Gallipolis Ferry, WV
age: 50
Just thought I would see if there are any other artist that would want to chat??? and I always like to see other peoples work... thanks Bridget

Webster Springs, WV
age: 30
I work with paint shop pro if thats what your asking...
other then that, i dont draw or anything.

Hinton, WV
age: 51
i just got thru with a painting and im pleased with it. i love to paint with oils and hinton gives me alot to paint !!!!!

Follansbee, WV
age: 27
Yes I am an artist. well I nolonger draw, paint or design. (I will again)
As for right now I make music. I have been since I was little but nothing worth listening. I am currently working on a double album titled "Black Forest". I have been for Three years. It's a mix of genres. metal, ambient, down tempo, classical, folk, acoustic, spoken word. Black Forest, well actually "Black Forest Mountain" which is in Germany. a place where Sabbaths were held back in the ages. so the feeling of the album is very up beat. you can dance to. The story, well it's all like different chapters. It's like the movie Pulp fiction. disc 1 is the end and disc 2 is the beginning.
The 2nd disc is about religious war and I explain on how I came to write the lyrics so you can understand why I wrote them. So it's nothing inmature like OOOOOH GOD never mind. no. From histroy to personal feelings I mix it all together. all true. and disc 1 is more spiritual and relaxing. That half has to do with sensation of the mind and flesh. from being intamate with your lover to going to far and getting lost in life. EX: I have many friends who have OD on Drugs. some died some lived. I have a song where you jump off the deep end and you think well this is it I'm dead, but you are brought back to life and then you start to see things differently.
And because of which you take a step back and view everything! (well ok I don't need this, this is not me at all, This is not true.) I've put it off for some years. because as I grew older I thought well I've out grown what i wanted to do when I was younger but it's still there eating at me. So I"m doing it and really its' turning out beautifully.