Baltimore, MD
age: 44
I don't have my children this weekend. But as I sit here in my public library I see all these Dad's (observation of the moment,not excluding women in this commentary/question) struggling to deal with these little strangers in their care.
They have brought their young one's here tryingto "entertain" and connect with them, trying to make that time pass until the child shuttles back to the other parent. When my children were younger (and before I had healed as much as I have...still things to work on) I can remember those days. I felt so terribly inadequate and guilty about desperetly trying, and oten in my eyes failing to give them a "complete" weekend of my attention. It was difficult to cope, sometimes after I put them to bed I just sat there and cried.
How did others cope with that "Daddy time"?....since I think it is a little different of a connection between a father and children and that primary nurturer (usually) the mother.

Crawford, NE
age: 39
Barry, I took a different approach. Took all kinds of counseling, got my ducks in a row. I just flat out parented my ex. It was ugly in the beginning, the fight was brutal on both. Wound up getting my kids every weekend. Talked to them every day, picked them up every Friday night at 7. Stayed strong and firm, just did the right thing. I was, and still am a DAD! The reward is the love and respect of the kids. They call my house home, her house...is
moms house. It's my actions that earned that, I didn't bribe them, or say nasty things about their mom. Just go to McDonalds on sat mornings, you can tell which man/woman is divorced....it's a sad thing.