3/13/2008 5:52:09 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Fremont, NE
age: 37
Last night my daughter(almost 5yrs) got ready for bed. I tucked her in and left the room. She came out to the dining room, I was on the computer and still fully dressed in a sweater and jeans. She looked at me and said "mom, are you going to bed soon?" I said "No not yet, I am not dressed for bed yet" She said "yeah you need to put on your floppy boobs and panties"............OMG
3/13/2008 6:26:02 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
When my youngest daughter was 2, she had a baby brother who I was breastfeeding. Somehow my children began calling breasts "Nursies." We were in Walmart one day and a very flat chested woman walked by. She pointed to the lady and yelled out... and I mean yelled.... "MAMA!!! LOOK!!! THAT LADY DON'T GOT NO NURSIES!"
I thought I would DIE!!
3/14/2008 11:28:42 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Okay, got another one...
This time, my youngest son, last year in 1st grade... told me that a little girl who was sitting beside him on the gym floor in PE class told him that he had a cute face. Then he said to me, "So I when we had bathroom break, I looked in the mirror at my face and she's right! I do have a cute face!"
TOOOOO Funny!!!
3/14/2008 11:56:05 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
When my daughter was about 4 we were at McD's eating lunch and this whole black family walked in - there was probably about 8 of them......and my daughter very LOUDLY says
"Mom look there is a whole family of black people"....she went to daycare at the time and I think there was only one little black girl in her class so she had never seen so many all together....it was very embarassing.......
3/14/2008 11:58:37 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Plymouth, MI
age: 54
I've told this story on another thread...but here it goes
I was teaching my son when he was about 4 The Lords Prayer. After several times goin through it with him I said okay now lets pray it together. He started "Our Father Arthur in Heaven" I couldn't continue.
3/14/2008 2:31:44 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
When my oldest daughter was not quite 2, she would use the "P" sound for words that started w/ the "K" sound. One Sunday morning after church, her Daddy was standing in the church talking to a group of men when our daughter ran up to him and said, "Piss Daddy, Piss!"
He picked her up and gave her the kiss that she wanted! 
3/14/2008 4:05:51 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Clarksville, TN
age: 34
My son, Alex, is bipolar and yesterday he was sitting on the couch talking in two voices while watching tv. He wanted cookies and juice for him and his friend and then he would talk in his normal voice and ask "how do you like you cookies" and then talk in a 2nd voice, "they are great."
Sort of scary but good.
3/18/2008 4:43:29 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
I have another one to share.... this time it is about my middle son.
A few years ago, it was getting close to Christmas time and I was really struggling financially. On top of that, I was having some problems with my vehicle and couldn't afford the necessary repairs. A friend talked to the owner of a local bar and he made some phone calls. A group of very wonderful people held a "Ride" for me and the children. All these bikers met up at the local bar where the children and I were waiting to "Hear the Thunder!" It was just an amazing thing and so kind of these people, most of whom didn't even know us.
As a thank you to these wonderful people, I taught my younger four children to sing "Rudolph" for everyone, complete with body motions, solo parts and everything. It was so cute! The children were up on bar's stage singing the song and of course people were taking pictures.
Fast forward to this year....
Recently my three younger chidren and I went out to eat for the first time at a fairly new resturant in town. We noticed signs all over the place advertizing "Friday Family Karaokee Night." The children wanted to go look at a big poster that had pictures of people singing karaokee, so I let them. They were all up there looking at that poster and I could see from my seat that they were really excited. I figured they had seen someone they knew. They all came running back to me and about half-way back my middle son, wanting to be the first to tell me, yelled out so that everyone in the resturant could hear, "MAMA! THERE'S A PICTURE OF US KIDS WHEN WE SANG IN THAT BAR FOR ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO GAVE US ALL THAT MONEY!"
Everyone stopped eating and stared at my RED face! I wanted to stand up and announce that I do not typically take my children to bars and have them sing to people for money But instead, I just got up and went to look at at the poster to see for myself. Sure enough, there was a picture of my kids, singing in a bar... for those people who gave us all that money! 
3/18/2008 4:48:11 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Tiffin, OH
age: 29
the other nite i asked my 4 yr old where my goodnite kiss was and he said its sleepin right now but it might wake up later! 
3/18/2008 9:05:49 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Jackson, GA
age: 39
Okay... this is my last post in this thread... Five children, five posts! I couldn't not share something funny or embarrassing about each one of them, now could I?
This time, my oldest son.... at around age 4.....
We were living in a small Nebraska town where there are not many non-caucasion people. He is biracial and looks much different than me. He noticed that people would stare at us sometimes and children at daycare had been asking him if he was adopted. He wanted to know why people stared and why everyone thought he was adopted, so I showed him a picture of his father and explained to him that his daddy was a African American man with black skin and I'm a Caucasion woman with white skin, and since he's our son, he's mixed with both white skin and black skin, but the black skin is darker and that's why he has black skin.
I told him that people stared at us & thought he was adopted because we look so different from each other because his skin is black and my skin is white. He wanted to know, if he was mixed with both black skin and white skin, where the white skin was at. (He's very dark skinned.) I told him that the white skin wasn't something you could see, but I'm his Mom so he has some of my white skin inside of him.
Not long after that conversation, his daycare provider pulled me aside and said to me, "Your son has been telling the other children that he's mixed with both black skin and white skin... and then he shows the kids the back of his hand and says, 'see, here's the black skin' and then turns over his hands palms up and says, 'see, here's the white skin!" He had discovered that the palms of his hands were much lighter than the rest of him... he found the white skin!
3/19/2008 7:37:29 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

North Little Rock, AR
age: 36
In saying the Lord's Prayer, my 6 yr old says Lead us not in to tempacation, but deliver us from evil...
My 10 yr old has a charming personality, very thoughtful, polite, all around good kid. He has girls follow him like bees to honey & I was teasing him a couple days ago as my phone exploded w/ calls two minutes after he walked in the door from school. He said mom, I guess I'm just gonna be a victim of cuteness. , then backed it up saying it's okay, but couldn't I have been born stronger than cuter?
3/19/2008 8:46:09 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Michigan, ND
age: 46 online now!
I got a call from one of my boy's head start teachers at work. Her husband worked for me so we were friends and we were laughing about this one. The call went something like this: " Mark, this is Liz at the school. Christopher is fine and doing well, but we might have a problem", Liz said. " What problem Liz, he told me last night he really likes you", I replied. Lis continued, " Well, this morning when the district staff was in touring the facilities, Christopher was standing on the table yelling HOLY SHIT, at the top of his lungs". Choke, gag, cough, " What, are you sure. Wait a minute, I think I'll have to have a talk with his big brother about this one Liz. Sorry for the embarrassment, it won't happen again" Big brother thought it was funny to teach little three year old twin brothers choice words prior to their first week of school. Interesting time at the dinner table that night.   
3/19/2008 9:27:31 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Omaha, NE
age: 54
When my youngest was still in high school the principal would call so often that I had to block his number. The last phone call I got was not about something my son said, but something he did.
"He keeps passing gas in class and laughing about it," the principal reported. I called him back to let him know he does the same thing at home.
3/22/2008 8:02:55 AM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Tremont, IL
age: 32
My son put his hand's on his knee's to bend over to stare at a n*gger kid . My son aint never seen one .
3/23/2008 3:17:37 PM |
What have your kids said, funny or embarassing...share... |

Chicago, IL
age: 34
My daughter was 2 1/2. Driving in the car she asked me something (don't quite remember what), I answered her question. She asks how do I know "that". Well, I jokingly said that Daddy knows everything. Her response: No you don't, Mommy does. Almost drove off the road.