4/9/2008 3:00:34 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
Let's say 0(zero) is total failure and 5(five) is overwhelming success. How would you rate your internet dating experiences. I'm not just talking about this site but all the internet dating sites you are on or have been on. COMMENTS AND EXPLANATIONS ARE ENCOURAGED OF COURSE.
I rate my internet dating success at ONE! Woe is me! 
I many have more to say about my own experiences or lack of them as people respond.
4/9/2008 4:18:26 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
I have never been on one until my buddy had me sign up here. I get several emails a day. I have met one chic that emailed me in the first day or so of me signing up. We talk everyday, several times in fact. If were not talking then its text, We texted from delta to sheridan WY.Fifteen hours straight non-stop. The first time we met, we just sat drinking beer talking. the next thing we knew the sun was on its way up. She's a way cool chic. There are others that I have just done the email thing with, just general conversation, Im sure if I wanted to I get get a date with several of them. But Im diggin this other chic, so its just buddies. So Id really have to say a five if I pursed it, so... a four?? yep a four.
4/9/2008 8:23:40 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Tremonton, UT
age: 51
It sucks. Been stood up 5 times by women who set up the time and place to meet and then they don't show up. Like they scout you out and decide your not what they want and leave you standing. How can anyone know what a person is like until they meet them?
4/9/2008 9:29:50 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
Harley, that sucks big!!!! Id call them beeaches out right here on this forum. Why would they bother to set something up then pull that crap. From reading your post, you seem to be a good guy, If you read through theses forums that's what these women say they really want. The only thing I can think to suggest is email long enough to get their phone number then talk, or meet at a club, if they don't show there are plenty of other women to talk to. Hey ladies are you reading My bud Harleys post???? This is why its hard to find that great guy. once they get burned, they don't wanna play the game no more. Then you get stuck with some guy that's a d*ck, and then you get to whine, boo hoo where are all the good guys.
4/10/2008 1:07:17 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
It doesn't look like any women are going to weigh in on this so I guess us guys can talk freely. I'm amazed at your success story trucker. To be honest I never expected to hear that, especially from someone who doesn't have a picture posted. Harley... all I can say is you're not alone in your frustrations. Thank you for your opinion!
Is there a way to disguise that you've clicked on someone's profile at this site? I visit another site and that is an option. I'm wondering (hoping) that there are more women that check out my profile than are on record as having done so.
4/10/2008 2:31:00 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Richfield, UT
age: 37
I think it comes from posting on these boards??? They think Im funny or have a question about something, call me names and are rude in a email for something I posted, then by emailing I clear up what I said, then were buds ect... I can't post a picture here, but I can email one, so that may be why??? I think there is away to be invisible and that's what's happened with you. Dude your a stud, I think the women are going invisible to check out your profile cause they don't feel worthy. Im sure that's what's goin on.
4/10/2008 4:28:40 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
How do you turn yourself invisible?
4/10/2008 4:40:15 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
Took me a minute to find it...but, when you're on your home page, click on account options. You'll be taken to several options and this might be the one you want.
Who I've Viewed Enabled: True (Turn Off)
When you click on profiles, members will be able to see that you have viewed them using the 'Who has viewed my profile' link on the My Home page. Only people you are searching for will see that you viewed them (for example, if you are a man looking for a woman between 30-45, only women basically between 30-45 will see that you viewed them). You can turn this feature off, enabling you to view profiles privately. However, keep in mind that a lot of connections have been made from this feature. You might miss out on meeting that special someone. Plus, if you opt out of this, you won't be able to see who has viewed your profile either. We recommend keeping it on.
4/11/2008 12:35:45 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
Thank you coffee lover for that information. I'm too lazy to go search it out for myself I guess. You clicked on my profile a couple weeks ago or longer, coffee, and you're still the last person to click on my profile, though I admit I haven't sent any contact messages during that time. You should have sent me a 'wink'! LOL
4/11/2008 12:39:59 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
AHHHHH..... is someone having a little fun at my expense? *grin*...I like your sense of humor.
4/11/2008 12:42:43 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 53
I wouldn't make fun of you in a mean way coffee. I'm your biggest fan! Without you this place would wither away and die.
4/11/2008 12:55:29 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
I didn't take it in a mean way...LOL I was appreciating your sense of humor..*grin* Wither up? OHHH, I don't think so, but you're sweet to say it.
4/11/2008 8:48:45 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Fountain Green, UT
age: 18
hmmm well i would have to say mine is about a 3 or so maybe a 4.....yea bout that....the first day i was on here i didnt get that many emails but now i have about 4 different guys that want to come see me....i have found some great girls and some great guys on here!!! so lets all party!!!!  
4/11/2008 8:52:09 PM |
How would you rate your internet dating success? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 57 online now!
It's been great to talk to a lot of interesting people, I agree with you on that!