2/4/2008 11:12:10 AM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
hey what is the biggest thing that keeps you away from church now then compared to church then...keep this group going because it just doesn't have to be what i ask here
i would say i think the sermons i hear are based on the bible and not on every day current events--why can't that happen--but i guess i'll always believe in this church but would wish to hear more about current things when the priest speaks...anyone else want to add here
[Edited 2/4/2008 11:20:09 AM]
2/4/2008 12:35:01 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Hey Soprano,
Last I checked Catholic fits the catagory of Christian. So it doesn't belong on this forum.
2/4/2008 1:18:29 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
oh really--i didn't know--
2/4/2008 1:46:29 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
Yup...there's a Catholic Group....I know....I tried to post on it and was not allowed to.
I think this is the one for all the other religions and non-religions. I hope we get some interesting posts.....Muslims? Jews? Wiccan? Ba'hai? there's soooo much for us to learn.
Knittin Kitten
2/4/2008 1:55:27 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

age: 51
Hi all, I'm with you Kitten, everyday is a school day, and all the wonders awaiting discovery!
2/4/2008 2:30:31 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Yes there are many spiritual paths which don't come under the Big three as I would call them ( Christian, Jewish and Muslins) besides the one that Kitten mentioned there are a number of other Pagan religions other then Wiccan which I hope we hear from I'd love to see posts from Druids, Astara, even Native Americans as well as Polonisian and Hawaiian. What we don't understand we tend to fear and it is that featr of other belief structures that has caused a grate deal of difficulty in the History of the Human race.
I am Unitarian Universalist by religion but Wiccan by Spiritual Path. Unitarian Universalism is a religion that as they say in their service reconize that all paths lead to the Sacred and all are valid. IN UU there are Humanist, Athestists , Agnostics Pagan Buddists Hindu and they all get along. I like that.
2/4/2008 3:17:46 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Farmington, IL
age: 46
I consider myself Agnostic, and am not allowed to post anywhere else. Just wondering if I'm allowed here.
2/4/2008 3:38:36 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
I can't imagine why not....Take a stab at it....Personally, I'd love to learn all about what's an agnostic and how do they feel and why. Go for it.
PS> But, start another topic under an Agnostic title....or people will think it's all under the title of welcome catholics, which, has been established elsewhere.
[Edited 2/4/2008 3:39:49 PM]
2/4/2008 8:06:26 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Boise, ID
age: 68
As I see it this group is for those who are not of the mainstream so why not an agnostic also why not those hicvh aren't certain of what they are.
2/5/2008 4:38:22 AM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Agnostic is exactly what we are looking for. Those who do not fit into Christian and the other organized religions, as well as those who do not claim to be atheists.   
2/5/2008 11:19:51 AM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Have you ever studied other religions and mythologies?
Such as Zoroasteranism, Hellinistic, Buddhism, Hinduism, Greek, Egyptian, Roman and Greco-Roman mythology?
Have you ever heard of these figures?
Dionysos & Orphism
If you do, then you will find out that the bible is an epic story book with partial truths and myths intertwined.
2/6/2008 10:59:18 AM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Please Death this is not for just hitting on christians or the bible we want to discuss the positive things about what we believe or have experienced. The people who are here are here because we do not accept the bible and the organized religions. You do not need to convince us.
2/9/2008 6:36:06 AM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Lillington, NC
age: 52
Most of you know my side of the story, I’m not here to push it. I like KK have a need to know.
Soprano I have had the privilege of tending a lot of Catholic and catholic as well as other denominations, it depends on the preacher for fitting it into today’s world, The one I attend to now does and when I stand in I fit my sermons into current events, there is a lot of parallel
2/9/2008 7:07:40 AM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Rich you know I think you are an awfully nice man but, this is the one forum that we of other beliefs have. Please do not keep dragging it back to christian. You all have plenty of places for that and one that we cannot even get on.
Death I have not studied any of those or any other except the Big C. I have been kind of winging it with just listening to my inner spirit.
[Edited 2/9/2008 7:10:09 AM]
2/10/2008 12:38:24 PM |
welcome catholics--how about some open discussions |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
deathmetal...Yes, I have heard of several of the ones you have mentioned...but, I do not know enough about them to partake in a discussion....YET. I sure wish we get some folks who would like to discuss the exact subjects you mention. However, can you transfer your post onto the new one so that it does not continue on the welcome catholics one?
I think it would go over very well, ....if it was in its proper slot and people see it.
PS: I didn't want to take the responsibility of clicking "wrong forum", without mentioning it to you. Perhaps, if you give us permission....or, make the change yourself, we can get started...There's soooooo much to learn and I'm OLD.!!!!
[Edited 2/10/2008 12:40:28 PM]