Prince George, BC
age: 50
i have traveled to china and the phillapines. i hear on other threads many things
and reason why a long distance relationship will or will not work. well forget the realtionship part and make a friend in an other country then go visit them. i found i saved thousands of dollers by doing this and meet some very nice ladies.example in
the phillapines manila a hotel for a tourist cost about 40 more if you book but if the local does hey 40 in your pocket. better yet rent a condo,when i was there 5 star hotel cost me 80 dollers u.s. a night condo booked by my friend in her building 125.00 a week.
china shopping in beijing no it is not cheap as you may think, but go with the locals and they bring you underground to where it cost you 10% for the same stuff they sell above ground in the fancy shops to catch the un seasoned tourist. just a thought for you travelers who go alone like i did.

Jackson, TN
age: 66
Did your friends happen to be female or males? You can bet for sure if a woman makes friends with a male and they are invited to vacation where they are it's always "benefits" expected. Somehow I would be afraid of this - did you have a background on these people before you left?
Prince George, BC
age: 50
well i went to see ladies of course. yet in all my trips to meet ladies i had talked with them for a long time meaning a year in one case and a little less in the others. i talked with these ladies at home and at there places of work so meet there work mates which some were men. i did the date things with my lady friend and when she was working some of the time i went out with her fellow male coworkers. they do want to show you around also and some spots ladies don't go oh and they don't have stippers where i went but girls in not much. so it was a beer with the guys showing me what night life was like in manila and also beijing.

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 38
I think this is a great idea. I have a tendancy to check out MySpace and for folks in areas I'm interested in going to. I find people my age with common interests and ask for advice on places to stay, go, things to do, etc. I usually end up meeting them and it's a blast - almost like we're old friends by then.
Also, have you ever heard of couch surfing? I'm thinking about trying that but again, I agree with you - taking time to get to know the person or family you plan to stay with is very important. And even then, not fool proof.
Thanks for your advice and information!