Louisville, KY
age: 41
Well, I'm not too shure about this because I ain't been on here too long, but I think you can spot a player by how many chicks or dudes that in their "friends" file. Whaddya think? Am I wrong? If there is more entries than the visual space can hold images of--if they got, like, 20 "FRIENDS", I'd say that is maybe your first clue they a "playa" Hmmmm.......

Winston Salem, NC
age: 58
Great thinking, right on! I will pay more attention to that in the future.   

Page, AZ
age: 60
I think you have that one wrong.
Go back to the drawing board and try again.

Baytown, TX
age: 53

A friend is a friend and not a player
we all have some and most have been played
So playing games is enough to be said.

Howe, TX
age: 43
My profile page has more friends than the space will hold.....but they are both guys and girls....and styxie, you know I'm no player.

Louisville, KY
age: 41
Hey Dutch,
I just love you to death ! You are one of the greatest people I have ever known. I started this forum just to see what kind of shit-storm it would create. So far the responses have been moderate. We'll see where it goes from here. People just gotta understand my f*cked up sense of humor ! 

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71 online now!
I'm going to agree with Health on this one. I'm not sure how many friends are on my list. And, they are both male and female. I believe most of them are people who have seen my posts on the forums and liked what I had to say.
Yes, I sometimes get requests from men to be on my friends list...the first thing I do, if I don't recognize their names, is to read their profile AND check out their posts.....If they are 25 or so and have no posts and live very far away, I may send them a message asking why
they wanted to be on the list. If I do not receive a reply, or see any posts on forums, I have deleted them.
If, when I read their profile, it is FULL of "Send me a message" or "prefer not to say", I see no reason to have them on a friends list.
I'm always happy to have a friend, but I'm not interested in being part of a "collection".
There are many better ways to spot a player.....
IN MY OPINION, following are a few of them:
Hi Babe, Doll, Sexy.........Wanna play?
Any IMMEDIATE pix of private parts.........
Any IMMEDIATE request to get off the site and use email or IMs.....
IM's where it's suspected that he's talking to several at one time (WITHOUT EXPLANATION....it's a dating site, it's ok, but I don't like it. He can talk to as many as he wishes, but NOT at the same time he's talking to me............
One who gives you his phone number and asks you to call and IS NOT THERE either in a few minutes when you call, or is not home at the appointed time to call......AND DOES NOT CALL YOU BACK TO EXPLAIN WHY.
If I discover, during the IM, that he hasn't bothered to look at my Profile and is not aware of many things I have taken the time to insert in it........
I'm sure there are several of you who can add more.....
I'll be interested to know other ways to spot a player. I'm pretty good at recognizing a scammer when I hear from one. (I have key questions I ask....and they, usually can't answer.)
Knittin Kitten