Moodus, CT
age: 43
tell the truth

Stamford, CT
age: 32
Yes i thing so, maybe you are looking in the wrong place.

Naugatuck, CT
age: 39
Well,If you don't think so, Then you are not in Connecticut!! Theres plenty out there and remember, Beauty or hotness is only skin deep !! May I suggest the movie " Shallow Hal" ?

East Granby, CT
age: 58
Every woman can be someone's hot sexy lady...it depends on the people involved. Perhaps, if you are not finding them, then maybe YOU are the one with the problem. If you are not a very appealing person, then you're not likely to find someone who wants to be your hot sexy lady..maybe a personality change is in order.

Norwich, CT
age: 44
Looking for a hot and sexy lady, 1st try showing your face and then maybe they will reply to you profile. I know looks are only skin deep but it helps on a dating website.

East Hartford, CT
age: 33
Ya,I believe I fit the profile.We are out hear ya just gotta find us!Gosh I really miss that fealing

Bethel, CT
age: 49
Don't forget us on the other side of the state !