1/26/2008 4:51:24 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
When my children were little I started to pray for their future spouse. I prayed they would have happy good childhoods with a positive growth in Christm good teachers, friends etc..
Now that I'm single and someday hope to be married again. I pray for my next husband. We never know what they might be going through in their life. A cheating spouse, abuser, failing in their relationship with Christ. Job changes, death of family members or friends. The list goes on.
The Lord will bring that person to you some day, Pray for them now!
1/26/2008 9:10:24 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
wow,i never thought of it like that.thats really thoughtful.
by the title i expected it to be something like you are praying for a spouse ...took me off guard.
1/27/2008 3:32:35 AM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
After my being married 3 times and realized I was doing it my way instead of putting Christ in the center. I found doing it my way wasn’t working. I woke up and opened my eyes. So this time before I even got in to this sight I placed this time around in Gods hands to bring me the spouse that is true to me. God will deliver and it will be good and lasting.
Hello wileyguy; how are things in Scranton, Wilkes Barre, Hazelton, Waverly, Clark Summit…???
1/27/2008 5:24:47 AM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
wiley.... thanks.
If you think about it at our age, your next spouse might be going through a nasty divorce right now, she might have young children, no job skills etc.
Also when you pray for them, when you meet someone you look at them differently, you see their heart more than the outside.
And it's all in God's timing. But I wish he would hurry up 
1/27/2008 6:45:05 AM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Wilkes Barre, PA
age: 37
sheez.......i agree.and we never know what is going on at that time.we pray for strangers all the time so this is somewhat the same.i agree with you on the time thing......just why cant we have what we want when we want it 
rich- good here just still cold.havent seen ya around lately ...... how's carolina treatin ya?
[Edited 1/27/2008 6:45:24 AM]
1/27/2008 11:22:58 AM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Graceville, FL
age: 59
I have been on this site for 3months and never realized that this was here. I too am praying for a man that believes as I do (God has a plan for me ) if I would just quit messing it up. thank you for your post
1/28/2008 3:36:48 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Tioga, PA
age: 66
I have been praying for The Lord to choose my hubby this time---for about 2 yrs. now
Sometimes I wonder when is it going to happen,but I know---
RIGHT NOW THINGS ARE STARTING TO LOOK A BIT BETTER--Thank you Lord--but I am so nervous about dating again--i Don't know why.
Hi Wiley--Isn't Pa. the best--er I mean the coldest--lol-----hugs to ev eryone and keep praying----Pat.      
1/28/2008 4:03:23 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
The prayer I'm talking about is not for God to bring the spouse but to pray FOR them, for their relationship with Christ, for their every day.
Not FOR as in: a spouse FOR me .......
But FOR as in: I pray FOR them to have a good day, good job, boss, Dr's check up. 
Get it now? 
1/30/2008 9:25:55 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Santa Teresa, NM
age: 51
I totally agree with sheez!!!
2/1/2008 12:44:03 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I do pray for others health and welfare, Even though sometimes I think I got the short end of the stick so to speak, I look at how The Lord truly has blessed me. I see folks living on the streets, I live in a house; cold and drafty, but a house nun the less. I have nothing to retire on, but I do have a job. I hear of folks going hungry, yet I still eat at least once a day. There are numerous blessings He has given me, I know I don’t deserve most of them. I lived on that path, I thank God daily He pulled me off it. It seems that the big hole I had in my life had been filled, then little holes popped up. Like the past month, I had no heat, I got the heat fixed, then had no water, got it fixed and the heat went out again, got the heat, lost the water again. Just got the pump fixed this morning. So it got me thinking the other day when I had a wife, God was out, now I have God, the wife is out. I pray the heat and water incident aren’t a sign of wife and God. Now that I have God that fills the big hole, I need the wife to fill the small hole back in. I don’t play bachelor vary well. I don’t cook so I don’t eat healthy, I am no good with a budget, so what does that tell ya, It seems I just get by, I can’t afford a sick day. It seems that now that I have God in my life, life is harder. I have lived a much more comfortable life, so I know it exist. I find my self praying, Lord You don’t want your child4ren suffering, then why do I suffer? Then I am reminded of the folks in the streets and hungry. 
2/1/2008 7:03:00 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Rich ……… as another single person that seeks the Lord in my life I think I can understand your feelings.
My life doesn’t seem to have the balance I wish it had. I’ve come to realize God isn’t through with me yet and he does have a plan for my life. The harder I try to live the life that the Lord has for me, the harder evil will try to interfere. Being Christian isn’t for wimps. We have to trust the Lord and walk in his ways and fight when evil gets in the way calling on Christ for help.
The Lord might not remove the temptations in our life but he gives us the tools to fight, we have the choice to pick up those tools or not. My tools are the word, good Christian friends that have a close relationship with the Lord. I also call on the Holy Spirit ALL the time to lead, guide, protect etc. etc. etc.
In short Rich ………. God isn’t finished with you yet. The things that are causing you to challenge and question are the evil one throwing arrows at you, pick up the shield of the word to protect you. Eph. 6:10-20 is what I read a LOT to help me in that everyday battle.

2/9/2008 1:19:36 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

San Antonio, TX
age: 49
Thank you for your encouraging words on Pray for next Spouse.I'm a firm believer and follow in Jesus Christ and know eventually after i have been praying for the Lord to send me my final spouse for the last year,He will do so due to not letting my faith in the Lord be damaged by Satan.I firmly believe and will continue to believe that the Lord in His time will bless me with my soulmate,my best friend,my lover,and my companion for life. Again,thank you for your encouraging words and may the Lord bless you abundantly for doind so.
2/9/2008 6:02:41 PM |
Pray for next Spouse.......... |

Vinton, CA
age: 63 online now!
hi sheez,
i don't know of anybody else on the planet with a perception of knowing a spouse is inexorably destined to be coming your way & will intersect with your life some fine day... & then to so believe such that they want to pray for them in advance!?!! methinks the Lord lives near-center of your Good heart. & it makes one feel closer to Him just knowing there are such as you out there somewhere; thank you for existing & sharing your thoughts here & may that lad soon connect with you.
as to your comment, The Lord might not remove the temptations in our life but he gives us the tools to fight, we have the choice to pick up those tools or not .. a nice little saying that concisely reflects all of those thoughts & which helps me a lot is: when satan knocks at your door, just ask the Lord & He will answer it for you
warm Peace be unto you all
[Edited 2/9/2008 6:03:53 PM]