Mohawk, NY
age: 65
I personally think that being a grandparent is a very unique place to be....and raises more questions than anyone of us alone can answer, yet probable share the experiences of....it would be good to have sounding and shareing board.....

Indianapolis, IN
age: 67
I love being a grandma! When my son and wife were expecting my first grandchild, he asked if I would feel old being called Grandma, and what did I want to be called. I told him I would feel honored to be called Grandma. I still feel that way, 5 grandkids later!
There are issues us grandparents could discuss.

Urbana, OH
age: 67
I think the role of grandparents can be one of the most important rewarding person or persons in a childs life. My Mother-in-law surely was in my sons life. She and I never had a cross word, even after my divorce. We remained very close, and she still came to my home for the holidays. She was an absolute Angel.My sons and I were truely blessed to have her in our lives.
Now that some grandparents raising their grandchildren, I think this would be a very important Thread or Group. Thanks, Choosey.

Wheeling, WV
age: 62
   My grandson is the sunshine in my life. He is such a precious child. He calls me GAGA and all of his friends and even some of their parents have started using my new name. I didn't always think I was a success as a parent, but I know I am as a grandma.