2/21/2008 7:18:11 PM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
I am sick of fast food and I have eaten everything I can cook several times (even though I am a pretty good cook). In all the cooking books I've tried the pictures look nicer than the food turns out. So.. I thought I would ask my fellow Albertains, while I am waiting for a date, which looks like might take a while. 
So come on people what do you have for dinner? 
By the way leave out the KD and hotdogs, that is not real food.
2/21/2008 8:22:13 PM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Hey,steady4u ... You said to leave out the KD & hotdogs. Does the same go for frozen pizza?
2/22/2008 7:49:54 AM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
Sorry sick of pizza too, been having alot of buffalo lately very lean and tasty.
[Edited 2/22/2008 7:50:19 AM]
2/22/2008 10:57:42 AM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Bison is good & healthier than beef. Guess I shouldn't generalize. Lean ground bison is.
2/27/2008 9:25:02 PM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Edmonton, AB
age: 45
Well i can tell you my kids favorite dinner is shake and bake chicken with home made shake and bake.
To make the shake-n-bake i dry out bread or buns (that have been buttered with garlic butter)in the oven at 150 degree F. then I grind to fine crumbs, and add whatever spice you like,I like garlic and montreal steak spice.
I make the shake-n-bake in big batches and keep it in the freezer, then you can use it over and over and it wont go bad. Just take out enough for what you need and keep the rest in the freezer.
Pre heat oven to 350 degree F.
Through potatoes in the oven while preparing the chicken
Roll chicken(legs, thighs or breast) in the shake-n-bake and bake till done about 3/4 to 1 hour.
Very cripy and tasty and much better then bought shake-n-bake. Make a salad and walla you have a great meal and it is quick.
Hope this helps break up the boring fast food problem 
good luck
2/27/2008 9:55:18 PM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
That sounds fantastic funkylady, I love butter and garlic I will try that exactly like it sounds might try it on turkey as well, a little fresh thyme and basil, many thanks .
I will give you one of mine ground turkey taco salad, the trick is the soft corn tortilla shells, individually deep fry those in a cast iron frying pan until the bubbles just about stop (medium high heat) should be canola oil works the best and you can re-use the oil a couple of times. FANTASTIC Brown the ground turkey the add a head of garlic 1 large onion diced maybe 3 onces of tequila 2 packs of taco sesoning add water after simmers to right texture. cut up some iceburg tomatos salsa and sour cream with some cheese. Will be your new fav.
[Edited 2/27/2008 9:59:15 PM]
2/28/2008 7:59:57 AM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 47
To deep fry the shells you need long forks or tongs to submerge the shells in the oil, have oil approx. 3/4" deep. 
2/28/2008 9:38:02 AM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Edmonton, AB
age: 45
that does sound great and i will try it soon maybe even this weekend, have a great day
2/28/2008 5:46:25 PM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 57
Hi there funkylady! Your 'Shake n' Bake' Chicken recipe sounds good. Very economical coating mix compared to what you get in the stores & more variety of flavoure possible. So guess what I'm going to have for dinner tomorrow?
2/29/2008 10:11:17 AM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Edmonton, AB
age: 45
Awesome it is great to share ones ideas, my greatest passion in life besides being a mother is baking, cooking and trying new ideas, my children have no problem with the taste testing part.
5/24/2008 5:38:07 PM |
Anyone willing to share a good dinner recipe....please. |

Calgary, AB
age: 29
for the slow cooker: put a beef roast in the cooker. chop up some onion mushrooms peppers and put on top or where ever they end up. then pour a jar of speggettie sause over top. low setting is best for tender roast. mashed potatoes, peas and a salad yum yum. for the peas you mite also want to try boiling them,then mix in some mayo and shredded cheeze  
[Edited 5/24/2008 5:38:52 PM]