2/25/2008 8:05:08 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
My ex-husband is listed on the Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders List. I'm posting this because I'm serious about trying to find him and I need all the help I can get! He abandonded me and my 5 children (the younger four are his biological children) on December 2, 2000. The last time the children saw him was in April, 2001...and then it was with his girlfriend present.... he refused to see the children w/out his girlfriend present... said that if they truly loved him they'd be happy for him. At that time, the children were 11, 6, 4, 2 and 8 months old.
The reason he left Georgia in April, 2001 was because I discovered that he had entered into a bigamist marriage with his then girlfriend (Toni Goodman) and had forged my signature to our joint tax return check. I confronted him on both issues and he told me that he'd run before he went to jail. I told him that he'd better start running. Two days later, he and his bigamist wife fled Georgia.
She has since been arrested, charged and sentenced to jail for a forgery case not related to the tax return money that was stolen from me and my children. He is no longer living with her.
He was last seen in Greeley Colorado and could possibly be living with a woman by the name of Patricia Miceli, age 32, birthdate March 7, 1965, but this is not a proven fact. There is also a possiblity that he is running a business called "Diamond M. Horseshoeing", but again, not a proven fact.
He was arrested and held overnight in a jail in Arizona one time, but Georgia refused to expidite him. Now that he's finally listed on the Most Wanted Evaders List, there is a better chance of Georgia being willing to expidite him.
I have given my CSS caseworker all the information that I have over the years, including suspected addresses, but they are unable to physically locate him. His name is David Mitchell and he owes my children over $62,000. That money would make a huge difference in the quality of their lives. And it's just not right for him to walk away from his children like that. He also owes his oldest daughter who is living in Montana over $15,000. She was recently diagnosed with MS. Her and her mother could REALLY use that money to help with medical expenses.
Please go to the website listed below, or do a Google search for Georigia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders yourself to see a picture of him. And then please forward this to anyone you know, especially to friends and relatives living in Greeley, Colorado. Even if you do not know anyone in Colorado, please forward this. If you know him, or know of him, please contact the Child Support agency listed on the website. You can also write back to me.
Web site: www.ocse.dhr.georgia.gov
Click on "Most Wanted Evadors" on the left of the screen
Click on "David Mitchell" - currently listed 2nd
Thank you for taking the time to read this. And thank you in advance if you forward this or notify CSE of any information you may have.
2/26/2008 10:32:59 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Eureka, KS
age: 40
I wish to you and your family the best of success in finding him for your childrens sake. No matter what differences we have with ex's the children should not be put in the middle and men should not think that since they are ex they are no longer responsible for the child / children, it only mean responsiblity of the ex is no longer- freedom for the Adults.
Choices you make today will reflect tomorrow!
If they take care of it currently they will never have to have several jobs just to exsist. ( its what I told my neighbor- he did not pay, was hiding, he was found now his children are adults and he will be paying the rest of his life!)
My ex is just as bad, Have not heard from in long time, have never seen a support check,When I have found him- he just changes jobs and I have to start over each time the other day found him on myspace, So I understand the strain it puts on children when they choose to disappear.
To all the Men that take care of there children > Your Children Love and thank you for it!
2/27/2008 11:51:59 AM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Thanks for your comment. I agree w/ you about all the men out there who do take care of their children. I work in an environment with a lot of men and very few women. The men who I work closely with are all such good men - good husbands and good fathers. I make sure to tell them often how much I appreciate seeing them do things like bring their lunches to work to save money for their families, take time off work to see their children perform at a school function... and not only PAY their child support, but spend quality TIME with their children. One of the men who I work with has even recently fought for and won custody of his daughter (a very good thing.) He and men like him are REAL MEN!
There are a lot of good men out there who take care of their children. But there are so many like my ex-husband who try to do whatever it takes to shirk their responsibilities. He and men like him are not real men... they're cowards.
3/5/2008 9:58:12 AM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

New York, NY
age: 31
So you make it sound as if you think the failure in your relationship was all your ex's fault. From my experience it takes two for a relationship to fail. - don't mean to sound rude but sometimes I get a little curious about what the other side of the story is. Please don't take me the wrong way.
3/5/2008 12:02:55 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Benton, IL
age: 71
To Barbie; Honey it does not matter who is to blame; nor what the circumstance is.
CHILDREN !! They are the ones that suffer, because every dime men spent on anyone else, or anything else[like boats, new autos, any luxurys for other women].It is essentially money taken away from each childs lifestyle.It can mean
a better home, clothing, school trips,college etc.for his flesh and blood;NOT for other girlfriends children by him OR anyone else.
by going to JAIL or PRISON!! This means himself doing without if the case warrants.
Sorry if I am hard hearted. I know others feel the same. 
3/5/2008 12:22:58 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Corning, CA
age: 50
I am a father of three
I am disabled and receive Social Security
I also get a little for each of my kids
I have them almost every weekend
and two weeks on one off all summers
plus half of any and all vacations
I live 23 miles from them
the x - tried to get me to pay her
part of the socsec money
I went along for 2 months and said to hell with her
I buy so much stuff for my kids it is not funny
they are covered by my socsec and low income status
for a lot of things
the x has - 2 multi acreage properties
at least 5 vehicles
her and her husband are co-managers
of a gas station
and they are having problems
with money!!!!!!!!
I buy 3 pairs of shoes every two months right now
pants every 2 months - 6 pairs+
socks, underware etc.
plus all the food they scarf down!
it's hard to support children
these days - more so because
all the healthy foods are
getting so expensive
i am glad that with what little I have to offer them
they call this place HOME!!!
good luck finding him

3/5/2008 3:12:27 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

New York, NY
age: 31
I get it.BUT I have to say this. There is no proof that he is still around. When you take a situation for what it seems to be (assume)without all the information you're really being foolish. The truth of the matter is that some of her story is a complete fabrication. David was agreat father. He took care of her,the kids including the oldest which wasn't his biological child and was solely financially responsible for them. By the way, the oldest child is from a biracial relationship she had,but claimed was rape. I am no psychologist but I know the mental toll that this can take on a person. Even today she can't be totally responsible. It is very disheartening that she takes advantage of her ex-inlaws. They certaintly help her out significantly. THERE ARE ALWAYS TWO SIDES TO EVERY STORY. Never give credit someone you've never met.
3/5/2008 5:01:02 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
So, tell me.... where is David? You do realize that eventually he will be caught and will have to pay child support - all of it - no matter how old the children are, he will continue to pay to his children the entire debt.
How rude of you to make that comment about my oldest child. What difference does it make if he's biracial???? You must be very simple minded! He was NOT, I repeat, NOT the product of rape... someone other than me had to have told you that... my guess was that it was David... You should not believe everything that this man says to you!
It is true that David was the sole bread-winner of our home. I was a Stay-at-home mother. The children and I had no income when he left. His parents and my family supported us until I was able to find a job, which took about 5 months. I have continued to work that same job and do not recieve financial support from anyone. I have also worked myself off of welfare... without the help of child support!!
My inlaws have not been taken advantage of by me or by the children. I take the children down to visit w/ them for about a week usually about once every three months. Sometimes I spend a few nights there myself. The children and I have spent a few holidays with them. They love us and would be hurt that someone is accusing me of taking advantage of them. They are not proud of their son for what he has done to his children. They do worry about him though... he is afterall, their son... so if you know him, encourage him to call his parents. His mom still has nightmares at night - she dreams that he's calling out to her but she can't reach him.
3/5/2008 5:36:00 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
You sound like a great father! I'm sure that your children love you dearly. And when you're old and need someone to care for you... they'll make sacrifices to be there for you just like you do for them now! 
3/5/2008 6:23:13 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Thanks for your comment. You're right. It doesn't matter who is to blame in the break-up of a marriage. All that matters are the children. And there are men and women out there who are not taking care of their children. My ex happens to be one of them. It's not right. You can't just walk away from your family and expect to get away with it. And it's not just about the money... he's had NO PART in their lives whatsoever! My youngest asked me, on his last birthday if his Daddy even knew that it was his birthday today. It's just not okay to leave your children behind to wonder if you even know if they're dead or alive.
Yes, there were things that I will do differently if I ever marry again. I made mistakes. Yes, he did things wrong and I hope that if he ever marries again, he will do things differently. But my post was not about that. It was about the fact that I am serious about finding a man who has abandoned his children and has gotten away with it for far too long. He will be found. And he will pay... either via jail time or via money to the children.
3/6/2008 5:44:59 AM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Comstock Park, MI
age: 37
there's nothing worse than a parent (and i'm sure women do it too) who abandons not only their spouse, but more importantly their children. adults are more able to bounce back, but kids are so impressionable. I hope you find him.
3/6/2008 4:38:28 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
You're right. I believe with all my heart that he will be caught. It's only a matter of time. He'll probably have to spend a little time behind bars before he realizes that he must actually pay everything he owes to his children.
3/7/2008 2:37:29 PM |
Ex is listed on Georgia's Most Wanted Child Support Evaders |

Great Falls, MT
age: 42
It is very curious to me that you have these intimate details on Kathy’s life. This tells me that you know where this deadbeat dad is. Since I am the first wife of this deadbeat dad who has not seen his oldest daughter since she was the age of 2, I am very interested in the details you know of my life. You seem to be well versed in this subject.
The sadness of all this is the kids, they deserve better and shouldn’t ever have to wonder if they did something wrong. If the marriages were bad then so be it, but that doesn’t give him the right to up and disappear and not pay the monies owed to those kids. David’s oldest daughter was just recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, do you think he is even the slightest interested or concerned? Do you think it is cheap to supply the meds she needs every single day?
I certainly can say that these so called In-laws have not ever helped me out with their granddaughters needs. But according to you, David was a fantastic father, not so much!!!