1/18/2008 5:30:44 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
Certain music in our lives, have a profound meaning.....I would like to see yours and what it mean to you.
A very close lady friend's husband, shot hisself in the head in front of her and their two daughters one drunken night about 5 yrs ago.....this song is hers. And in memory of her husband who was also a good friend of mind.
Evanescence~~~~My immortal
1/18/2008 5:37:43 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
If your're feeling salty, I 'm your tequila
If you got the reason, I've got the rhyme
There ain't nothing sweeter than naked emotion.
So you show me yours..I'll show you mine
I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!! The lyrics may not be exactly right because I was typing them from a 20 year old memory!
1/18/2008 5:53:44 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
Who does that song, early......it sounds like something the guy that does....cheese burgers in paradise....what his name??????
Politically, I dont express myself often. But I really like this guys views.....I have him as a myspace friend.
Michael Franti~~~Yell Fire
1/18/2008 5:57:03 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
Kris Kristofferson Now you made me go look and I will be singing this for the next two weeks!
If you're feeling salty,then i'm your tequila
If you've got the freedom i've got the time
There ain't nothing sweeter than naked emotions
So you show me yours, hon, and i'll show you mine
No ma'm i know this ain't all that you've ever been used to
You with your rings on your fingers and time on your hands
Sometimes it's nice to have somebody nice to be close to
God knows i've been there before you and i understand
I wish that i was the answer to all of your questions
God knows i know you wish you were the answer to mine
Darling if you ain't a thing but a change in direction
Lord don't you know you'd be somethin' i'm lucky to find
So you show me yours and i'll show you mine.
1/18/2008 5:58:56 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Valdosta, GA
age: 48
Jimmy Buffet did Cheeseburger in Paradise
1/18/2008 6:05:56 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
Hooraw, jimmy buffet. Thank You. And I love Kris. He did a movie, I'll never forget. "Man who fell from grace with the sea" An interesting love story.
1/18/2008 6:29:15 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
For several years, I have wanted this one to be played at my funeral....I am not sure why. It just feels right. And it still gives me goose bumps.
Verve~~~Bitter Sweet Symphony
1/18/2008 7:21:47 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Esperance, NY
age: 45
Arreis, I can see the feeling, and feel the meaning, Never really listen to this one.
But after playing it and listening to the words. Like my 11 yr old has taught me to do
This a great song. That I think even he would like! It reminds me of a cousin. him and I
were born an hour apart. My mom and aunt was in the same delivery room. Him and I were
the only two family members to have Brown hair and Brown eyes. At the age of (9) his
step brother was showing him his dad's 45cal hand gun. It went off entered the left side of his throat ,split his spinal cord, and exited just below the right shoulder blade.
He was paralysed from the chest down. We he and I continued to play after he had heeled
as far as he was going to. Get this at the age of 12 I had a blue dot appear above my
right eye. At the same time he(SORRY His Name was ERNIE FREEMAN) Ernie had a Red dot appear above his right eye. Sitting (as tears Flow after hearing that song) Brought back all the memories I had tried to put away. The days I would push him his 2 brothers and sister,for miles at a time just to get him out of the house. As we grew into young men
teenagers our bond was inseparable. If you seen him ,I was there and vise versa. We race
our cars. He had a Ply Duster and I drove a 1963 buick hearst. We use take all our friends for a ride on the weekends. As I would drive through the cemetary he would bang
on the side of the car and scare the crap out of all our friends. The music I was country
He was rock and roll. He taught me to listen to words. As my son is teaching me again with todays music. We tend to get locked in a grove. And knock without reason. Anyway
He was an Elvis Presley fan and His song was MY Way . For even in A wheelchair Ernie
stood Tall And did everything his way. He did his best to live his life to the song . To his end when ifection set in his back and his system could nt heal him any longer.
Thank You Very Much for this song and bring back Ernie's memory.
1/18/2008 8:26:32 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
********wicked********* That is an amazing story....I am glad you could see something in the music that touched your heart.
1/18/2008 8:31:18 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Esperance, NY
age: 45
We just have to open our minds. Something most of us including myself,
have a problem doing from time to time.
1/18/2008 8:58:31 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
Your right.*********wicked***********
And here is another. This song is true to heart for me. I listen to it often. sometimes several times a week just as a reminder............A celine fan.
1/19/2008 6:46:37 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Esperance, NY
age: 45
Arreis,Treat her like a lady, I think is a wounderful song.
I,m Not going into the memory behind this song on here I can only
do the tears. A couple times a week. Believe me more good memories.
This is another family member that past on young. Dorthy Mae ?????
was her name.
I see the meaning behind these. give some more. I'll see if I
can come up fopr mine.
tonight is card nite will be back later>>>>>wicked<<<<<<<<
1/19/2008 7:25:14 PM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
~~~~~~~~~~~~wicked, feel free to post what you like here. I would enjoy seeing what interest you. Thanx for your replies. I have a few more in mind that I will post later. To be continued..........................
1/20/2008 7:05:30 AM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Esperance, NY
age: 45
Arreis You asked what I'm am. You know how I feel about children.
This one that is dearest to me.>>>>>>>>>wicked<<<<<<<<<
1/20/2008 7:23:20 AM |
I'll show you mine, if you'll show me your........ |

Cottonwood, AZ
age: 46
Ouch. Damn, wicked. That one hurt my soul. Working in the public school system, children are a great weakness of mine. Thanx for sharing.