again just want to tell you all I am thinking of you and praying....

Water Valley, KY
age: 56
I didn't know Paducah was flooded.... I am just 45 miles from there but as far as I know we didn't get a flood here... I didn't see any... I know that something happened not too far because I was with out electric for 7 hours, but that is the only way it affected me.


Paducah, KY
age: 47
I'm in Little Ville in a low area.The sewer system could'nt handle it here.