Loves Park, IL
age: 44

Calgary, AB
age: 55
There is a suggestion for a group for substance abuse/addiction with 383 postings.
I know every addiction is somewhat different, but the problems, patterns, etc are the same.

Loves Park, IL
age: 44
Thank you very much Rose ~ I appreciate you telling me about this group ~ ~ Where can I find it? ~ I will look on my own also ~ Hopefully I would be in the ball park with this kind of question and have people who identify with some of my persinal issues that I am dealing with, that may understand ~ Maybe my idea for this poll was too specific and as you say ~ With the other group it addresses addictions whatever they may be... ~ Thank you again ~ HUGS ~ Bonita 

Calgary, AB
age: 55
Hi, Bonita, it is actually in the same category of Suggested Groups.
I think it is a good idea to connect to some of the people there that
appear to be healthy and working on keeping their addiction in control.
Good luck to you, hon.