2/14/2008 6:47:24 PM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Fairbanks, AK
age: 49
Will I ever find someone that tells the truth rather than What They think I want to hear?
Are there still Ladies out there with an open mind to all the possibilities?
Are there sweethearts left that look at the heart and mind instead of the pocketbook?
I want to see one for Myself. I guess thats why their extinct.
2/15/2008 1:24:23 AM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Fairbanks, AK
age: 43
2/18/2008 10:18:18 AM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Ketchikan, AK
age: 44
Not all are gone, I'm here still alive and kicking
2/18/2008 11:45:20 AM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Anchorage, AK
age: 52
It seems the "Gold Rush" is still ON!
2/18/2008 1:02:29 PM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Sitka, AK
age: 47
Gee. I think maybe you have been looking in the wrong places maybe the cities instead of the bush. Most of the true Alaskan woman I know aren't bull sh*tters we just don't have the time nor the inclination to waste the time we have ..
So maybe you need to cast your looking abit wider. 
2/21/2008 3:42:55 PM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Anchorage, AK
age: 50
Apparently, although one could reintroduce some new species bred in captivity from other locational breeding grounds.
3/6/2008 10:47:30 AM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Kodiak, AK
age: 58
Alien, perhaps you need to look at your own heart and mind? I agree with sitkarains wholeheartedly. The comment left by the other guy, about captivity and a new breed, how disgusting.
3/9/2008 3:30:01 AM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Fall River, MA
age: 52
IN a way the guys got a point I live in Kenai and the women I'd like to get to know all seem to be married or otherwise hooked up all the good girls seem to be takin and at my time in life I'm not going to just settle for whats available it'll be right or not at all 
3/10/2008 6:15:51 AM |
Are all the good Alaskan woods Girls hunted to extinction? |

Kenai, AK
age: 54
LOL----- The gals and men in Keani that are not spoken for have a lot to be desired and Soldotna WOW. Think that's because they have no life out side of planing what bar to hit next! LMAO
Do not get me wrong I love my to neighborhood bars, family and friend even if they are are hooked up!!!!! Naw allsgood......Good people and the best of neighbors..
Never find me living in the towns I like space and if I want to garden naked, crank up the music and make a huge bonfire, by gosh I will!!!
My guy I will have to meet in a head on crash HEHEHE
Life is to short to worry about a relationship but do have the thoughts to once again sharing quality time with a good man, best friend and lover..
Take Care Alaska