3/4/2008 5:43:58 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Because Dischordia needed a voice *somewhere*!

3/4/2008 5:44:27 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
3/4/2008 5:45:26 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Kissing Hank's Ass!
3/4/2008 6:08:07 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
And this link can give you hours of entertainment. Gotta love Turok!
You'll want to check out Turok's Cabana first.
Cattitude is priceless.
Humpty Dumpty The King James Version (This is f**king hilarious!)
And lo, There was in the same country a wall both great and strong.
And the Egg sitteth on this wall, yea verily, as at other times, [even] upon a seat on the wall, (he is exceeding proud) his loftiness, and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart: and the man arose, and didst say:
Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and I will cause him to fall from his place. For if any fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him [that is] alone when he falleth; for [he hath] not another to help him up.
And he did send a blast upon him and he did fall from his place. How are the mighty fallen. And God saw the Egg fall.
And the Egg was burst asunder, was shattered into pieces as numerous as the stars, yea all the stars, that men seeth when they glance unto the heavens. The did the Egg speak, and he did say:
I wot not whist I am nor whence I came. I was at ease, but he hath broken me asunder: he hath also taken [me] by my neck, and shaken me to pieces. Behold, who shall surely gather me together for my sake?
When the news of the great fall was brought unto the king he was sore troubled. By the river of Babylon he sat down and wept. Then the king ariseth, and thus did say:
I will surely assemble thee, O Egg, all of thee; I will gather thy remnants; I will put them together as the sheep of the field, as the flock in the midst of their fold: we shall make great noise by reason of [the multitude of] my men.
And he called forth to his men saying: Arise, men of valour and strength and gird your loins. Mount ye your horses and riden outen at my command, that ye travel to the great wall. And there ye shall find, lying at the base, an egg, in pieces several and ye shall grieve.
But I say unto you, gird your loins and seeketh every piece, yea even unto the smallest thereof, and then remaketh whole the egg again. And whence thou hast finished, and the egg is as it was whence it were on topoth the wall, bring ye it to me that I may marvel at it.
And they came with haste, and their number was seven times seventy, to where the Egg didst lie broken. And when they saw it they were sore afraid, for they knew not whether `twas in their power to assemble yon Egg ast it had been in the beginning.
And though they girdeth their loins, and toileth as the lily in the fields toileth not, verily the pieces wouldst not and couldst not be brought together again.
When the news was brought even unto the king, the king was filled with great wrath. And all gates trembled, and the voice of the turtle was stilled.
Then out went the king, and he pondered these words in his heart: What man has rent asunder, let no god join together.
For, it is written: Pride [goeth] before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Other Turok Cabana Fun:
A Devilish Tattoo (XXX)
Check out Christianity, Blasphemy (YMCA)
And you have to check out Swearing Mexican Jesus
The Weirdness Test is great. Just when you thought you were weird, imagine how wrong you were. Oddly, I am quite weird - as the test goes. No surprises there.
Frodo Failed (Hehehehe)
But there really is so much to look at. Must have a light heart and an open mind. Most of all, you need to be willing to laugh at YOURSELF.
*humble and laughing!*

3/4/2008 6:31:41 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
(Fnord falls under the Principia Dischordia...)
Fnord is evaporated herbal tea without the herbs.
Fnord is that funny feeling you get when you reach for the
Snickers bar and come back holding a slurpee.
Fnord is the 43 1/3rd state, next to Wyoming.
Fnord is this really, really tall mountain.
Fnord is the reason boxes of condoms carry twelve instead of ten.
Fnord is the blue stripes in the road that never get painted.
Fnord is place where those socks vanish off to in the laundry.
Fnord is an arcade game like Pacman without the little dots.
Fnord is a little pufflike cloud you see at 5pm.
Fnord is the tool the dentist uses on unruly patients.
Fnord is the blank paper that cassette labels are printed on.
Fnord is where the buses hide at night.
Fnord is the empty pages at the end of the book.
Fnord is the screw that falls from the car for no reason.
Fnord is why Burger King uses paper instead of foam.
Fnord is the little green pebble in your shoe.
Fnord is the orange print in the yellow pages.
Fnord is a pickle without the bumps. Fnord is why ducks eat trees.
Fnord is toast without bread. Fnord is a venetian blind without the slats.
Fnord is the lint in the navel of the mites that eat
the lint in the navel of the mites that eat
the lint in Fnord's navel.
Fnord is an apostrophe on drugs.
Fnord is the bucket where they keep the unused serifs for H*lvetica.
Fnord is the gunk that sticks to the inside of your car's fenders.
Fnord is the source of all the zero bits in your computer.
Fnord is the echo of silence.
Fnord is the parsley on the plate of life.
Fnord is the sales tax on happiness.
Fnord is the preposition at the end of sixpence.
Fnord is the feeling in your brain when you hold your breath too long.
Fnord is the reason latent homosexuals stay latent.
Fnord is the donut hole.
Fnord is the whole donut.
Fnord is an annoying series of email messages.
Fnord is the color only blind people can see.
Fnord is the serial number on a box of
Fnord is the Universe with decreasing entropy.
Fnord is a naked woman with herpes simplex 428.
Fnord is the yin without yang.
Fnord is a pyrotumescent retrograde onyx obelisk.
Fnord is why lisp has so many parentheses.
Fnord is the the four-leaf clover with a missing leaf.
Fnord is double-jointed and has a cubic spline.
Fnord never sleeps.
Fnord is the "een" in baleen whale.
Fnord is neither a particle nor a wave.
Fnord is the space in between the pixels on your screen.
Fnord is the guy that writes the Infiniti ads.
Fnord is the nut in peanut butter and jelly.
Fnord is an antebellum flagellum fella.
Fnord is a sentient vacuum cleaner.
Fnord is the smallest number greater than zero.
Fnord lives in the empty space above a decimal point.
Fnord is the odd-colored scale on a dragon's back.
Fnord is the redundant coin slot on arcade games.
Fnord was last seen in Omaha, Nebraska.
Fnord is the founding father of the phrase "founding father".
Fnord is the last bit of sand you can't get out of your shoe.
Fnord is Jesus's speech advisor.
Fnord keeps a spare eyebrow in his pocket.
Fnord invented the green hubcap.
Fnord is why doctors ask you to cough.
Fnord is the "ooo" in varooom of race cars.
Fnord uses two bathtubs at once.
I cannot escape them
No matter how I try
They wait for me everywhere
I cannot pass them by.
Driving down the street
I see "Jesus Is Lord"
And then immediately after
I hear the word "FNORD!"
Innocuous sayings and parables
And on the evening news
I hear the word "FNORD!"
And suddenly I'm confused
I sit alone in my room
And I'm feeling rather bored
I turn on the tube and guess what
I hear the word "FNORD!"
"Don't see the fnords and they won't eat you"
That's what I've heard the wisemen say
But I can't get away from those beasties
There's just no f**king way.
3/4/2008 6:36:10 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |

Cleveland, OH
age: 34
I like the Blasphemy one, that is priceless. I've seen Swearing Mexican Jesus before.
This looks like a fun site to visit. Thanks for the site.
I like Futurama's First Amalgamated Church.
3/4/2008 6:49:32 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Bible Fight ~~ The Game. For you religious gamers out there. Hehehehehe. If anyone is interested in a game featuring Caligula, let me know.
3/5/2008 8:59:06 AM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I almost mentioned the Principia Dischordia in your post on books. What great fun! I especially loved the 'chain' letter. (you will be recieving 1100 pounds of chain)
3/5/2008 4:22:53 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Principia Dischordia: Great minds think alike!
3/5/2008 6:18:25 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Viva Caligula - The Game!
After you are done playing with Caligula's junk, check out Candy Mountain Massacre.
3/6/2008 12:18:55 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
I made it up when some Mormons came knocking at my door!!!
Call for your little (invisible) dog, and they will think that YOU are nuts!!!
Great joke!!!    
3/6/2008 5:21:58 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Marietta, GA
age: 27
hailasa to the flying spaghetti monster
3/7/2008 5:47:51 AM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |

Rupert, ID
age: 42
I want to order one of their T-shirts. Hail the mighty garliced one!
3/16/2008 5:29:20 PM |
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and Other Dischordia... |
Hemet, CA
age: 34
Bumping this.