Howe, TX
age: 43
I have a few favorite quotes that aren't in the movies:
My sense of God is my sense of wonder about the universe.---- Albert Einstein
When you visit my grave, smoke a joint....and leave the roach.---- Jimi Hendrix
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.---- Mark Twain
The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to one's self.---- Montaigne
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.---- Jesus of Nazereth
You have two eyes and two ears but only one mouth. Therefore you should do twice as much watching and listening as you do talking.---- Anonymous
Favorite quotes? Ayone else?

Howe, TX
age: 43
Anyone at all?

Palm Harbor, FL
age: 40
Yeah, I got some 4 u. Forward focused, not past possessed. And, Men are deceivers ever, one foot on the land, one in the sea, to one thing constant, never. Don't ask me where they came from but I've been carrying them around forever. I could go on....S.