Chattanooga, TN
age: 52
I'm in the process of opening a new Art Gallery in Chattanooga.
If there are any artist who would be interested in displaying their work I can be contacted here at DH
This Gallery will be on the westside of Chattanooga and will not be associated with the politics of the north shore gallerys.
So if you feel that you would like to get your work out and make some money at the same time contact me.

Murfreesboro, TN
age: 18
hey im an upcoming artist and am slowly bettrn my art

Crane Hill, AL
age: 55 online now!
I can draw flies... does that help?   

Johnson City, TN
age: 57
Bet ya could draw fire too eh? 
Good Luck with your gallery David.

Bell Buckle, TN
age: 56
Have you checked out my site? There are but a few of my pieces of work on it, but I have many more. Haven't done much since coming out to TN last October. Just bought a house, so been busy. Good luck with your gallery, it's a tough way to go, but just believe in yourself and work your tail off and you'll accomplish what's needed!