Roseville, CA
age: 26
What about a movie review forum or a movie critics group? I am always looking for a good movie to watch, but how do you know what is truly good?
People could post their movie reviews and suggestions for people to watch. This would include reviews about current movies in the theaters and new or old rentals. I think it would be nice to hear what other real people have to say about a movie before I go see it instead of having to trust the critic’s opinions.
Also, I am sure there are tons of rentals that are awesome but somehow slipped through the cracks. I will probably never watch them unless I get a referral from others who liked, loved or appreciated the movie.
What do you think?

Howe, TX
age: 43
I recently (finally) got to see 30 Days of Night. I'm a vampire movie afficianado, I have to see every vampire movie that comes out.....no matter how stupid. I have to say that 30 Days of Night was not the most interesting vampire movie I ever saw, but if such a thing could be called realistic, it was the most realistic vampire movie I ever saw. If there really were such things as vampires, I would expect them to behave more like the ones in 30 Days of Night than like the stereotype. All in all, I rather enjoyed this movie.

Billerica, MA
age: 57
Hey great group idea. I LOVE movies.
OK, how about the Gladiator... has everything:
Great story line.
Great costumes.
Great musical score.
Wonderful acting.
and of course, some beautiful eye candy..........
Hey what more do you want from a movie?   

Billerica, MA
age: 57
The ones that 'slip through the cracks" are some of my favorites.
I accidentally found a movie called:
"Stealing Heaven" but only on laser disc and forgein DVD's
Hope to see it out on Regional 1 DVD soon.
It's a period, a tremendous love story that was taken from real life events...
Of course you have to be into period movies. I think this one was the 1700's
I can think of lots, in many genres...
   Yes-Yes a movie group 
Pass the popcorn.......

Billerica, MA
age: 57
Guess this isnt gonna take off... so starting a new post on the subject...

Bend, OR
age: 60
There is a forum for Entertainment,
movies are mentioned there..if that helps..