Fairview, UT
age: 29
what do you know about Sanpete county?

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Its where Sevier county sends its ugly chics to live. Where a toothbrush and comb collect cobwebs. Where sheep are scared. wasn't brokeback mountain filmed in ephriam canyon??? Where bartering for a wife still takes place, only daddy is paying the groom to PLEASE take his daughter. The term "turkey f**ker" stareted from there. A horses cinch length and the average womans dress size are the same. When they hear the term "nose candy" in a movie, they eat a booger. Its a place where Rodney Carrington visits to get ideas for new jokes/songs.
[Edited 4/3/2008 4:05:18 PM]

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
In other words it's just like the rest of the state.

Richfield, UT
age: 37
I don't know, I was in downtown SLC today and boy O boy. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I think the most beautiful women in the country were having a convention somewhere around there, good gawd!!! each one was prettier than the last. My tounge has foot prints from stepping on it a gillion times. Sanpete really aint all bad, not when compared to Wayne county!!! haha

Provo, UT
age: 35
truckerdude my whole family is from richfield and im sure you know them, dont put it down its a great place,wayne county is nice to my best friend just built a home thier
[Edited 4/3/2008 6:18:57 PM]

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Richfield is in sevier not sanpete. I live in sevier. Wayne is home to a bunch of my buddies, so is sanpete. Its all in fun buddy. They all have plenty to say about sevier county too, but none of it is true haha.

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 40
I know this subject is probably dead, but......
If I could live anywhere in Utah and still make a living, I think it would be in Sanpete Co. Fairview canyon has world class snowmobiling for about 10 months a year (sarcasm), you can buy a home with a yard (not sarcasm) and afford to go out once in a while. Crime rate is about 0, unless you include speeding. Mount Nebo is an unbelievable recreation area for motor sports. Horseshoe Mountain has some of the most scenic camping in America. Love the old town atmosphere, Manti, Spring City, Ephraim. Close enough to everything, yet far enough not to get bombarded by city life. Now if they would just build that 300 mph train to SLC so I could get to work on time, Wouldn't life be grand.
I would take Sanpete County any day of the week.
Take my opinion with a grain of salt, I live in SLC.