Anchorage, AK
age: 29
Ok I've been out of the whole dating loop for 7 years, but it seems things haven't changed. What's the deal ... I was suppose to meet with someone I met online and I got stood up with no phone call, email, or anything. I was hoping that with age came more maturity, but it seems that no matter the age nothing changes. Whats up with that and how do you guys handle it?

North Pole, AK
age: 45
well go out with me you wont be sorry and you wont get stood up either!! 

Sitka, AK
age: 48
Wow, when I saw this title I thought some one convinced you to come to Alaska and then stood you up. That would have been so cold and mean. But getting back to your story, I am sorry but it seems like the older some men get the more they are like kids in a candy store. I am finding out to carefully weed the garden of men just like I am sure they have to do to us women..
My advice is to throw your line back in and start fishing again. Go slow and cautious and who knows the next time around will be your prince charming..

Anchorage, AK
age: 29
OMG, if I had moved to Alaska for some guy ... I would have flipped. You are right about them being like kids in a candy store though. I mean I know that the female gender stands up guys as well. It's just come on everyone ... once you hit a certain age isnt it time to stop playing games and being childish!!
My line was back in the water the next day ... I just am going to have to watch what i pull up next time, cause I might need to throw it back.

Girdwood, AK
age: 38
yup, happy fishing!! guess i couldnt stand anyone up, i just keep myself out of those positions. HA hA not only can i not find a girlfriend, now i guess i have to be challenged with being 38......still fishin

Denali National Park, AK
age: 42
Hey, you should probably be glad he decided not to show, imagine what a waster he must be. No common courtesy, no thought.... Better rid now than later. Or maybe he got hit by a big truck whilst on his way to meet ya. Who knows...the least he could have done was given you a call whilst laying in the road.... Stay positive and don't let the @#$%&*#@ get ya down.