Harrison, MI
age: 53
Junk mail at your e/mail
address,how do I stop it?
I have called my internet
provider asking how to stop
it,I have good software,they
still get through.I block and
bounce the sender.Is there
something more I can do?
I started a thread in the
Chat Room on 2 e/mails that
were sent to me.Nasty Porno
material,involving kids.
All help will be Greatly
Appreciated.Thank You.
Bend, OR
age: 60
Junk mail is one thing...we all get it, and would LIKE to rid ourselves of it...
dream on.
porno with children is unacceptable.
A person can trace the headers, and turn that information over to the legal authorities.
They are looking to shut down these obnoxious mailings,
but need to be given the *headers* (trace of the address of the sending machine)
in order to put cases together...I know where do you start...
I would also be concerned about the trojans, and malicious tracing cookies, or key loggers they may have installed on YOUR computer. Please do a virus scan, to locate and remove any objectionable key loggers or virus stuff they may have left behind.
Do you have these maintenance programs installed at this time?
Galion, OH
age: 47
A couple ways to approach it.
First, where do you get your mail through. While I am not an advocate of AOL, I do have a mail box with them and it is the cleanest in regards to unwanted SPAM (OK, that's redundant, SPAM by definition is unwanted )
Next, some email clients will allow you to subscribe to SPAM filtering services. Many of these are free. I use Mozilla Thunderbird and have it use SpamAssassin. This will set up to automatically delete these messages.
Hope this helps.
Jacksonville, FL
age: 54
Be very particular who you give your email address to. If you get an email that says at the bottom you can "unsubscribe by clicking this link" DON'T do it. It's actually a way for the sender to verify it works and you will get more junk.
Like others said before me it depends on what service you are using. But I wouldn't pay something extra to avoid junk. I think maybe you're on someones mailings list (just like you get mail from the post office).
The sender of the email will probably have different "sent-from" addresses. Heck if I wanted to I could create at least 15 different email addresses with different names etc. right now.
To solve your problem it depends on what service you are using and "how" you give your address out. Someone earlier mentioned looking at the header info. It may not be pretty to look at but it gives useful info. Your ISP would probably find it helpful to send it to them.
Just my opinions. Robin
Saint James, MO
age: 88
I have 4 email accounts...one never gets any mail!...the one i use for as my throw away email is actually the next cleanest....i think sites "look" into computers and get the isp email address, because i get email there from sites that i have never given that address to....
i use the check all and delete after a quick review of subjects and senders.
i think once an address is out and known by spammers you are screwed...
yahoo offers a free email with filters and virus check...use it for friends and email that you want to receive...you can upload mail from your isp box......
get another throw away account for signing up at sites!
does anyone know of a way to keep a computer from being scanned for isp info?
Burlington, IA
age: 54 online now!
With some email programs you can set it to not accept any mail that is not sent from those in your contact list. The rest go into the junk mail folder.
Using Outlook is far better than using Outlook Express, or if you have Vista, it's now called Windows Mail. Outlook has better filters for this. Microsoft also has a little utility called Junk E-Mail Reporting Tool. It installs in Outlook 2003 and 2007. You get a spam email, you just select the email and press a button to send it to the junk mail folder and report it to Microsoft. This is used to help update their junk email filters that they put out every month.