4/11/2008 7:59:32 PM |
Cat question????? |

Wildomar, CA
age: 55
How can you tell if your cat is pregnant or just in season. She is driving me crazy!!! She is very young but she escaped through a heating vent on the floor. If she is PG should I separate her from my other female cat?
4/12/2008 11:50:14 AM |
Cat question????? |

Calgary, AB
age: 55
A cat can get pregnant very young, 5 months. No reason to seperate a pregnant cat from other cats that she already lives with. She could still be spayed if it has only been a few days.
4/13/2008 9:02:07 AM |
Cat question????? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
Take your cat to the vet, have her spayed and let her be free of the burden of twice a year or so having a litter of unwanted kittens.
Unspayed cats produce about 6 kittens a litter...if half of them are female, within 6 months they each can produce apprx 6 kittens each and the beat goes on.
Do you want to see you cats kittens put down? Of course not.
I know---you can find homes for them all, right? NOT.
Have her spayed, you and she will be better companions to each other and you will have saved a lot of anguish to your cat and to the kittens in the future.
If you doubt this, google unwanted kittens and there is a ton of info on this, telling the world just what I have.
I worked for a vet a a tech for years and got so sick and tired of spaying pregnant cats...some of the kittens were almost to term. I never got tired of doing a routine spay cause I knew i was actually saving lives.
There that is my rant for the day. I can now go horseback riding.
4/19/2008 8:45:24 PM |
Cat question????? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Trust me when I say you can NOT find homes for kittens or cats. I've not had any of my cats breed but others I know end up with kittens and nowhere to take them but the shelter. I can't see putting otherwise healthy animals down, our shelters are overflowing. So now....the INN at my house is full.
4/19/2008 10:56:41 PM |
Cat question????? |

Pearland, TX
age: 25
If your cat is pregnant it would be in your best interest to take her to the vet and separate her from your other cats you have no idea of knowing if she contracted aids and if your other cat was to bite or they get into a fight then it would be passed to the other cat. Again you should take her to the vet to avoid any complications and for your own peace of mind and get her fixed while your at it I am a foster home for kittens and cats that works under the no kill policy however I will tell you that if your cat has kittens and you don't find them homes and then the kittens grow up and have more kittens you are basically sentencing them to death its sad but a true fact so you may want to think about really getting her fixed.
4/20/2008 2:41:19 PM |
Cat question????? |

Knapp, WI
age: 46
I had many cats through out the years.
No you do not have to seperate the 2 females.
There maybe that chance that your cat is pregnet.
1 way to tell is touch her bellie. If its hard and she looks like she is getting Fat,
you have a WINNER.
First time pregnetceies, some times they loose your babies. Abort them naturally.
Its natures way of saying that its not her time yet.
Watch her.But chances are that you may become gramma of her litter.
I wish you good luck.
But if she is still meowing yet,shes not. It lasts for 7 days.
Aides in cats is not possible at all.
Don't worry about that.
[Edited 4/20/2008 2:42:58 PM]
4/25/2008 8:46:15 AM |
Cat question????? |

Bessemer, AL
age: 20
My cat has had three litter.
Her first litter, she produced 1 kitten who died ( i think from her lack of experience and being so young of a mother )
Her second litter, she had 1 kitten
Her third litter she had 4 kittens ( who are currently 2 weeks old and in a box in my living room )
Its very unpredictable to say how many they are going to have but they only carry for 3 months so if your cat is pregnant, you need to have her checked out right away.
To normally know when she is in heat... like a horse when you at patting her or what not, when you get to her tail, she will normally lift it and back up towards you.
Another way of knowing she is pregnant, is watch her stomach... her nipples will start to get hard, big and full ( lol like us females! )
4/28/2008 6:31:28 PM |
Cat question????? |

Glasgow, MT
age: 61
FIV (Feline Immumodeficiency Virus) is a retrovirus in the same family as the human AIDS virus, with a few significant differences. It is estimated that in the United States, 2% of cats are infected with the FIV virus. Saliva to blood (biting) is generally accepted as the primary source of spreading the virus, and it is unlikely (but not impossible) that cats will spread FIV by drinking or eating out of the same food dish, or by mutual grooming. It is not surprising that outdoor cats are particularly susceptible to the virus, and the best way to prevent infection with FIV virus is to ensure that your cat stays indoors only, which eliminates the possibility of contact with FIV cats.
Another, less common means of transmission is from the mother cat (Queen) to her kittens during gestation, during birth, or by nursing. There is comfort in the fact that not all FIV queens pass the virus on to their kittens. This phenomenon is not fully understood, but all kittens from FIV mothers should be tested for the FIV antibodies after six months.
Please have your cats vacinnated against any and all possible diseases for a long and healthy life. If unsure about the list of diseases, consult your vet on your NEXT VISIT.
5/2/2008 7:36:03 PM |
Cat question????? |

Mount Pleasant, PA
age: 38
Female cats carry their kittens 6 weeks. And can reproduce 2 weeks after delivering that litter. SO it will be more than 2 litters per year. You don't need to seperate her from the female cats, just the toms as they have been known to kill and eat the babies. The local humane society should be able to help with a low cost spay.
5/4/2008 8:22:46 AM |
Cat question????? |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
you cannot finds homes for cats and kittens. that is why i have so many. the shelters are full and if they weren't my cats aren't going there to be mistreated or put down.
5/4/2008 8:23:54 AM |
Cat question????? |

Middleport, OH
age: 50
garnetlady you are correct and i agree with you.
5/19/2008 1:33:38 PM |
Cat question????? |

Springfield, IL
age: 60
The gestation period for cats is about 65 days. At about 3 weeks, if she is pregnant, her nipples should start to "pink up". You can see the difference in the color but if you've never noticed it is sometimes hard to tell. You can get her x-rayed but you have to wait about 45 days before the bones are solid enough to see. If you are good, you can palpatate the stomach, but I've never been very good at it and usually just relied on x-rays. That way, you know how many to expect so if that many don't ultimely show up, you know something is wrong.