Richfield, UT
age: 37
What are your plans for this weekend??? Now the last time I asked this, yall stayed quite. C'mon now don't be shy tell us. I will be at a three day long field trial with my German shorthair and English pointer. There will be around 130??? dogs running, they are coming from three states. Each dog will run three times each day, total of nine runs per dog.That's a lot of running and work. I really hope my dogs are ready. I have been working them pretty hard for the last few months trying to get them in shape. Im excited to see friends I have not seen in a long time. To sit around swapping lies and ribbing eachother. If a dog does well at this trial he can make a good name for himself, and you can see where the future of each breed is headed. It is a great time. Anyway tell me what yall got planned, I know its not staying home watching Builder Bob and Sponge Bob???????