Urbana, OH
age: 67
I'm trying to take a picture from Photo Bucket and put it in a past. Not having any luck. When I put it on a post, it is just a string of words, letters
Crystal River, FL
age: 31
when you click on the picture on photobucket.com, under the picture is a heading "IMG code". Click on the text box below that heading and it will automatically copy the code. Then in a reply box here, right click, and paste. It will be a long code that won't mean much to you. Click Post and you are done.
Urbana, OH
age: 67
Will I see the picture in the post box before I post it? or just the code?
Urbana, OH
age: 67
ok, thanks. I'm going to try it
Benton Harbor, MI
age: 59
You'll just see the text. If you preview it will show the picture.