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3/1/2008 4:20:07 AM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Lima, OH
age: 55
I haven't heard one GOOD reason why I shouldn't leave this state and try to "get a life" somewhere in the southwestern U.S. states. There's probably only one thing that could keep me from going, that I know of, unless God wills otherwise before the end of this year.
3/1/2008 6:59:04 AM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Westerville, OH
age: 62
IF you believe in God, then thats the one reason. Where does HE want you, not where do you want to be. Its not whether one place is better than another, its not based on weather or people or job opportunity. Its based on where HE wants you. I suggest that is your one reason and suggest you find the answer to that.
3/2/2008 2:18:00 PM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
age: 45
I'm from AZ. If you want to give up forests, small town pace, festivals and free concerts, and seasons (especially spring and fall), and trade it for 2 seasons (6 months of warm and 6 months of daily blazing heat - 105+ in the shade), traffic jams, 5 million people, smog/pollution, daily shootings on the news, no forests within 150 miles, rude people that don't have the time to help you or give you the time of day, a population of 1/3 that won't speak english, Nothing to do (free) without spending $$$, and home prices 2-3x what they are here, but with less land, then you should move to the Phoenix area. Remember, the grass is always greener (except Phoenix, where 90% of lawns are rock, not grass). Tucson is better. Other than that, you can't live anywhere else in AZ without being in the service/hospitality industry, or being independently wealthy.
[Edited 3/2/2008 2:19:17 PM]
3/2/2008 3:19:50 PM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Lima, OH
age: 55
Funny, but I had Phoenix in mind as one of my choices, or southern New Mexico. My husband and I lived there and I loved it. I get homesick for it. Sorry you didn't like it there. To me, it's a matter of survival and perhaps even a do or die situation. There isn't much hope for me here and I've got 'til the end of the year to find the one reason for staying here.
3/2/2008 7:12:08 PM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
age: 45
Well, I may have been a little harsh. A lot of people like the heat, most of them there are not natives! If you lived in NM and liked it, that would probably be a better choice. I have found Ohio has a lot to offer, even being so close to so much history in the US is just a day trip away. I think Ohio has an awful lot to offer, but if you need to move for health reasons, that is understandable.
3/3/2008 5:08:00 PM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Goshen, OH
age: 57
Being an ol Kentucky gal my self I still feel that Ohio has alot to offer. Affordable too. Alot of concerts, fairs, plays ,great shopping etc. Where I live is alot where I grew in Ky. a small town where everyone knows everyone else!
3/3/2008 7:52:12 PM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Chillicothe, OH
age: 47
hey whats going on tonight
3/4/2008 6:44:53 AM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Milford, OH
age: 46
Ohio? I say saddle up honey...soon as my youngest is out of HS I'm outta' here. God helps those who help themselves...however I doubt he gives relocation advice. He supplied you with the capacity to rationalize your needs and make a choice.
3/16/2008 3:18:32 AM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Lima, OH
age: 55
It's just that I'm not getting any younger and I've got to do it while I can. It takes a lot to relocate and start all over again and I've got to do it single handed this time. It's scary, but exciting, too. It isn't exactly a new thing for me, 'cause with my husband, we lived in New Mexico, California, and Arizona, in 5 years time. That was between '89 and '94. We came back here to be with his mother due to a terminal illness and about a year after she died, my husband died. I've got about 8 more months here to see if there's a good enough reason for me to commit myself to staying in Ohio, but I'm checking out what Arizona has to offer, too, weighing the pro's and con's.
As for God's will in the matter, if I should die or something in the next 8 months, well, I guess I won't get there, will I? My husband died at 57 and I'm 55, so anything's possible for any of us.
[Edited 3/16/2008 3:19:33 AM]
3/16/2008 6:27:30 AM |
What's Ohio Got to offer? |
Urbana, OH
age: 67 online now!
Lastchance, I guess you have to weigh your options. I've thought of moving to Florida, as I have family there, but I have family here also, and friends. I've lives in the same house, moved out for awhile, but I've been right here since 1972, so I know all of my neighbors. I have friends and my church. I think it would be too much for me to just up and move. It sounds like you might be a little bit on the lonley side. If you ever need someone to chat with, just send me an email..