4/6/2008 1:01:53 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 29
Dont tell me I'm the only one who studdies ancient arcaine wisdom and Necromancy!!
Been studyin ancient Sumeria (Thousands of years before Babylon), arcaine wisdom, and Necromancy since I was 12.
4/6/2008 8:48:21 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Lexington, KY
age: 33
I study necromancy your not alone. I just dont announce it to often because of most peoples reaction.I am finishing up the book DEAD NAMES by Simon.I love Zacahria Stitchin's books they are great although at times can get repetitive and I tend to skip some pages.I just recently purchased the Necronomicon tarot, love it!
4/10/2008 5:31:55 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Never studied it, but I am about too!!! 
Can you share some info? 
4/10/2008 9:14:55 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Does this have anything to do with doing dead people?   
4/15/2008 7:25:47 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 29
Yes Deathman77!! Start by studying the Enuma Elish, and really get to know it!! You can google it!!! I have 10 different Necronomicons, so start collectin!! I have Abdul Alhazerds Al Azif, you can google that as well. Learn about the Annunaki and Neplilim, you can find info on that from you tube!! Learn about the ancient Sumerians, what they knew, what they accomplished, and their religion!! This can also be found on you tube!! You Tube Zacheria Sitchin, and learn from him, verry smart Jew!!! Be glad fore the enet, I had to learn all this shit from books and ancient texts!!! So get some and read as well!! More info from books than computers!!! Good luck to your studies, and may that ancient one have murcy on you soul!!! Mine is f*cked fore doom!!! Oh yeah, when you get the idea from studyin, Morbid Angel and other Death Metal will become more articulate!!
4/19/2008 2:38:18 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
Right on man!!! I have been studying it a bit already. I just didnt know the name for the studies!!! I have a lot more to learn though........
4/22/2008 12:46:12 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
Ive seen the books, how do i know which are the the ones that are authentic or not?
4/22/2008 10:30:38 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 29
Verry good question Travelgnome, smart man fore askin!!! All a necronomicon is is a sorcerors hand book, and most was written in ancient arabic!! Poeple who found them had them translated in Greek, then later latin!! Good example was Theodorus Philetas!!! He translated Abdul Alhasreds necronomicon into Greek, then made copies and they where scattered!! The Catholic church found out, and made him stand in front of the church to denounce his work. After Philetas died, the church ordered these books to be burned fore the greater glory of god!! By this time they gathered a little over 100 copis, and burned them in the spot that Philetas denounced his work!! Only a few books survived!! But alot of ancient scrools and necronomicons have been translated over centuries, and you can get alot of differnt views on one subject!! This is lost ancient arcaine knolege from the time before man!! Whos to say whats right and whats wrong, but most books are around the same!! The most I can say do what I've done!! Grab all the books you can, learn, then draw your own conclusion!! But all books will guide you tward the right path!! Good luck bud, and learn all you can!! Fore al knowlege is power, consume everything!!!!! Read my blogs on my profile if ya like!!!
[Edited 4/22/2008 10:36:41 AM]
4/25/2008 7:33:04 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Fairview Heights, IL
age: 47
The Ancient Ones
Mocking were the seas of time
Rolling out in line
Hands steady over the waves
Like old, wrought iron staves
Deep, dark shining world
Full of life and wonder
Keeping ancient cities hidden
That's been there many eons
Below the sea, all is still
Plants dance of their own will
But deeper down away from the sun
Dreams the horrid Old Ones
Necronomicon says that Cthulhu calls
All to perceive and follow
But 'all writ down at peril of their own lives'
Mythos, Magick, Book of Black Earth
And stars of strife
Copyrighted 1982
[Edited 4/26/2008 11:57:55 AM]
4/26/2008 10:27:04 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 29
Yeah Raven........Great Lord Cthulhu lies dead but dreamin in his house in the sunken R'lyeh. He made be dead, but his brain forever dreams, and his body constantly regenerats itself!! When R'lyeh resurfaces, his mind will reach his follers, and they will release him. When the stars are relined, and become wholesome again fore the Old Ones, Cthulhu will rise and conquer!! Nothing will withstand his fury!!
Ph'nglui mglw'naf Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Ia!! Translatin of preyer....
At his house in R'lteh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming; it is so!
That is not dead wich can eternal lie, and with stranger aeons death my die!!
Abdul Alhazred 730AD Ia Ia Cthulhu Fhtagn!!
Yig, Yog-Sothoth, Cthulhu, Azathoth, Shub-Niggurath, Nyarlathotep, And Dagon!!!
[Edited 4/26/2008 10:30:07 AM]
4/26/2008 12:00:34 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Fairview Heights, IL
age: 47
The ancient Aztecs predicted that the planets will align on Dec. 12, 2012.
And then we'll see the Old Ones return!
4/26/2008 1:00:48 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 29
The 12th planet Niburu will pass through our solar system on that date!! The gravitational pull will stop the Earh from spinnin, and pull the Earth at a 90 degree angle, like it does every 3600yrs!! After it passes the Earth will start to spin again!! This will trigger mega sunamis, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, and super hurricanes!! After the polar shift 90 percnt of people will parrish. When the earth spins again the rest will be wiped out by natural desasters!! And behold the earth will be renewed, and cleandes from humanity..Like Sitchin says.....If ya look at Earths history, it seems like every 3600yrs, theirs major changes in the time lines.....And I think personall that the plannets putt is what separated the Pangia!! The Myan, Aztecs, and Sumerians all knew of this!! The sumerians 7000yrs agoe knew everything about the solar system and planets!! They knew their size, shape, order, color, and that Uranus was tilted!! We never new that uranus was tilted until 1930s. Dont you think its strange that all these ancient civilizations knew all this shit!! And youre right Raven, this shift will make the stars nonpoisonus, and the Old Ones will rule once more!! Smart man you are!!
The race that live on Niburu are the Annunaki (Nephilin)!! It has already been spotted and governments are keepin this info from leaking. It will start world wide pannic. The US gov has already tried to sieze all Zacheria Zitchins work, and all that he has learned about the Annunaki. If the 12th planet really exists, we will find out on 12/24/2012!! May somthin help us all!!
[Edited 4/26/2008 3:14:01 PM]
4/29/2008 5:53:53 PM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Fairview Heights, IL
age: 47

Dec. 21, 2012 @ 10:00 am GMT
5/15/2008 8:36:15 AM |
Wheres All the Necromancers At |

Ball Ground, GA
age: 36
What exactly does that mean. I mean I was born raised and still am Southern Baptist (don't kick me out!) but I like to read about things such as this. I believe in the paranormal and things like that. Sorry if that is not what this thread is about. I am just curious. Thank You